Page 32 of Sheltered
“Yeah, but I can’t think of a time when I’m not, so maybe this is just my new state of being,” I say dramatically and then laugh.
Chloe comes over and sits in my lap to show me the flowers she picked for me. She’s so sweet as I tell her the colors and she says them back to me. She’s got Ryker’s bright eyes and my lips, and she’s the center of our world.
“Baby,” she says as she pats my belly, and I nod.
We’ve been doing our best to get her ready for her new brother or sister, but she’s still so little she thinks I’m having a doll for her to play with.
“It’s a boy,” Ryker whispers as he kisses my neck.
“You’re so sure,” I retort, rolling my eyes and teasing him. “You said Chloe was going to be a boy, too.”
“And I’ve never been happier to have been wrong,” he says, tickling her feet.
She bursts into a fit of giggles, and my heart is so full I can feel a lump in my throat. I know it’s just hormones, but I really am so thankful every day for the life I’ve been given.
It still amazes me after all this time that things have worked out so perfectly. Ryker still runs his family business from a distance, since we’ve got more money than our children could burn through in a lifetime. Every once in a while, he’ll take a meeting or sit in on a conference call. But for the most part, he just wants to spend time with his family and work on the land.
He’s been my true southern hero, my knight in shining armor. He’s given me everything I could have ever dreamed possible and so much more. One day I made an offhand comment about how I ate ramen noodles almost every day in college, but I still miss their taste. The next day I had a case of them sitting in my pantry. He often does small, sweet things to remind me he’s paying attention, even when I don’t think he is. He always goes above and beyond to make sure I never want for anything. And he’s even worse with our daughter. I worried at first that he was going to spoil her, but then I realized that his kind of love is never too much. Sure, it’s intense, and over the top, but it’s also the purest and most honest form of love I’ve ever seen. Any child would be lucky to have a father like Ryker, and I’m thankful every day that I’ve got him as my husband.
Once all the drama settled down, he got a ring on my finger and had me running down the aisle two seconds later. If it wasn’t for Kathleen and Jackie, I don’t think we would have even had a wedding. It was small and quickly thrown together, but we got married at sunset in the orchard and it was the most beautiful day of my life.
Saying “I do” to Ryker was the easiest decision I’ve ever made, and everything since has just fallen into place.
Fritz is still in jail serving a life sentence for his crimes. After he was convicted Ryker tried to reach out to him a few times, but without luck. He seems to think Fritz needs more than just a jail sentence and had a therapist brought in to see him a few times a month. We don’t talk about it much because it’s a painful subject, and I hate the sad look Ryker gets in his eyes when I bring it up. I know it’s an inner battle for him. He hates Fritz for what he did to me, but he’s still his little brother. I’m not sure it’s something Ryker will ever get past. It reminds him of all he could have lost.
Kathleen is usually the one I talk to about Fritz. I think I understand it better now after having Chloe, because I’d never give up on her. Kathleen seems to think that one day he’ll come around, so I hold out hope for her.
I know what Fritz did was wrong, but I don’t hold it against him. I don’t have room in my heart to hold grudges or hate. I spent most of my life being angry at my mama for not being better, but forgiving her and moving on has healed my own heart. I just want to live a happy, quiet life with the man I love while we grow old together. It’s simple, but I don’t need much.
I feel the baby kick, and I grab Ryker’s hand, placing it over the spot. The baby kicks again and his whole face lights up, and for a second, I can imagine him as a child on Christmas morning. I want to tell him that I found out last week on accident that we’re having a boy and that he’s right. But seeing him so excited in this moment, I know it’s going to be a hundred times better when he’s born. So, I keep the little secret and kiss Chloe’s chubby hand as the sun warms my back.
I’m in my happy place surrounded by my loves. Life can’t get much better.
Five years later…
I open the back door of the SUV, and Jack hops out of his booster seat. He holds his hand up and I take it as we walk into the elementary school. We pick up Cricket and Chloe every Tuesday and Thursday from the school. Blair started volunteering at the school when Chloe started kindergarten on those days having always wanted to be a teacher but still wanting to be a stay-at-home mom more. This gives her both of those worlds, and I couldn't be happier that my girl is getting everything she ever wanted.
The office buzzes us in and I wave to them as I make my way towards the library. I’m early today, but I knew there was a reading circle happening today and Jack would love to join in. When I walk into the library, Jack takes off running towards his sister and sits down next to her as the librarian continues to read. I glance around for my wife, and my eyes lock on her.
