Page 23 of Christmas Captive
She looked as if she was about to argue, but her lips remained pressed together. She was learning fast, which could only bode well for our future. I would make her kneel for me. I would make her beg for me. I would make her the most perfect toy for me, whatever the price.
"Tell me you'll be a good Kitty for me," I said next. "Repeat it."
"I'll be a good Kitty," she muttered, gorgeous eyes shooting daggers at me. She didn't like this. Didn't enjoy the thought of being below me. But I relished her reluctance. It would only make it that much sweeter when she finally bent the knee for me.
"Good girl. Next, for your third lesson," I went on. "You break either of those two rules, you're out of here, and I won't pay you anything."
She pursed her lips even more. Her annoyance amused me, and I fought to keep the smile off my face as she said, "I thought you wanted to get to know me better."
"Oh, darling, don't fool yourself into thinking I picked you because of your sparkling personality," I laughed, the sadist in me enjoying seeing her face fall even more. "I picked you because of your pretty face and your gorgeous body. The fact that you can dance is a nice bonus. But I don't care for your feisty streak and the way you're so damn eager to defy me. I'll get you broken in soon enough, though, but it's imperative you understand I won't accept anything but perfect obedience. Understood?"
Biting her lower lip, Amicia nodded.
"I'm going to need to hear you say it."
"Understood," she muttered.
"Understood, what?" I demanded. "What did I tell you to call me, Kitty?"
"So say it properly. Don't make me lose my patience."
She sighed, running her fingers through her mass of dark hair as she finally muttered, "I understand, Sir."
"Now, I'm not going to warn you again," I went on, pleased with her level of submission already. Either she was really desperate for that money, or she was too afraid of standing up to me, knowing a punishment would be coming her way if she didn't obey. "You need to remember what I just told you for the duration of your stay. If you disappoint me, I will punish you. And my punishments aren't something you'll easily forget, so I'd suggest you stay on your best behavior."
"I understand, Sir," she repeated. I enjoyed seeing my requests hadn't made the spark in her eyes go out. I could tell she was already planning how to twirl me around her little finger, which amused me. I was in control. I wasn't going to let her spin my mind into circles as I was sure she'd done with men before. While she stayed in my home, she'd obey.
"Good girl," I said proudly. "As long as you remember your manners around me and company, we won't have a problem at all. You'll be paid as arranged."
Her eyes sparkled at the mention of money. I wondered why it was so important to her, vowing to myself to get the reason out of her sooner rather than later, if only to sate my own curiosity. I left her room then, but the fall of her shoulders didn't escape me right before I closed the door. Amicia was disappointed.
Did she want me to touch her? Was she already consumed by the desire to feel my hands on her?
I couldn't know for certain, but I did know I was already overwhelmed with the desire to make her submit.
When she would, I'd known she was mine forever. Something told me Amicia didn't kneel for just any man, which would only make the moment sweeter in my mind.
With a smirk, I closed the door of my own bedroom behind me. Soon enough, she'd join me in this room. Soon enough, she'd be more than just my Christmas captive...Chapter 8
It was late at night when the knock came. I was already in bed, tossing and turning as I wondered why Grayson hadn't come to me yet. All my senses were on high alert, and at first, I was convinced the knock was on my bedroom door.
"Yes?" I called out tentatively, pulling myself up into a sitting position. But no answer came. I shuffled my feet to the ground, bare skin touching the hardwood floors as I padded toward the door. "Who's there?"
Still, no answer. I wrapped a soft knitted cardigan around my body, teeth chattering as I made my way out of the room. The hallway was cold and quiet, but there was light at the end of it, where the front door was.
"Grayson?" I furrowed my brows and kept walking. The soft sound of voices drifted to me then, one Grayson's, the other a woman's. I felt chills go down my spine, knowing right away something was happening I wouldn't like one bit. I walked to the end of the hallway and finally saw them. Grayson, with his hand on the doorframe, preventing her from entering. She was beautiful despite her smeared makeup and the obvious fact that she'd been crying, and my stomach twisted into a thousand knots when I saw them together.