Page 139 of When She Belongs
"If you're sure," Zoey says, sighing.
"I'm sure. You know where they are," Sophie says encouragingly. "You just need to hunt down this lord guy and find out where they're hiding out. Your brothers probably have a million hiding spots in the galaxy. They might just be lying low from bounty hunters. And if you need us, you know where we'll be."
She glances over at me, a look of promise in her eyes. Ever since we've left Three Nebulas, Sophie's been very clear as to our plans for the future. The run-in with the V'tarrians scared her, and not for herself. She's been extremely protective of both me and Sleipnir since that day, hovering over me and touching my arm constantly, as if reminding herself that I'm right next to her. At night, she holds onto me despite the enormous beast sleeping between us. And when I finished my business with Zakoar, Sophie made it clear to me.
She wanted to go home.
Home to my asteroid. Home to my station, where no one bothers the two of us. Home, where we can scrap and make love and sit under the leaves of the overgrown plants in the terrarium. Home, where we can be alone together. I never thought I'd meet a female who liked being left alone as much as I do, but Sophie is absolutely my match in that respect. She doesn't complain about being around the others constantly, but I can tell. There's an easing to her shoulders when we're alone together, as if she can finally relax.
"We'll keep the Little Sister safe for your brothers," Sophie promises. "She'll be home, with us."
Kef me, but I like the sound of that.85SOPHIEI sigh with relief when the Little Sister lands gently inside the docking bay at Jerrok's station.
It's been over a week now since we parted ways with the others. I can tell Zoey is disappointed by my choice, but after our attack? I refuse to put Sleipnir or Jerrok in danger again. I came too close to losing both of them, and the sight of both in the tubes in med-bay is going to be forever ingrained in my mind. I care for Adiron, Mathiras and Kaspar, but as I told Zoey, we'd be more hinderance than help. Jerrok's left a plentiful share of his credits with the crew of the Jabberwock, along with most of his weapons, and we piloted the Little Sister back to his remote, lonely asteroid belt.
I haven't slept a wink since we boarded the Sister, and I'm exhausted.
Jerrok reassures me that no one can be hiding on the ship again. That the Little Sister's computers were wiped clean and reprogrammed with duplicates from the Jabberwock. That there can't be anyone fooling the readings again, and the deceptive programming the V'tarrians filled the computers with has been removed. That every inch of the ship has been triple-checked, every hollow panel and hidey-hole investigated and there are no stowaways.
Doesn't matter. I still won't relax until we're safe. And once the Sister sets down and the bay doors close behind us, my ears popping as atmosphere floods into the bay, I feel all the worry sliding off my shoulders.
I feel like I can finally relax. Like we're home.
I let out a long, slow sigh the moment Jerrok powers down the Little Sister. He flexes his new hand, something he's been doing a lot lately, and he told me he does it now not because it pains him, but because he likes the feel of it moving, how fluid it is. I get that, and it fills me with a sweet ache every time I see him do it. He turns to me, a watchful expression on his face. "We're here."
"We are," I agree, leaning back in my chair and closing my eyes. It's so quiet. It's the first time I haven't heard the hum of the ship's engines in a while and it feels strange. There's a grunt behind us, and I hear the pad of Sleipnir's many feet on the floor. I turn around and he's looking at us with a bright, alert expression on his face, like a dog that just heard someone pick up his leash. I chuckle at the sight of him. "Are we home, baby boy?"
"Baby boy?" Jerrok gives me an incredulous look. "That thing takes shits bigger than you."
"Funny, considering you thought I was the one shitting on your floor at first," I tease, getting out of my chair. I groan like an old woman as the gravity of the station hits me, and when Jerrok pulls me into his lap, I don't protest. I just snuggle against him, tucking my head along the curve of his neck. "It's good to be home."
"We aren't even inside yet," he murmurs, stroking his fingers up my back.