Page 14 of Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs 1)
A smile spreads over Mila’s face. “It’s a start.”
Jase walks toward us, and I notice Mila’s smile fade.
Yeah, right. Nothing serious, my ass.
“How are my favorite girls this morning?” Jase throws his arm around Mila’s shoulder, but she only shakes it off. “Damn, someone’s moody.’
“Nope, I just don’t want you touching me with your slut infested paws,” Mila scowls.
Jase throws his hands up with anger flashing across his attractive features. “Fine.”
As Jase walks away from us, I turn to my friend. “What the hell, Mila? Where did that come from?”
She lets out a frustrated huff. “A while ago, Jase asked me out on a date, and I said no. He’s not the type to commit, and us having a quick fling would only jeopardize our friendship. Since then, he’s been seen with a different girl every weekend. Lord only knows what he’s doing with them. I don’t want him touching me.”
My eyes widen as she rambles, and for a moment there’s silence before I can find my voice. “Jase asked you out?”
“Yeah.” Mila’s shoulders slump as she starts to walk again.
I’m pretty sure Mila has the hots for Jase, and the frustration is causing her to act out. I fall in step beside her. “Do you want to date Jase?”
Although she nods, she says, “We can’t date. If things go wrong, it will only cause tension in the group, like with you and Hunter.”
“Hunter and I never dated. Our situation is different from yours. Besides, how do you know it won’t work out?”
Mila rolls her eyes and lets out a heavy breath. “He’s a player, Jade. There’s no way Jase will ever commit to just one woman.”
“You don’t know what Jase will do once he falls in love. He might surprise you.”
“Yeah, right,” she chuckles. We enter the business building and walking into our Strategic Management class, we find seats in the middle of the auditorium. She gives me a reassuring smile, then says, “Don’t worry about us. Our little spats are harmless.”
“Okay, but I’m here if you need to talk about it.” With my thoughts running circles around my two friends, I remove my laptop from my bag and open it up.Chapter 5JADEI haven’t been able to focus on my classes because my thoughts have been swamped with the sparring session I had with Hunter this morning.
It was so damn weird and almost like things used to be between us. It only made me realize how much I miss our friendship, but at the same time, I’m filled with guilt. I can’t forget about Brady and the part Hunter played in his death.
I’m in two minds about meeting Hunter tomorrow for another sparring session. On the one side, I’ll get to beat him up without upsetting our friends. On the other… ugh, I don’t know… it feels like I’m betraying Brady in some way.
Letting out a huff, I head over to the restaurant for an early dinner. When I walk inside, I see Fallon and Kao sitting at a table and join them.
“Hey, guys.” Taking a seat next to Fallon, I pull a menu closer. “How’s your day so far?”
“Good,” Fallon answers. “I have to help with the preparations for the welcome ball. You want to help?”
“No, thanks,” I chuckle. “There’s no way I want to be a part of the decorating committee.”
“It’s fun,” Fallon defends.
“Yeah, but the other girls, not so much. I’ll end up punching one of them.”
Unfortunately, attending an exclusive academy also means I have to put up with the stuck-up snobs of the world. Some people think just because your daddy’s rich, you can walk over people.
“You’re way too violent,” Kao laughs.
I shrug. “Some people just bring out the bitch in me.” Grinning at Kao, I ask, “You said you have a date for the ball? Who is she?”
“Summer Clarke.”
Both Fallon and I just stare at Kao until I finally find my words. “Seriously? Why her?”
Summer Clarke and her friends have been our nemeses since we were freshmen in high school. They’re the opposite of us – high and mighty, thinking everyone should obey their every whim and order.
“Why not her?” Kao throws a question at me.
“Duh… she’s practically the queen bitch.”
Kao glances at Fallon, and she gestures to me. “What she said.”
“She seemed nice enough to me,” Kao states.
“That’s because she doesn’t consider you a threat to her social standing,” Fallon says, then shrugs indifferently. “But, hey, whatever floats your boat.”
A waiter approaches our table, and I order a chicken salad. Just then, my phone starts to ring, and seeing that it’s Miss Sebastian, a smile forms around my mouth.
“Hey, Mamma G.”
Miss Sebastian is my favorite person. She’s unique and doesn’t care what people think of her. She’s all sparkles and always says the funniest stuff to make me laugh.
“My angel-baby! How was your first day?”