My jaw clenches when I see Coach Barns talking to her. Fucking prick has been pissing me off since he started working here. I knew hiring him would be a bad idea. I was on the school board. Had been since we picked what school we would be sending our children to, along with donating a shit ton of money to build onto the school. This brand-new library was one of those additions.
My fist clenches at my side. The young prink is about to learn a lesson. I stop myself and take a deep breath, glancing over at my two little ones. I remind myself to not make a scene. I should wait and say something to the fucker when I can get him alone, let him know to stay the fuck away from my wife. I’ve seen the looks he gives her. I can’t blame the man. Hell, I kidnapped her to make her mine, so I understand, but now he’s getting a little too close for my comfort. When he reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, I’m on it, grabbing his wrist to stop him.
“Don’t you know not to touch things that don’t belong to you?” I give him a hard look, one that has him stepping back, but I keep my hold on his wrist, applying a little more pressure.
“Ryker.” Cricket says my name in a soft voice, placing her hand on my shoulder and pulling my eyes to hers. She commands my attention so easily. She gives me a small smile and I know what she wants, and like always I give her it. I let the man’s wrist go.
“Ryker, man, I was just—”
“Leave,” I tell him, not even bothering to look back over at him. I know what he just wanted, and he wasn’t going to get it. Not even a simple touch of it. He practically runs away, leaving me standing there with my wife.
I tuck the loose hair behind her ear before pulling her towards me. I wrap one arm around her, and I cradle her small bump with the other.
“He was only talking to me.” I know she’s trying to cool my jealousy. I’ve learned to not even fight it anymore because it’s a battle I’m never going to win. When it comes to her, I’ll always be jealous and wary of men because I know the lengths I went to have her.
“Talking, hmm?” is all I give in response, looking down at her. “You won’t be doing any talking tonight.” I lean down, turning us a little so my big body shields her small frame from view. I nuzzle her neck. “You’ll be screaming and moaning for me.” I bite her neck gently.
She moans a little, her fingers digging into the front of my shirt. “You act like all the women around here aren’t always checking you out. One man talks to me and—” I kiss her, cutting off her words.
I pull back her and her mouth is swollen from mine. “What women?” I ask, because maybe they do, but I’ve never noticed. Nor do I care to. “You know I only have eyes for you.”
Ten years later…
t!” I call out as I enter the back of the house.
Lily left early today to go visit her sister in Georgia for the weekend, so the kitchen is empty. I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and chug it before I draw in a breath. I’ve been mending fences on the other side of the property for most of the day and I’m worn out and sweaty.
I pull my shirt off and toss it in the laundry room while I kick off my boots, not wanting to track it through the house.
“Chloe?” I call out, wondering why the house is so quiet. “Jack, Sophia!” I decide to call all the kids, knowing one of them has to come running.
The silence that greets me gets me a little agitated. Where the hell is everyone?
“Stop shouting or you’ll knock a wall down,” Blair says as she walks into the kitchen.
Her dark hair is piled high in a messy bun and she’s got her glasses on. She’s wearing one of my old college T-shirts and is walking around barefoot.
“The kids are at your parents’ this weekend, remember? They’re taking them to the beach.”
She breezes past me and goes to the fridge, opening it up and taking a bottle of water out for herself. She’s got a book in one hand and sets it on the table while she opens her water. “How’d the work go today? You and the boys get the fence fixed where the tree fell on it?”
Her eyes wander down my bare chest and I turn to give her a better look.
“Wait a second,” I say, taking a step towards her. “You’re telling me that we’ve got a whole weekend alone in the house with no kids?”
“Well, yeah,” she says, bringing the water bottle to her mouth and wrapping her lips around it.
“It’s just you and me? All alone?” I ask, leaning down and getting closer to her.
I’m covered in sweat and dirty from working in the sun, but it doesn’t seem to bother Blair. In fact, the way her eyes are eating me up, I’d say she might even want me because of it.
“Any reason you forgot to mention that to me this morning?” I push her against the countertop, my big body looming over hers.
“I just thought you might be busy,” she says, shrugging one shoulder.
The movement causes the T-shirt to slip off her shoulder a little, and I see the pink strap under it. She bites her lip to keep from smiling, and I realize she’s up to something.
Reaching down, I grab the hem of my shirt and pull it up, yanking it off her. I take a step back and look her up and down and feel my knees weaken.
She’s covered in hot pink lace that clings to her body and hugs all her curves. As I stand there with my mouth open, she reaches up and pulls down her hair, letting it fall all around her shoulders.