Page 27 of Sheltered
“Zero five one nine,” he says aloud while he hits the keys. “The day I first saw you.” He winks at me over his shoulder before he opens the safe door.
I sit up a little straighter when he reaches in and pulls out a stack of folders. I see a gun sitting inside, too. It makes me nervous, although I shouldn’t be shocked. This is the south, but it still catches my eye. He shuts the door to the safe and comes over to me and sits down.
When I look down at his folders, I see Fritz’s name on the top one. I also see the folder I made that last day I was at the art studio. It reminds me of the things I found. It all slipped my mind since being brought here.
“Are you into something illegal?” I ask, feeling my stomach drop.
I need to know. I don’t know what I’ll do if he says yes, but I can’t be lied to again. The fact that he could be wrapped up in this should make me want to get away from him, but right now I just want the truth. If he’s mixed up in whatever it is I found that day, then I have to know.
“I kidnapped a woman. I think that’s against the law.” He raises his eyebrows at me, and I slap his arm. It shouldn't be funny, but it kind of is.
“You drugged me!” I snap out as I remember the night he took me. At least I think he did. It’s all still a little hazy, and probably always will be.
He cups my face. “I was scared you’d fight me. I did what I thought would be best. I knew you weren’t allergic,” he tries to defend himself.
“Because you got all my medical records?” Now it’s my turn to raise my eyebrows at him. This conversation is completely ridiculous and not normal, but still I smile.
He strokes my cheek with his thumb. “I took you that day to keep you safe,” he finally says. “But I’d be a liar if I didn't admit I took you because I wanted you. That I was tired of waiting. I took you because you belong to me and I couldn't take another moment of not having you.”
Chapter 22
I watch as she lays the files in her lap, and I feel a knot in my stomach. I have to tell her everything. This can’t stay between us. Just like her, I don’t want anything between us anymore. We have come too far.
“There’s more I need to tell you, Cricket,” I say, and she squares her shoulders.
“You can tell me anything.”
There’s complete honesty in her voice, and in that moment, I want to tell her I love her. I want to not only lay out all the deception, but I want to tell her what’s in my heart, too. But I have to start with the messy truth.
I take one of her hands in mine, but as I open my mouth to confess all my sins, I hear the front door bang open. I jump up and grab Blair, pushing her behind me as I go to the door. I brace myself, but I see it’s just John walking in with a panicked look on his face.
“I’m sorry, Ryker, I tried to call. It’s Diamond. She got loose and somehow got tangled up in a mess of barbed wire on the other side of the property.”
“What?” I ask when I see the look of panic in his eyes.
“I can’t get to her. Memphis must have gotten out last night with her and he won’t let me near. I’ve got all my guys down there, but he’s kicking up at anyone who tries to get close. You’re the only one he’ll listen to.”
“Oh no,” I hear Blair gasp, and she brings her hands to her mouth in horror. “Is she hurt?”
John just nods, and I see tears form in her eyes.
“Let’s go,” I say as I rush over by the door and grab my boots. I glance over to see Blair grabbing her shoes, and I shake my head. “No, Cricket, you stay here. If Memphis is agitated, I don’t want you anywhere near him. He’s a beast when he’s calm, but if Diamond is hurt…” I let that sentence trail off, and I can see her trying to find a way to argue with me.
“But she’s mine,” she says, and a tear spills free from her eyes.
I stop putting on my shoes and reach out, holding her upper arms. “Hey, hey, look at me.” I wait until she does. “I’m not going to let anything happen to her. But Memphis is a beast. He won’t be happy his mate is hurt, and I can’t have you getting in the way of that or distracting me while I’m trying to save her.”
I wonder for a moment if she’s thinking of how I saved her. She looks up at John and then back to me and nods, putting her hands on my chest. “Go. Go save her. I’ll be there after you get her out.”
I give her a quick kiss and promise to make everything okay. I pull on my other boot and run out after John to the waiting Gator out front. He rushes to tell me how badly she’s twisted up and that he can’t imagine how she wandered that far off the edge of the land. He’s saying she’s lost a lot of blood already and it’s only getting worse as Memphis won’t let anyone get close.
I’m so worried about how I’m going to get past Memphis to get Diamond free that it doesn’t occur to me to ask why John couldn’t have just called me to tell me this. I’m so focused on the problem that I never stop to think who might have caused this.
But I should have.
Chapter 23
Bear is sitting on Ryker’s desk watching me pace. He must have heard the commotion and come running inside. I watch Johnny and Ryker leave, and now I can’t sit still. Poor Diamond. I wish I could go to her, but I know if I’m there it will only be a distraction for Ryker. He was right. He needs to save her, just like he saved me. I can’t help but think how he truly is a knight in shining armor, always rushing in to rescue the princess and save the day. I’m just glad I’m the princess.
As I turn to pace the room again, I notice I knocked all the files to the floor. I guess in my panic I wasn’t paying attention. Kneeling down, I gather some of the papers up, but I don’t know which order they go in. I should probably look through them, but I wanted to do it with Ryker.
Bear wanders over to the coffee table in front of me and looks down at what I’m doing. He watches me as I try to straighten the papers, but when I hear a creak on the wood floor, he arches his back and lets out a loud hiss.
“Bear?” I say, shocked at his behavior just before I look towards the noise.
As I turn, I feel pain burst against the side of my head and my vision dances with black spots. I d
on’t pass out, but I can’t see, and the wind is knocked out of my lungs. The pain comes so quickly that it’s too much for my brain to process. My body goes limp and falls to the floor, and somewhere in the back of my mind I hear a man’s voice cursing.
My thoughts are scrambled and I can’t make my arms and legs move. The only thing I can feel is the throbbing in my brain as I lie there and force myself to breathe.
Ryker! my mind screams at me. Call for Ryker!
There’s no air in my lungs, and my lips can’t form the words, but I push myself to try. I will my body to come back even though the pain is beyond anything I’ve ever felt. I have to get help.
“You stupid bitch,” I hear through the dark cloud surrounding me, and I blink a few more times.
Some of the darkness fades, and the fuzzy morning light brightens the room as I try to make out the man standing over me.
“Fritz.” I can barely whisper, but I know it’s him.
That voice sends chills down my spine as pain once again rolls over my body as he yanks me up by the back of my neck.
“Do you know how hard it was for me to get to you?” he hisses in my ear as he drags me out of the house.
I never thought Fritz was a strong man, or even capable of lifting me off the ground, but rage is fueling him as he hauls me out the front door and drags me to a waiting car. When I see the vehicle parked there, terror floods me and I begin to fight. A memory flickers through my mind…Ryker had said he had other reasons for taking me, a need to keep me safe. It had something to do with Fritz…
I don’t know what the hell is going on, but he can’t take me to a second location. I know that from all of the true crime shows I’ve watched. If he makes me leave this house, I might never come back. My arms and legs are still limp, but I force myself to kick at him and punch with all the adrenaline I have left in me.