Page 60 of Promised (One Night 1)
I have to stop myself from spilling a sardonic laugh and shrug my answer instead, making him exhale over the rim of his glass.
‘You don’t know?’
I shake my head.
‘I hate your mother.’
‘What?’ I ask, shocked, considering I may have just misheard him.
‘I hate her,’ he repeats, venom dripping from his voice.
‘So do I.’
‘Good. Then we both hate your mother. I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.’
Not knowing quite what to say, I sit quietly, watching him drift in and out of thought, taking breaths as if intending to say something, but thinking better of it. There’s nothing that he can say. It’s ugly, and no reassuring words will pretty it up. That’s my history. I can’t change who my mother was, what she did, and I can’t change how I’ve allowed it to impact on my life.
He eventually speaks, but it’s not a question I expected. ‘So I’m your only sober lover?’
I nod and rest back on the couch, putting space between us but finding it impossible to look away from him.
‘And did you enjoy it?’
This is a stupid question. ‘It scares me.’
‘I scare you?’
‘How you make me feel scares me. I don’t know myself around you,’ I whisper, slowly showing him all my cards.
He places his glass accurately on the table and lowers to his knees in front of me. ‘I make you feel alive.’ He slides his hands around my back and pulls me forward until our faces are close, our breaths mingling in the small space between our mouths. ‘I’m not a tender or gentle kind of man, Olivia,’ he says, like he’s trying to make me feel better by sharing a little piece of him. ‘Women want me for one thing alone, and that’s because I’ve given them no reason to expect anything more.’
A million words dance on my lips, all desperate to form a sentence and spill from my mouth, but I don’t want to be hasty. ‘Expect nothing more than the best f**k of their life,’ I state quietly.
‘Precisely.’ He rids me of my glass and takes my hands, draping them over his shoulders.
‘You promised me that,’ I remind him.
The lids of his eyes slowly drop. ‘I don’t think I can fulfil that promise.’
‘What are you saying?’ I ask, willing him to confirm that I’m not imagining things, or that he’s saying this out of sympathy. His shoulders drop a little with a tired exhale, but he keeps his eyes down, keeping quiet, too. ‘It’s polite to answer someone when they ask you a question,’ I murmur, making his head lift in surprise. I don’t shy away. I want him to confirm what’s happening.
‘I’m saying I want to worship you.’ His head tilts and moves forward, capturing my lips as he rises, taking me with him. He’s the one being cagey now, but I won’t rush an admission from him. I can wait, and in the meantime, he’ll worship me.
I’m surprised when he takes us down to the couch and manoeuvres until he’s on his back, positioning me between his spread thighs so I’m sprawled up the centre of his body. Our clothes are all still in place and he doesn’t attempt to remove them, seemingly content with just kissing the living daylights out of me. His dark stubble is coarse on my skin, counteracting the subtle movements of his lips, but through my absolute blissful state I hardly register the scratchy feel. With Miller, things just happen naturally. He leads and I follow. I don’t need to think, I just do, which is why I’m now unbuttoning his shirt so I can feel the heat of his flesh under my palms. Moaning around his lips, I get the first spark of his heat mixed with mine as my hands slip across his stomach, rising and falling subtly with the ripples of his abdominals.
‘There’s that sweet sound again,’ he says on a murmur, gathering my masses of blond that is pouring all around his head. ‘It’s addictive. You are addictive.’
His pleasure spurs me on, my mouth visiting everywhere on his stunning face until I’m at his neck, taking a hit of that intoxicating, manly scent. ‘You smell so good.’ I work my way down to his chest, my movements just happening without thought or instruction. His ni**les are tight, and my tongue homes in, circling and licking, making him shift and moan beneath me. His sounds of pleasure only embolden me and his solid length pushing into my stomach reminds me of where I want to be. I want to taste him. I want to feel him in my mouth.
‘Oh shit, Livy. Where are you going?’ He raises his head and looks down at me, then clasps his head in his hands. ‘You don’t have to do that.’
‘I want to.’ I run my palm over his trousers, clasp his zip and gently tug it down as I watch him watching me.
‘No, please, it’s okay, Livy.’
‘I. Want. To.’
His eyes are unsure, his hands visibly tightening on his head as he flops back down to the pillow. ‘Take it easy.’
I smile to myself, feeling confident, loving his vulnerability and loving how right this feels. He hasn’t run away from my shameful history. I undo his button and tug down his trousers, sitting up on my knees to rid him of them. It leaves him in a fine pair of black boxer shorts that cling everywhere. They look too good to remove, but what’s underneath spurs me on. I chuck his trousers on the floor and tuck my fingers into the waistband before slowly drawing them down his muscular thighs, glancing up at his face, and then focusing on his thick, solid cock, resting on his lower stomach. My tongue involuntarily leaves my mouth and swipes across my bottom lip as I admire him in all of his magnificent masculinity. I don’t feel intimidated by the pulsing solidness of him. I feel excited.