Page 35 of The Best of Us (Love in Isolation 2)
As we watch the flames of the fire lick up the chimney, our eyes become heavy. The smell of her hair and skin is so sweet that I can’t help but let out a content sigh. With Kendall wrapped in my arms and molded to my body, we fall asleep completely elated in no time.Chapter ThirteenKendallDAY 7I wake up on cloud nine. Ryan’s pressed against me, and when I rustle, he tightens his arms around me.
The fire has died down, and there’s nothing more but glowing embers in the bottom. Needing to use the bathroom, I shimmy out of Ryan’s grasp. Once I’m free, I pick up my clothes off the floor and slip on my shirt.
As I climb the stairs to my room, I think about how Ryan, and I keep losing control with each other. Even though our agreement is just sex, something more sizzles between us, and he’d be blind to deny it. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner, but I have a feeling this is all we’ll have. However, I’m hanging onto the possibility of more after we leave the cabin. Ryan’s a workaholic and has already admitted he’s not good at balancing his job with a relationship. But whatever’s happening between us is special, and if he’ll let me, I’ll show him he can have both—his career and a girlfriend.
After I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, I slip on a clean T-shirt and some jeans, then head downstairs.
Right now, I’m on a mission to drink the biggest cup of coffee I can find.
As soon as my foot hits the bottom step, I see Ryan is still sound asleep. I make my way to the kitchen to brew a pot, then try to figure out what we'll eat today.
I go into the pantry and start rearranging the cans and boxes. My eyes go wide when I see a box of pancake mix. How in the hell did we miss this? I feel as if I just won the lottery, but then I laugh at myself. When I get back to the city, I swear I'm ordering takeout for every single meal for a month straight.
Wanting to surprise Ryan, I mix in the proper amount of water with the powder, then grab a skillet. I pour enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan, then get to work. As I wait for them to cook, I grab plates and fill a mug to the top with coffee. Carefully, I move between stacking pancakes and pouring batter until the large bowl is empty.
With a big grin, I grab the syrup I found, and when I turn around, I slam into a hard body.
Ryan grabs my waist to steady me, wearing a sleepy grin. "Sorry," he says. "Didn't mean to startle you."
"I thought you were sleeping! I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed or rather, on the couch, well, you know what I mean." I stumble over my words.
He chuckles. "They smell delicious. How can anyone sleep with that wafting through the air?"
I smile and notice how his pants hang low on his hips. I take him in, then meet his eyes.
"That's true. Welp, dig in."
We go to the bar top, and Ryan hands me a fork.
"This looks amazing." He takes a mouthful, and I’m not sure he even chews them before swallowing. His eyes go wide, and he nods, continuing to eat.
A sly smile spreads over my lips. "All I did was add water," I admit, then take a bite. They're cooked perfectly, and the maple pecan syrup makes them even better.
"Damn, I'd marry me." I snort-laugh because it’s evident I’m no chef, but I do try. Before Ryan can say anything, he pulls his phone from his pocket, looks at the screen, then silences it.
When I catch a glimpse of the name on the screen, my stomach drops.
Rachelle. His ex. Why the hell is she calling?
The mood in the room changes, and I have a million questions, though it's none of my business.
"Answer it if you need to." I hurry and shove food in my mouth so he doesn’t hear the confusion in my voice. Ryan looks down at the screen, then back at me.
"Nah, I'm good," he replies. After awkward silence for a couple of minutes, he continues, "You’re being quiet. What's on your mind?"
I suck in a deep breath. "Do you guys talk regularly?"
Ryan shrugs. "Sometimes. She'll call me to catch up or to chat about Joey."
"If you two still care about each other, why did you break up?" I ask since I never heard the story. I'm not sure if Cami knows the exact reason either, but Rachelle does still call her occasionally.
He stiffens, and I know I've crossed the line. "I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that," I quickly add.