Page 4 of Beauty in Summer (Beauty 2)
“How much money do you want?” I thrust my hands into my pockets and stare across the stone terrace at the woods beyond. I need a run—a long one preferably that ends in a hunt. Or perhaps a fight with Donal, one of the pack’s enforcers. He is one of the few that can keep up with me when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.
I’m going to need something after laying eyes on the morsel of femininity that Cairns and his schemes dragged to BMI. Even though my back is to her, the image of her is imprinted in my head. She’s probably big for a human, but she barely reaches my shoulder. Her body is lush, round in the hips with fleshy thighs my fingers are aching to dig into. She has berry-colored lips that invite licks and nips, and breasts that would fill my big hands. And her scent… Involuntarily I inhale deeply again and am barely able to suppress a shudder as I breathe in that incredibly delicious smell.
My cock strains against the zipper of my dress slacks. Blood pounds in my head as the wolf urges me to drag her down on the floor, rip off her flimsy clothing, and bury my face in her cunt.
“How much?” I seethe. “Answer me.”
“How much what? Money? I don’t want your money.”
“Then why did you come?” I can see her reflection in the glass. She cocks her head, trying to catch my expression. The wolf tells me to turn around and let her take a good look at us. She’ll like what she sees, he says confidently. No, she won’t, I tell him. She’d run out of here screaming, and then we’d have police so far up our ass, they’d be looking at our colons.
“My parents told me about this job. Actually, you know what? I don’t want to work here, so you don’t deserve any explanations. If anything, I deserve the explanations. I’m the one who was locked in here.”
She’s strong, approves the wolf. Go take her.
I ignore the wolf. “Go then.”
The wolf slashes angrily, sending a bolt of white-hot pain into my skull. I reel from the blow. A cry of distress rings out. It’s not from me, I realize. It’s from her.
She’s run over to me. Run right into the danger zone. The wolf raises its nose to the air and howls.
Mate. Mate. Mate.
Chapter Four
“Are you all right?” I ask, laying my hand on the big guy’s arm. One minute he was staring out the window and the next, he was spinning around as if someone punched him in the face.
His eyes catch and hold mine. The flecks of gold that were only small specks in his eyes have overtaken the pupil, giving him an eerie, internal glow.
His lips move. I lean in to hear him. Did he say mine? No, that can’t be right. It was fine. He said fine. “You don’t look fine.” I lay a hand across his forehead. He feels hot, like burning hot. “Holy shit. You’ve got a wicked fever. Come on.” I tug him to one of the sofas and urge him to lie down.
He obeys docilely. He stretches out, making the oversize sofa look small. I crouch down next to him and feel his forehead again.
“Do you have a doctor you regularly see?”
His brows squeeze together. “Why?”
“Because if your fever is too high, you could have a seizure.”
“No doctor.”
I release a sigh of irritation. “You’re a cliché, you know that, right? It’s not a macho thing to avoid seeing an expert about a medical condition.” I push to my feet. “No one’s going to think you’re a baby because you once filled a prescription.”
A hand clamps around my wrist. “Where are you going?”
I jiggle my arm. “To get some aspirin. You have some in your bathroom, right?”
He hesitates and then shakes his head. “No. I don’t think I do?”
“You don’t have aspirin?” I ask in astonishment. “What person doesn’t keep aspirin in their bathroom?” I drum my fingers against my thighs. “Why don’t I ask your secretary? She probably keeps some in her drawer.”
“I don’t need it,” he says. The words come out husky, almost seductive. The shackle around my wrist loosens slightly, and I feel his thumb rub along the base of my palm.
Electricity skitters up my arm at that faint, light touch. My heart jumps, and it takes extra effort to draw air into my lungs. Inside my satin bra cups, my breasts grow sensitive and heavy. Heat gathers at my core. I clench my legs together.
What is happening to me?
