Page 79 of When She Belongs
"Too much," Bethiah says flatly, and then tilts her head thoughtfully. "Unless you want me to pry them off Jamef—"
"No, not like that." God, Jamef's prosthetics are not much of a step up at all. "You know what I mean. On the black market." I wave a hand. "Ask around and see who's selling."
Bethiah studies me. "I'll keep an eye out. He's never said anything, though."
"Why would he? He's proud." How many times have I offered to help him out only for him to snap at me when he's in obvious pain? He doesn't like to feel like he's weak or not in control…and I get that.
"Huh." The bounty hunter purses her mouth. "Guess that makes me a shitty cousin." Her eyes narrow. "You could see that pet of yours. He'd probably pay for everything and then some."
My heart clenches. The thought has crossed my mind—that Sleipnir, no matter how much I adore him, is worth an absolute fortune. I can't sell him, though. He deserves to live somewhere where he's loved and showered with affection and has as much freedom as possible. "He's not mine to sell," I say lightly.
I hate that I've thought about it, though. It feels traitorous. I wouldn't do it—just like Jerrok hasn't turned around and sold me to make some quick cash. There are boundaries, and I'm not so far over them that I'd destroy another living creature's happiness for my own.
The tricky part is that it's Jerrok, and I'm starting to feel like I'd do a great many things for his happiness. I killed a man for him, didn't I? And I didn't even think twice about it.
I smile politely at Bethiah as I set the blankets down at the foot of the bed and head toward Jerrok's quarters-slash-personal-workspace. He's not around, probably still feeding the carinoux. I change into my nightclothes and comb my hair out, sitting on the edge of the bed and waiting nervously for him.
Because it's time for kisses.49JERROKI groan as I return to my quarters and smell the scent of Sophie's need. Most of the time, her perfume is subtle, only enveloping my senses when I stand close to her. Tonight, though, her perfume seems to be everywhere.
She sits on the edge of the bed, her legs crossed as she rubs her calf and looks restless. Her eyes have that glassy, distracted look in them that tell me she is thinking about touching herself. I love that look on her face. I love that she's so enthusiastically reclaimed her body despite her fears. I love watching her fall apart in my arms as she clings to me.
And I can't wait for the day that she invites me to touch her.
Her gaze locks on me as I shut the door, her lips curving into a little smile. "Bethiah said she's sleeping on her ship."
"Good." I almost wish she'd take off with it, too. I don't like that she's brought a stranger on board, but my cousin can handle herself. It's more that she's around when I really want to just spend all this time alone with Sophie. It's like Bethiah knows what I'm thinking and has made it her personal goal to talk my ear off and keep us apart. "I could use a few hours away from her."
"Couldn't we all?" Sophie shifts her legs and then moves back on the bed, a silent invitation for me to join her.
I should go shower. My hands are clean, but I'm sure I did more than my share of sweating today as I worked on the ship that Bethiah is re-naming as The Pleasure Spot. "It's because no male can find it," she guffawed as she smacked me on the shoulder. But Sophie looks so enticing I find myself heading for the bed instead of the lavatory.
She looks up at me with shining eyes, and to my surprise, her hands go to my belt.
My cock, already aching, stiffens to new heights. Her hands are so close, her scent so musky and enticing… "What are you doing, Sophie?" I reach out and gently card my fingers through her soft hair. It was up earlier, and now it falls down around her shoulders like a dark cloud. It's beautiful. She's beautiful.
She leans into my caress, closing her eyes and pressing her cheek against my palm. "I missed you today."
When I was but a short distance away? My chest hurts from all the feelings that threaten to pour out. "My cousin is…enthusiastic."
Sophie turns her face, nuzzling against my hand, her lips pressing against my skin. "I don't want to think about her for the rest of the night."
Me either.
"Come to bed," she tells me. Her hands move to the clasp of my belt, and then she flicks the switch. The belt loosens and slithers, retracting. Sophie touches the auto-fastener on my trou next, her hand grazing over my cock.