Page 13 of The Best of Us (Love in Isolation 2)
“See, now that’s what we call progress. That’s all you had to say. And I understand, Ryan.” I place my hand on top of his. “I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable.”
He gives me a half-grin. “Thanks. Sometimes it’s hard to talk about myself, and I don’t want to relive any of last year.”
“I get it. I don’t like talking about myself either. It’s hard.”
“It’s why I appreciate you sharing all that stuff with me yesterday. I was thinking about what you told me about helping nonprofits and businesses with events. Why don’t you start a business doing that?” he asks, and I think about his questions.
“For me, it’s not about the money,” I remind him.
He laughs. “I know it’s not, but you could start a business and donate whatever you make to helping the charities you’re passionate about. You’d probably be able to give away millions.”
I tilt my head at him, and see he’s not joking. “I guess I never thought about that.”
“It’s just an idea. Then you could double help people.”
A smile touches my lips as I think it over. I turn off my phone, not wanting to waste battery since I’m not on it. After I’m done eating, I slide off the stool and stretch. “Think I’m gonna change into real clothes,” I mutter, realizing I’m still in my pajamas.
“Sounds good. I have some reading to do today, so I’m sure you’ll see me around,” he tells me with a cheeky grin.
As I go upstairs to put on warmer clothes, I smile. After our conversation, it seemed like the mood changed. Today it’s almost as if Ryan sees me differently and I appreciate it more than he knows.
Before I return to the living room, I grab my drawing supplies and phone. Ryan’s busy on one end of the couch reading on his iPad. He briefly looks at me with a smirk, then goes back to his book.
Giving him room, I sit on the opposite end, and open my phone to text Cami.
Kendall: Your brother and I had a nice chat at breakfast.Cami: Yeah? And you finally kissed?Kendall: Omg, no. But his lips did look soft.Cami: Just make a move on him and see what he does.I steal a glance of Ryan over my phone and laugh.
Kendall: He’d probably deny me, and I’d be embarrassed as hell. Then I’d be stuck with him for eternity.Cami: You never know until you try. What’s your phone at now?Kendall: 40%. I might make it until tomorrow, then I’ll be completely cut off from the outside world. Have you heard anything else?Cami: I did some research and I think you might be there for a while. I just hope the power comes on sooner than later. It makes me worry about you two with no electricity or heat.Swallowing hard, I grab the blanket hanging on the back of the couch and throw it over my legs.
Kendall: We’ll be fine. I’m in good hands.Cami: Mm-hmm. Really good doctor hands. Anyway, put your phone on low battery mode and stop using it. I want to be texted if you two bang it out.I bite my lip and sink deeper into the couch.
Kendall: Okay! Good idea. Bye!After I turn the screen brightness down, I click on low power mode so it won’t use as much juice. I try to get an update on the power situation, and the city website says it could be at least a week. No matter what I do, I know my phone won’t last that long. I let out a calm breath and turn it off.
A few magazines litter the coffee table, and I flip through them until I find a Cosmo even if it’s a summer edition. Hell, looking at all the sunshine and bathing suits considering we’re smack dab in the middle of a snowstorm might cheer me up. When Cami and I were younger, we’d always read our horoscopes and take the love quizzes even if we were still virgins. The thought has me smiling as I flip to the quiz.
It’s titled ‘How Exciting Are You in the Bedroom?’ and I grab my pencil and start checking off answers.
A few have me bursting into laughter while others seem like legitimate questions. By the end of it, I’ve been assigned as a Foxy Fireball. Apparently, I create the perfect tension between making a man work for it and then giving him exactly what he wants. I’m proud to be a vixen, but now I’m curious which one Ryan would be.
Clearing my throat, I grab his attention. “I have a few questions for you.”
He looks over at me, then down at the magazine. Cami and I have pulled this on him more than once over the years. “Real questions?”
I grin. “Cosmo questions.”
“I really need to…”
“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. You’ll have all week to do whatever you need to do. It’s not like we’re going anywhere any time soon,” I say and stick out my bottom lip, pretending to pout.