I turn, open-mouthed, toward Garrett. His eyes are hooded. Gold gleams through his long lashes. The hold around my wrist isn’t a hold any longer. His thumb has been replaced by his fingers, the coarse pads whispering along the lines of my palm, climbing up my fingers to their very tips, only to tumble down where he repeats the same path again and again.
My knees weaken, and it’s not out of fear this time. Nope. It’s because I’m turned on by him touching my hand. I throb in places I forgot had nerves. In my lips, behind my knees, between my legs.
The questing fingers slide ever so gently down my wrist, finding the pulse point. He presses down, and I gasp, feeling the blood in my veins jump in response.
“This is your natural scent, isn’t it?” he says.
His hushed and guttural voice does things to me. I manage a nod. “Just me and soap,” I croak. Well, technically it’s me and mango-scented body wash.
Slowly, so slowly that I barely even notice, he draws me closer until his face is just inches away. This close I can feel his warm breath bathe my face, and my eyes drop to his mouth. His lips are slightly parted, and I can just see his teeth between the curve of his lips. His lips are well-defined, with a sensual curve that makes me want to lick. I lean closer, just a little bit more until our lips barely touch and—
With a roar he heaves me off, and suddenly I’m sprawled on the floor.
“What the heck!” My skirt is hiked up around my thighs, and I blush, mortified both at my display and the fact that I’d nearly kissed a complete stranger. Who is also my new boss. Who seems to be holding me prisoner. I think. God, what a mess.
I try to scramble to my knees and end up flailing around like a fish before I manage to both sit up and pull my skirt down. As gracefully as I can, I push myself off onto my feet, ignoring the large hand held out to me for assistance. Nope, not touching that again with a ten-foot pole.
He sighs. “Sorry,” he says gruffly. “I hope you aren’t hurt.”
Did he mean my pride or my body? Either way, I’m not going to admit to any discomfort. “No, I’m fine.”
A pause. I’m still trying to look at anything else but him, but I can sense him coming closer until he’s standing right next to me, and as I look down I see his expensively shod feet just inches from my own.
Finally, he says, “I’m Adrian Garrett but everyone calls me Garrett. Sorry for my behavior. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. I hope you’re still interested in the job.”
Wait, what? From my vantage point that near-kiss looked pretty mutual, but it probably isn’t a good idea to have an employee screaming sexual harassment before she even starts her job. Which reminds me…
“So there really is a job, then? As an admin?” I finally sneak a glance up at his face. And then am immediately caught by his eyes. His voice may sound professional if a little growly, but his eyes burn with all the lust I’d thought I’d just imagined. I swallow, my throat parched.
“Oh yes, there is most certainly a job, as my, uh, second assistant. So you’ll be working very closely with me. And Ellen, of course.” He grins suddenly, and there’s no way to describe that grin except as wolfish. I shiver, and I don’t know if it’s from fear or excitement.
I nod, trying to think this through. I desperately need the money, but no way is this job on the up-and-up, even if they aren’t a porn company or running some kind of trafficking outfit. But being his assistant sounds legit, even if I’m not sure their business is. I can always quit, right? The rational part of me is screaming, Leave NOW. But another part of me doesn’t want to leave, not yet. There’s just something about him that is incredibly attractive, and I’m
afraid if I leave I’ll never see him again. Shit, I hope my hormones aren’t convincing me to make a horrible mistake.
I square my shoulders and nod. “Okay, then, Garrett, shall we go over the terms of my employment, then? What kind of duties will I have?” I try out my most professional voice.
The expression on his face has deepened, and it’s definitely hungry now. I gulp, and the throbbing between my thighs intensifies. I feel the moisture seeping into my panties, and oh God, can he smell how wet I am? He’s inhaling deeply again, and I’m equal parts mortified and aroused.
“One thing I forgot to mention,” he finally says, his voice so raspy it’s practically a growl.
“Um, what?” I squeak.
“All staff live in company housing.”