Page 111 of Unveiled (One Night 3)
‘We need to get out of here,’ he mutters, assessing what he’s walked in on.
‘Miller can’t walk.’ My throat is almost too tight with grief to speak.
With calm, efficient movements, William strides across the room and hauls Miller into his arms, nodding to Gracie in a silent gesture to help me up, which she does quickly, sensing his silent urgency, despite his calmness.
‘I’m good.’ Miller’s scratchy voice breaks through my worry, and I snap my head up to see him wrestling his way out of William’s hold. ‘For fuck’s sake, let go of me.’
Relief makes me dizzy as I watch him find his feet and then swipe at his hair repeatedly in an attempt to restore his messier than usual waves back to just messy. He pulls the towel in and glances up, hitting me with eyes that are way wider than normal, the black of his pupils nearly cancelling out the blue. They are still very piercing, despite the dilation. I keep still under his intense stare, letting him take me in for a while, refresh his memory of me, until he nods lazily, then follows it up with a drawn out blink of his eyes.
‘What’s going on?’
He’ll hate this. He’s the centre of attention, half-naked and vulnerable.
‘You were drugged. We can explain more later,’ William tells him, not so calmly now. ‘We need to get out of here.’
It doesn’t feel like there’s much air in this posh suite, but after William’s statement, there’s none. Miller’s already wide eyes have just expanded, almost popping from his head. He doesn’t speak, just stands quietly absorbing the news, his jaw ticking violently. I think myself sadistic for wanting to desperately know what’s running through his mind. ‘Where’s Charlie?’ His deadly tone tells me it’s murder.
William steps forward, holding Miller’s glazed eyes with harsh grey. ‘It’s over, Miller. Walk away a free man, no blood on your hands, no guilt on your conscience.’
‘There would be no guilt,’ he seethes. ‘None.’
‘For Olivia.’
He scowls at William, his lip curling. ‘Or because he’s your brother.’
‘No, because we are better men.’
I see William’s head cock to the side, and Miller looks at him thoughtfully for a few moments, clearly reading a look. ‘Where are my clothes?’ he spits, glancing around the room and striding over to the bed when he spots them. ‘Some privacy, please.’
‘Hart, we haven’t got time for you to start getting all fucking particular.’
‘Two minutes!’ he yells, yanking his shirt over his shoulders.
I wince and watch as William practically bites his tongue to stop himself retaliating. ‘You have one.’ He grabs Gracie’s arm and guides her from the room, slamming the door behind him.
Then I watch as the Miller Hart I know rapidly comes together with each piece of expensive clothing he pulls on. He yanks at his sleeves, straightens his tie, and fiddles with his collar, but it’s all done far faster than I’ve ever seen before, and though he’s restored, he’s not fully restored. The vacant look in his eyes is still lingering and I suspect it will be for a while.
When he’s done, I see his Adam’s apple bob in his throat before he casts his eyes upward to me. ‘Are you OK?’ he asks, looking down to my tummy. ‘Tell me you’re both OK.’
My palm meets my stomach without thought. ‘We’re fine,’ I assure him, earning a sharp nod of acknowledgement.
‘Excellent,’ he breathes, a huge amount of relief apparent through his formal reply. I know what he’s doing. He’s detaching himself, and I know why. He’ll be walking out of this house, oozing his usual aloofness and power, not prepared to let any one of the sinful bastards downstairs see any scrap of weakness. I’m more than happy to let him have that.
He approaches me and when he’s nearly touching my chest, he slides his hand onto my nape and massages firmly into my strung muscles. I don’t miss the slight wince when he finally registers my cut cheek. ‘I’m so incredibly in love with you, Olivia Taylor,’ he whispers hoarsely, letting his forehead fall delicately to mine. ‘I’m leaving this house my way, but once I’m out that door, I’m yours to do whatever the hell you want with me.’ His lips push firmly into my forehead, his hand squeezing my nape.
I know what he’s trying to tell me, but I don’t want to do whatever the hell I want with him. I just want him. I’d never enforce anything on him, not after everything he’s endured up to this point in his life. He’s free now, and I’m not about to slap conditions, demands, or restrictions on him. He can do whatever the hell he likes with me. I pull away and smile when I see his wayward curl back and misbehaving. I leave it exactly where it is. ‘I’m yours – no conditions attached.’
‘Jolly good, Miss Taylor.’ He nods agreeably and gives me another kiss, this time on the lips. ‘Not that you have any choice in the matter.’
I smile, and he winks. It’s beautiful, despite the abnormal darkness of his eyes. ‘Go,’ I prompt, pushing him away.
His lips tip a little as he takes backward steps, pulling at the lapels of his jacket until he turns and strides out of the room, leaving the door open for Gracie and William, who are waiting cautiously outside. Both look at Miller as he passes, like he’s been resurrected. He has. I smile a little on the inside as William follows Miller’s perfect form around the galleried landing, shaking his head on a little huff of laughter before he catches up with him and flanks him as he takes the stairs.