Page 37 of The Best of Us (Love in Isolation 2)
Cami: I'm not sure. She called me recently to catch up, and I told her he was stuck at the cabin due to the snowstorm. That’s probably why. But to answer your question, I'd say it about a 6.5. It was his longest relationship, but he never proposed. So in my mind, it wasn’t that serious. Otherwise, she'd have a ring, and they'd be planning their wedding.The thought of Ryan committing himself to someone else makes my stomach roil.
After thirty minutes of texting back and forth with Cami, Ryan comes downstairs. She continues trying to convince me nothing is going on between them.
Cami: Don't worry about it. Wouldn't be surprised if she’s trying to get him back, but I don't think he would. They’ve been broken up for almost two years. Considering you’re the one he’s sleeping with, you have a better chance at being with him than anyone."Who're you texting?" he asks. He pops an eyebrow and smirks, then continues. "Tell my sister I said hi."
"Is it that obvious?" I snicker.
He sits next to me. "Yep. Anytime you talk to her, you get a certain look on your face, like you two are conspiring to rob a bank, then go spend it on a vacation."
It causes me to burst out into laughter. "That's hilarious."
With him sitting this close to me, I can smell the soap on his clean skin.
"So what did you ask her about me?"
I roll my eyes. "Who says we’re talking about you?"
"Please, I wasn’t born yesterday. Go on, tell me," he says with a wave of his hand.
"Nope. Our text convos are top secret." I pretend to lock my lips and throw away the key.
Just as I tell Cami bye, I get a call from my mother. I let out a sigh and answer.
"Hi, Mom!" I say. Ryan grins wide at my forced tone.
"When are you coming home? You know your father has planned an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner next week, and you're expected to be there," she reminds me.
I watch Ryan as he looks at me. "As long as I can get home, I'll be there after I volunteer in the morning. I'm currently snowed in until the plows come out this way. Could be tomorrow or a week," I explain.
"I guess we'll have to send our pilot out there to pick you up then," she states, but I know she’s being serious.
"Mother, there's no way a helicopter could land here. There's too much snow. I'm fine for now. If I can make it, I'll be there. If I'm not, well, Dad will get over it."
She gasps. "He won't."
"He'll be forced to. I can’t control the weather. It wasn’t a part of my plans either."
With a sigh, she gives up. "Alright, darling, please keep me updated so I can keep your father informed. Everything else okay?"
Though I could use a burger right now, there's no way I'd admit that to her. "Perfectly fine."
The line goes silent for a second before she continues. "Well, if you need anything, please call me. Love you, sweetie."
"Love you too, Mom."
She makes the kissy sound, and I do too, then end the call.
Ryan chuckles, shaking his head. "Sounds like my mother."
"She means well, but they can be so overbearing sometimes. Thankfully, Piper keeps them plenty busy."
He grins. "I'm sure they just want what's best for you."
I laugh. "They do, but they also like to be controlling."
"It's because they worry. You're a beautiful woman who's way too friendly. Hell, I worry about you."
I let out an aww. "Really?"
"Yeah, I can only imagine the trouble you and Cami have gotten into that I don't know about." Ryan tilts his head in speculation.
"A lot," I admit. "But still, sometimes I wish I lived a normal life where Page Six didn’t feature my family name. It's not always the easiest when people recognize you at the grocery store."
He places his hand on mine and squeezes. "I get that more than you know."
I nod. "I'm grateful for the lifestyle they’ve provided me, but sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to have a simple life."
"It's one reason I became a doctor. Normalcy. Keeps me grounded."
I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. It feels so fucking good to have someone understand what it’s like growing up in the spotlight with that constant pressure.
For the rest of the day, we flip between the weather channel and college football. The forecast still doesn’t look the best, but I'm okay with staying here a little longer with him. I’m secretly hoping our he’ll admit he wants our “only sex” agreement to become more.
After we eat macaroni leftovers for dinner, we go back into the living room and return to the couch. I swear this is the most I've lounged around all year long, but it feels nice to relax and spend this time with him.