Page 14 of Making His Baby (Forbidden Fantasies 12)
Pepper smiles.
“Oh cool! So both you and your sister are into animals, right?”
“Yeah, for sure. I wish I got to spend more time with animals though.”
She looks at me with confusion.
“Oh, you don’t get to spend much time as part of your job?”
I smile ruefully.
“Not really. I work for an agricultural company, but you know Big Ag. A lot of work doesn’t take place outdoors anymore, at least not for a white collar stiff like me. I wear a suit most days now.”
I wait for Pepper to tell me how much it sucks that I’m a corporate drone, and how boring she thinks that life is. But she just smiles.
“As long as you like it,” she says in a gentle voice. I’m glad for her understanding, although I don’t offer more details. But Pepper is curious and intelligent, and she asks me more about my job.
“So what do you do exactly?” she asks. “Besides fly a desk.”
I grin.
“I do a lot with numbers.”
“Oh, I get that. Trust me, I totally get it. My parents want me to start as a junior real estate agent at their company, so there’s a lot of number crunching associated with it. But I can’t imagine selling houses all day.”
I stare at her curiously. I can’t fathom this gorgeous girl dressed in a ugly, boxy suit with her hair scraped back in a bun. It’s totally wrong.
“What do you want to do then, if not real estate?”
She sighs.
“I honestly don’t know. I work at a coffee shop right now and I genuinely like it, even if it pays very little. Being a barista is fun and the customers are great. Maybe I’ll open my own coffee shop someday? I don’t know. I just know that I want to work for myself, and not for someone else.”
“That’s impressive,” I nod. “It’ll be great to be your own boss.”
Pepper shoots me a smile, but it’s a little troubled.
“Yeah, right? Who knows what will happen though? My parents are pushing me to join them, and I might have to give in soon because I have no other options. They’d be pissed if I kept working at the Coffee Perk, and they might even ask me to move out. I’ve been crashing at home since graduation,” she explains.
I stop and take Pepper’s other hand in mine. “Don’t ever settle just because your parents want you to,” is my serious comment. “It’s your life, and you have to follow your passion. I really mean it. If real estate is going to mean a living death, then you can’t do it.”
Pepper sighs. “You’re right, but make Maryanne and Ben see it that way.”
I shrug.
“Well, I could talk to them. I’m more their age than yours.”
Pepper laughs.
“No you’re not! My parents are ancient, and you’re nowhere near that generation!”
I waggle my brows.
“I might be older than you think.”
“Oh really?” she teases. “Are you an old man?”
I laugh. “I wouldn’t say I’m an old man, but I graduated college a while back. I’m older than you, that’s for certain.” She smiles.
“Have you been working at the agricultural company all this time?”
I shake my head. “No. Actually, I tried my hand on the rodeo circuit right after college. It was the best time of my life, which is why I mean it when I say follow your dreams.”
Pepper’s eyes widen. “Oh, wow, that’s impressive! So you were a real cowboy!”
I grin and nod.
“You got it. I loved the rodeo, but I got injured and had to give it up. I still go whenever I can though.”
Her expression goes solemn and she squeezes my hand.
“I’m sorry you got injured, Travis,” she says in a quiet voice. “That must have been difficult, both physically and emotionally.”
I nod.
“It was, but it’s okay because I was getting old to be a rider. Those bulls are really something and they will fuck you up if given the chance. But anyways, the point is that I did what I dreamed of doing. I didn’t let anyone tell me what to do with my life, and you have to do the same, sweetheart. If opening a coffee shop is your dream, then make it happen.”
Pepper smiles softly. “You’re right. I love how you believe in me, Travis, although we just met, but yeah. I’ve been saving up as much money as I can for a down payment on some equipment and maybe even a lease. I think I’ll be able to do it in the next couple years. I just have to hold my parents off until then. They’re tough though. Maryanne and Ben are successful real estate agents in part because of their tenacity.”
I lean in and kiss Pepper passionately, surprising her. She tenses but then softens, and melts into me. I love her immediate reaction and pull that curvy body close. When we finally break apart, Pepper’s eyes meet mine.