Page 92 of When She Belongs
She nods. "Come to bed."
Is she sure she wants me? A broken-down ex-soldier with nothing to offer? Because I know if I claim Sophie in every way possible, I'm not going to be able to let her go. She's going to grab my heart in her small human fists and shatter it when she leaves. I know this…and yet I still get into bed with her.
Because I am a fool when it comes to her, and I do not even care.
Sophie lets out a happy little sigh, sliding her arms around me as I lie down in the bed next to her. She is beautiful, her dark hair spilling out over the mattress. She runs her hands over my chest, a smile curving her lips as I get comfortable. I lean on one elbow, pulling her close and settling her smaller body against mine. I'm not going to mount her right away like an animal. I want to touch her, to make this as enjoyable an experience for her as I possibly can. I'm well aware of her past and that she needs to be treated gently.
"Next time we do that—if there's a next time—you should use the bed," Sophie tells me, her fingers tracing little lines on my sleeve. "I don't like the thought of you hurting your knees."
"Why wouldn't there be a next time?"
She shrugs. "I wouldn't force you to do anything you didn't like. Some guys aren't into that kind of thing."
"Sophie." I touch her cheek, fascinated by the curve of her soft mouth. "I would have you for my meal twice a day if I could. Nothing tastes better than you."
Her eyes gleam with pleasure, and her smile grows broader with relief. "Oh, good. Because that was amazing and I definitely want to do it again." She grabs my collar, burying her face against my throat, and giggles. "I liked it a LOT."
My heart aches. She's so precious to me, this female. "Then I will do it, a lot. It will be my pleasure, trust me."
Sophie smiles and moves a little closer to me, her nose rubbing against mine. She beams another blindingly bright smile in my direction and then kisses me. "Mmm. You taste like me."
"You've tasted yourself before?"
She shrugs. "Out of curiosity when I was younger. It doesn't taste like you though."
I love her taste. I love the musky, sultry flavor of her slick. "And what do I taste like?"
"Mmmm." She considers for a moment. "Bitter?"
Figures. "That sounds like me, yeah."
Sophie wiggles closer, kissing me again. "You're not bitter to me. You're perfect."
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I do have a reputation for being a bit of an unpleasant male," I tell her, even as her lips move along my jaw in the lightest of nibbles. My cock is so hard I'm leaking into my trou, but she feels so keffing good I just want to etch this moment into my mind for all time.
"You can be unpleasant to everyone else," she whispers. "As long as you're always perfect to me."
"I would never be unpleasant to you." I touch her shoulder, unable to resist caressing one of the enticing breasts that are bare and so very close nearby. "At least, not now that I know you." I lean in and kiss her, tongues tangling, and thumb her nipple. It stiffens against my touch, and she lets out a low moan against my mouth.
The word pulses through my mind once more. I can't wait to fill her with my seed, to push so deep inside her that her body quakes around mine. The thought makes me pause. "I…can't make you pregnant, can I? Do we need to get plas-film?"
"No." She arches against my hand, her mouth greedy on mine. "You…me…we're not compatible…without help." She speaks between kisses. "Can't happen."
I'm oddly disappointed. I suspected as much, but the idea of filling Sophie with my child is a pleasant one. If I got her pregnant…I could keep her forever. But that'd also trap her, and I would never do such a thing. It's just a wild, possessive thought, like so many that I have when it comes to Sophie. "All right."
It just means I need to make every moment with her special. So I kiss her gently, my hand on her soft breast. The nipple is tight under my touch, and I tease it even as I claim her mouth. It doesn't take long for Sophie's sated expression to change, for her sighs to become more urgent. She makes an impatient sound when I pull back to rip the towel off my hips and toss it onto the floor.
I glance down at her inviting body and realize for the first time…just how small she is compared to a mesakkah female. How delicate. My hand looks enormous against her chest, and I worry I'm going to hurt her. That this will be uncomfortable for her. My prosthetics are heavy and I'm not as flexible as other males. What if I press on something sensitive without meaning to and harm her? What if my circuits act up? What if—