Page 45 of The Best of Us (Love in Isolation 2)
She stops what she's doing, then stretches her arms and rolls her neck around. "Why did you decide to become a doctor?"
I stop typing and meet her eyes. "I knew when I grew up, I wanted to directly help people. I didn't want to run a business like my dad. Sure, he helps people by paying their salary, but I wanted it to be more personal. Have you ever seen Groundhog Day?"
Kendall thinks about it for a second. "That old movie with Bill Murray? Where he lives the same day over and over?"
I nod. "Yeah, that one. Do you remember that scene in the alley when he finds the homeless man dead?"
"I think so."
"Well Bill Murray goes back to the old man over and over to try to figure out a way to save his life. He tries everything, and eventually, he realizes there's nothing he can do. In the end, he still fails to save the old man. As a kid, I understood that on such a deep level, and I knew I wanted to save people’s lives. Like Bill Murray, I might fail at times, but it’s better than doing nothing, and that's where the difference is." I give her a smile. "I've never told anyone that before."
"At least we're both experiencing firsts." She grins, and I know we’ve both shared things with each other we’ve never told anyone. "I know how dedicated you are. In a roundabout way, it's why I started volunteering. There was a need, and I knew I could fill it. I respect you so much for dedicating your life to helping others. Not many people do that. In fact, most people I know are quite selfish," she tells me. "However, being here with you has taught me some things about myself."
I smile. "Oh yeah?"
"You mentioned the other day about me starting a business to help charities. I've been thinking about it more and am highly considering it."
My eyes go wide, and I stand. Kendall sets down her drawing pad and wraps her arms around my neck when I hug her.
"Really?" I ask, so damn elated she came to this conclusion.
"Yeah!" She's all smiles as she slides her lips across mine.
"Okay, we have to crack open some champagne. This is a huge deal."
She laughs. "I will never deny champagne, but I still don't know where to start with any of this. It’s gonna take a long time to get going."
I walk to the kitchen and pull down some flute glasses, then crack open the bubbly and pour it.
I hand it to her, and we clink the edges together. "I'd be happy to help you come up with a business and marketing plan if you want."
Her mouth falls open. "Seriously? You already have so much going on."
"You're right, so much going on as we're locked in a cabin for God knows how long," I tease.
A blush hits her cheek as we walk back into the living room. We move in front of the fire with our drinks.
"I'd be honored to have your assistance. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't think of it myself," she admits.
"Sometimes you need an outside person's perspective to show you what you've always been destined to do. I think you would've eventually done it, but trust me when I say I'm happy to have pushed you in the right direction."
She comes in closer, and I paint my lips across hers. "I needed this break." Though I’d never take this much time off willingly, it’s helped me decompress and given myself a mental break.
"I did too. Being here has helped me work through some things," Kendall says, then pulls back and chugs her glass. "That was really good."
"I know. I opened the bottle that was reserved for the honeymoon."
Kendall's eyes go wide. "No. You. Did. Not."
Chuckling, I shrug. Cami can’t stay mad at me forever anyway. "I did. This was celebration worthy. Do you have any idea how many people's lives you're going to change? This is monu-fucking-mental, and don't you dare discredit it."
"You give me too much credit," she says, but she's smiling.
"No." I brush my thumb across her jawline. "You just don't give yourself enough."
When her eyes meet mine, there's something more behind it, a twinkle I've never seen before. Unspoken words stream between us, and there’s no denying she's knocked me off my axis. A blush hits Kendall's cheeks, and she clears her throat.
"Guess I should get back to my drawing," she tells me, taking my now empty glass. She brings them to the kitchen, and I take a moment to catch my breath. Settling back in my chair, I open my laptop, trying to focus on emails over my pounding heart. Is it possible I’m falling for her so quickly? Did she feel the sparks between us too?