Page 63 of The Best of Us (Love in Isolation 2)
“It really does.” I sigh.
“And you really stocked me up on the candy and booze.”
I laugh, applying my foundation. “I know you well enough to know what you need.”
“I’m already counting the days until we can go back.”
“I bet it’s gorgeous in the spring and fall. Do you have plans for when you’ll visit again?” I ask.
“I’m not really sure. Eli’s pretty busy with work through the winter until late spring, and now that I’ve graduated, my parents want me to get more involved in the company. But either way, I think we’re gonna try to make it an annual thing. Maybe during our anniversary week.”
“That’d be romantic, especially with the snowy mountains, but you better go prepared!” I tease. “You just might have an arctic blast and get snowed in for weeks.”
She chuckles. “Yeah, wouldn’t be the worst thing, though, as long as we don’t lose power.”
“Uh, no kidding. Did you know you can’t flush the toilet without adding water to it?”
Cami bursts out laughing and nods. “Yeah, the pump eventually stops working.”
Eli pops into the frame with a big smile. “Hey, Kendall.”
“Hello, Mr. St. James,” I tease. Even though Cami took his last name, everyone calls him that because he married into one of the wealthiest families in the country. “Married life looks good on you. Did no-shave November run into December?”
“No-shave honeymoon,” Cami clarifies. “He’s gonna trim it tonight or else.”
“Or else what?” I mock.
“No going below the equator. That shit scratches when it’s that long,” Cami says.
I snort, nearly poking myself in the eye with eyeliner. “Is it too early to ask about making me an aunt yet?”
“Don’t worry,” Eli chimes in. “We practiced twenty-three times.”
The devilish smirk on his face has me blushing. “Jesus. I think that’s the number of times—” I quickly pause. “Never mind.”
Cami blinks at me with a frown. “Speaking of him…is he still blocked?”
“Yes,” I say. “It’s better this way.”
“Is it, though?” she genuinely asks. “I know you believe it is because of his work schedule and past relationships, and you’re afraid of getting hurt, but I swear, I’ve never heard him so down. He misses you.”
“What? When did you talk to him?” I swallow hard.
“A few days ago. Called to check on him, and he sounded sad as hell. When he mentioned you haven’t responded to a single text or answered his calls, I had to pretend I had no idea why. I would’ve told him, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to or not.”
I blow out a frustrated breath. I feel guilty about it, but then again, I have to do what I can to get over him and move on.
“Well, I’m sure he’ll figure it out eventually,” I say with a shrug. “I’m sure Rachelle is keeping him plenty busy.”
“I don’t think they’re back together,” she says. “At least he hasn’t told me.”
“Hasn’t said a word to me either,” Eli speaks up.
I sigh, not really wanting to know one way or another, so I abruptly change the subject. “On Monday, I’m going to view another office space. This one’s in Lenox Hill on Madison.”
“Oh my God, really? That’s your dream location.” She beams.
“I know! I’m really excited. If I love it as much as I think I will, then I’ll be able to start buying furniture and office supplies.”
“I’m so proud of you, Kendall. You were born to be an event planner. Have you thought of a company name yet?”
“No, I’m kinda stuck on that part. If I wanna start marketing, I need to figure it out. Of course my mother thinks I should use Montgomery in the name somehow, but I don’t want it to be about my family. It’s about the charities and small businesses that I wanna cater to.”
“You’ll come up with something great. I mean, St. James is a great last name too.”
“You can use mine!” Eli shouts from the background. “Ross Events Planning. R.E.P.” His face comes into the frame with a big cheesy smile.
Cami snorts, and I laugh.
“Why would she name it after you? You didn’t even help come up with the idea!”
“Well no, not directly but…” He taps his temple. “I’m the one who talked Ryan into going on that trip, which ultimately led you to this career realization. So, technically, I did help.”
“Nice try.” Cami snickers. “If anyone gets credit, it’s me. She’s my best friend, and Ryan’s my brother. So, you could do St. James or Cameron. I’d accept either.” She flashes a cheeky grin, and I roll my eyes.
“As helpful as you two are being, I’m gonna pass on the suggestions and take a few more days to brainstorm. Maybe something brilliant will come to mind.”
“Okay, fair enough. Hope you have fun tonight. Tell Piper I said hi.”
“Will do. Glad you two are home safe. Love you guys!”