Page 52 of Arrogant Heir (The Heirs 2)
I forgo working on my assignment and climb into bed. I pull the covers up high and shut my eyes tightly.
This day has been too much. My nerves are worn and unable to stop it, the memories worm their way back to the surface. I still remember lying on the cold ground. I feel Justin’s hands on me. I see all the glances from the other students. I hear their whispers.
My fragile grip on the control I’ve managed to regain slips. I press my face hard against the covers and try to focus on my breathing.
But it doesn’t help.
I begged him to stop, and he didn’t.
What did I do wrong?
Did I encourage him?
Was I too nice?
God, what did I do to deserve this?
I gasp as the thoughts start to flash faster through my mind, and soon I’m sucked back into the nightmare.JASEI glance at my grandfather as we slowly walk around the campus. I know what he’s doing. He’s here to show everyone he’s aware of what happened, and he has my back with whatever decisions I make.
“Thank you for coming,” I say.
“It’s during trying times we need to show a united front, son.”
“Hana told me Uncle Lake is working the case against Justin Green?” I ask.
“Yes. Lake will make sure everything goes smoothly,” Granddad assures me.
“Good, good,” I tease him by using the words that have become synonymous with him.
Granddad shoots me a scowl. “You’re never too old for a spanking.”
“You love me too much.”
A grin spreads over his face. “More than you know.”
He changes direction back toward the dorm. “I’ll see you soon for our game?”
“Yes, sir. I just need to make sure Mila is okay before I leave her alone.”
He nods. “Take good care of Miss West.”
“I will.”
He turns his attention to Fallon. “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, sir.”
Fallon watches old movies with him once a week. That’s their thing like chess is ours.
People can say what they want about Warren Reyes, but when it comes to his grandchildren, he always has time for us.
Fallon and I see our grandparents to their car, and we wait for them to drive off before Fallon asks, “How’s Mila really doing?”
I shake my head. “Not good. I need to get back to her.” Walking into the dorm, I say, “Something happened today. Mila won’t tell me what. She was doing well until she went to the restroom. She came running out and bumped into Nate.”
“Maybe it was just a panic attack?” Fallon asks as we step into the elevator.
“Could be.” I’m not convinced, though.
“How are you holding up?”
My eyes lock with my cousin’s, and even though we’re close, I smile and lie, “I’m fine. I just worry about Mila.”
I’m so far from fine.
Christ, it feels like I’ll only be able to breathe again once Mila has healed.
“I’m here if you need to talk,” she offers as we walk down the hallway.
Stepping into the suite, I grin. “Thanks.”
I spot the food I ordered earlier on the counter as I pass by the kitchen and decide to check on Mila.
I look in my room first, and not seeing her, I go to hers. I knock on the closed door, and when there’s no answer, I push it open and frown when it’s dark inside.
“Mila?” She doesn’t answer, and I switch on the light. Worry bleeds through my body when I find her room empty. I check her bathroom and then rush out of the room.
“What’s wrong?” Fallon asks.
“I can’t find Mila.”
Jade peeks out of her room. “I saw her go into yours earlier. Have you looked there?”
I nod but still go back into mine. “Mila?”
I check my own bathroom, and my heart is pounding in my chest when I step back into my room… and that’s when I hear her.
Muted sobs are coming from my walk-in closet.
I switch the light on and have to step inside before I see her cowering in the section where my shirts are hanging.
“Babe?” I crouch by her and place my hand on her knee.
She has one of my shirts in a death grip pressed against her face while her body trembles.
I slide my arms under her knees and behind her back and lift her out of the small space. Sitting down, I lean against the wall and pulling my arm from beneath her knees, I place it behind her head and hold her to me.
Fallon and Jade followed me inside, and they give us a look of concern before they leave, shutting the door behind them.
“I’m here. I’ve got you,” I say until the trembling lessens. Slowly, I pull the shirt out of Mila’s hands, and placing my finger beneath her chin, I lift her face. “Tell me what happened.”
Her breaths are short little puffs. She shakes her head, then wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face against me. “Today was just harder than I expected.”