Page 53 of Blame it on the Champagne (Blame it on the Alcohol 1)
Her parted lips begged me to kiss her, to take and take and take. Wanting to prolong the moment, wanting to see if I could hear the plea for more fall from her lips, I held back. Instead, lifting my hand higher to smooth over her breast. My thumb swiped back and forth, bringing the hard tip to life, pinching the tender bud.
“You’ll be my wife soon enough. Why not just give in? Sweeten the deal of our bargain.”
And just like that, the woman melting in my arms stiffened. A firm hand landed against my chest, shoving me back easily.
“I may be agreeing to marry you, but that’s it. I’m not selling my body like a prostitute. Besides, you couldn’t afford me. I’m not like all the other women you only had to snap your fingers at to make them jump. Unfortunately for you, I’m more work than that.”
She stormed past, even having the audacity to clip me with her shoulder. A single laugh slipped free, a little turned on by her defiance. More than a little turned on with the way she almost caved under my touch. She may not want to admit how much she wanted me, but soon enough, we’d live under the same roof, and she’d have nowhere to run.
I snagged a glass of champagne and left the room, giving my future bride a reprieve. I’d only gone a few feet when voices had me slowing to a stop out of view.
“I’ve already asked twice.”
“Angelo was always a stubborn asshole. Jealous of my company name.”
I didn’t recognize the first voice right off the bat, but I knew Lorenzo’s in my sleep.
“Which is why if we don’t marry, my name isn’t going on the building. He won’t invest as much as he initially agreed if the Conti name isn’t right next to Mariano.”
I couldn’t stand having him here, but appearances demanded no one be left out. Especially someone so high ranking in Verana’s family company.
“Cazzo! Camila’s family haunts me even when they aren’t around. That damn amendment in the company contract. Having to be a family member to add their name to the company is archaic and bullshit. It’s my company. I should be able to add whoever I want.”
Lorenzo forcing Vera to marry Camden made a lot more sense after that angry rant. I knew Mariano Shipping was crumbling, but I never expected Lorenzo to sell off his own daughter to some asshole like Conti to save it.
Although, I should’ve known better. I knew first-hand how cold and calculated he could be. It made taking Vera away from him all the sweeter and left me with zero regrets about using her in this game. She should be grateful it was me instead of Camden, she was forced to marry for reasons outside of her control.
“Fucking Rush,” Camden sneered. “Something new and shiny in front of Vera, and she’s off after his dick like a whore.”
My fists clenched, and I moved to round the corner when a thud followed by an oomf stopped me.
“That’s my fucking daughter you’re talking about,” Lorenzo growled.
“A daughter you were selling off to me to save your company,” Camden shot back, slightly strangled.
“I did it with the interest that you’d take care of her. Not be some selfish prick that chased her off. Don’t look at me like I ruined this when your shitty personality pushed her away.”
“Whatever. She’s a lost cause and missed out. Rush is new money without half the connections we have. He’ll never be able to provide the life she’s used to.”
“This is all a fucking mess.”
“But not a lost cause. My father will still invest as I’m working my way to the top. All we need is another investor. I’ll play the long game, and whenever Verana leaves that arrogant asshole, I’ll be there to sweep in. We’ll marry, and the Conti name will be added to Mariano. We just need patience.”
“And a silent investor. And hope that Verana doesn’t get knocked up in the meantime. Camila’s father left only a few shares in her name when he passed away, but any child of Vera’s would get more. With the way things are going, losing any more shares is too dangerous. I needed to keep as many as I could under my control.”
“Our control,” Camden corrected.
“Whatever,” Lorenzo grumbled. “I’ll call my lawyers to ensure I protect what is mine—what I have left of Camila. Not that Rush has enough money to be a threat.”
Disgust rolled in my stomach. Part of me wanted to believe he cared for Vera, but not as much as his company. She was a pawn to him.
Fucking over someone else’s family was one thing. But to do it to your own was another.
My determination inched higher. I’d take his company, and I’d take his daughter, protecting her from the two monsters on the other side of the wall.