Page 44 of Arrogant Heir (The Heirs 2)
I dart up from the chair, my muscles tense as the residual shock from what I just learned ripples through me.
Dad rises to his feet, and taking hold of my shoulder, he says, “Do you really need to know the details, Jase? It won’t change anything, will it? Your mom’s fine now. It’s all that matters. She survived, and she dealt with it. We’ve all dealt with it. We just thought you should know the reason for your mom reaching out to Mila.”
Fuck, Dad’s right. I don’t think I can handle hearing the details. I’m barely hanging on as is.
Needing confirmation, I ask, “But Mom’s okay? She’s really fine?”
Dad pulls me into a hug. “Yes, your mom has fully recovered from the ordeal. Let’s focus on helping Mila.”
I nod and wrap my arms around Dad as I admit, “It’s hard. How did you cope?”
We sit down again, and Dad lets out a chuckle. “I didn’t. Honestly, I was beside myself. I went into overprotective mode until I nearly drove your mother insane.”
His comment makes me think of when Mila said she can put on her own seat belt, and I say, “Overprotective is an understatement. It’s tough leaving Mila alone just so she can take a shower.”
The corner of Dad’s mouth curves up. “I felt guilty and blamed myself for what happened to your mom. I think I tried to make up for it by showing her I’d never leave her alone again.”
Realizing Dad went through the exact same thing I’m going through offers me some relief. “So, what should I do?”
Dad’s eyes lock on mine, and there’s so much love in them as he stares at me. “You can only be there for her. Help her get back into a normal routine.” Dad pulls me into a hug. “And as for you, I’m here whenever you need to talk. Don’t go through this on your own.”
When we pull apart, I confess, “I used to tease Mila a lot. It was our way of communicating, but since the attack… I’m just scared I’ll say something wrong.”
Dad gives me an understanding smile. “From what I’ve heard, Mila’s kept everyone at a distance except for you.”
“Yeah, but she’s starting to open up to the group. She met with the police tonight and gave her statement as well. I’m scared she’s going to start pulling away from me.”
“Jase, she feels comfortable with you. That’s very important for her right now. Just be yourself. Mila’s made it clear it’s what she wants by turning to you when she needed someone the most.”
I nod as Dad’s words sink in. When Mila woke up, she called for me. She never shrunk away from me or asked me to leave, and it makes me think.
What if?
Bringing my eyes back to Dad’s, I ask, “How were things on the romance front while Mom was recovering?”
A huge grin spreads over my father’s face, “Things were always good. We didn’t let what was happening drive a wedge between us. If anything, it brought us closer together.”
“Yeah, but…” I pull an awkward face as I admit, “We weren’t exactly dating before the attack.”
Dad’s one eyebrow pops into the air. “Shit, you could’ve fooled me. I thought you were a couple already.”
“Well, we’re not. I was going to talk to Mila, but then she was attacked,” I state.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to bite the bullet and tell Mila how you feel.”
Not exactly the advice I wanted.
“With my luck, she’ll tell me to go to hell.”
Because I already upset her enough when we had the fight. I don’t want to do that to her a second time. Especially not now.
Dad gets up and chuckles. “Or she might surprise you. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“Our friendship can die a sudden and horrible death,” I grimace.
Dad shakes his head. “Never. Tell her how you feel and if she doesn’t feel the same, then so what? You care for the girl. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Not wanting to go into detail about everything that’s happened between Mila and me, I agree, “Yeah, you’re right.”Chapter 18MILAAfter hearing about Mrs. Reyes' ordeal, I stare at her with wide eyes.
“You’re…” I struggle to search for the right words and say, “so brave.”
Oh, my God. There’s so much I have to be thankful for. At least I wasn’t stalked and drugged to the point that my loved ones thought I was losing my mind.
Mrs. Reyes leans over and places her hand on mine. “You’re brave, too, Mila. But it’s up to you whether you let what a sick man did define who you are. You’re not responsible for what happened. That’s all on your attacker. You’re Mila West, a beautiful girl with a bright future ahead of her.”
Holy shit. What she says rings so true. I got stuck in my head, thinking my life was ruined.