Page 90 of When She Belongs
"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." At least not for a few more days. For some reason, the thought makes a flutter of unhappiness coil in my belly. I don't ever want to leave. I don't belong with the va Sithai. I belong here.
Problem is, I haven't been asked to stay. Maybe Jerrok's short-tempered because he just wants everyone to leave…myself included. The thought's a crushing one. It makes the breath escape my lungs, and I'm barely paying attention when he unfastens the collar of my sturdy work jumper.
"Can I touch you all over?" he asks.
Oh. My body immediately flushes with heat and Jerrok has my undivided attention. I realize that we're not going to the bed, and a fascinating tingle unfurls through me. Touch me all over? "Yes."
"Kiss you all over? Kiss you here?" His hand goes boldly between my legs, cupping my pussy.
I bite back a gasp. He's going to put his mouth on me? Pleasure me? I've…never had that done. No one's ever gone down on me just so I could experience what it's like. "Please."
He lets out a little growl of pleasure that makes my skin prickle, and then Jerrok tears at my jumper, shoving it down my shoulders and letting it pool around my hips. I work my arms free of the material, desperate to be naked, to get the gift that I've been promised. When I was an untouched teenager, all the books and movies made a big deal about oral sex. How mind-blowing it would be. Then I got kidnapped by aliens and sold as a slave, and no part of my body was mine anymore. Sex became something to be endured, not enjoyed.
Which wasn't to say that I didn't have the occasional orgasm. Sometimes it just happened—through chemical means or enough friction. Those were worse, though, because I didn't want it. It felt like someone else was claiming victory over my body when it happened, and it always left me with a sense of loathing.
Things are different with Jerrok, though. He's waited for me to learn to like myself again. He's held me so tenderly while I came, and last night, he touched me and put his fingers into me, and it didn't feel wrong at all. It felt wonderful.
So I want this. I absolutely want this, and I'm just as eager as he is. It feels like a gift, though I'd never say anything so silly aloud.
He holds my hips and presses kisses on my exposed skin, and I sigh with pleasure. I love Jerrok's mouth, love the way he's so fervent about everything. I love the way he's always careful with me—every time he's touched me, he's gone out of the way to make sure that I'm all right with everything.
I really am lucky that the universe brought me to him.
I run my fingers through his messy hair as he pulls the last of my clothing off, tearing my panties away. I'm not even mad about that. Instead, I'm thinking about how when I first arrived, he was filthy and always wore dirty clothing, like he didn't give a care about what he looked like. Now, he washes up every day, and I know that's for me. He's trying to be better…for me. It fills me with all kinds of warmth to realize that. His hair's still tangled, though, as if he doesn't quite know what to do with it. Maybe I'll brush it for him later. He liked that. He needs someone to take care of him, just like he needs someone to take care of—
I suck in a breath as his hot mouth goes to the inside of my thigh.
"Look at me when I taste you, Sophie," he growls, deep and possessive.
"I am." I focus my gaze on his face, not his hair. "I'm here."
He looks like a devil, all horns and bright eyes as he flicks his tongue over the inside of my leg. "I want you to watch me use my tongue on you." He nips at my skin. "Want you to know that it's me tasting your cunt. Me licking you until you come. I want to hear my name on your lips. Understand?"
There's a possessive urgency to him that shocks me, just a little. It's a good kind of shock, though. My nipples tighten and heat pulses between my thighs. I nod, since he seems to need an answer, and he tugs me forward, tilting my hips and forcing me to lean heavily on the comm station. My pussy is presented to him, my legs spread wide as he gazes down at my open body.
"Mine." He looks up at me and then lowers his head to taste.
My entire body prickles in response at the feeling of his tongue sweeping through my folds. I suck in a breath, not entirely sure what to think. I love how intense he is, how focused. There's a hard edge to his need right now, like I'm a craving he's been fighting to get under control—and lost. He slicks his tongue over my pussy twice, then lifts his head and studies my flesh. "Beautiful."