Page 9 of Pregnant By The Alpha (Forbidden Fantasies 11)
I go pale. This seems hard to believe.
“Really? No phone?”
Something flickers in his blue eyes but then it disappears.
“Calm down,” Tom says, taking my hand. “It’s going to be fine. Don’t stress yourself out. I’m here all the time, and I’m surviving just fine. You’re going to be okay too.”
I take a deep breath.
“Yes, but how do you not have a phone?” I ask, trying to stay calm. “It seems archaic!”
Tom shrugs, getting up from the table with our plates.
“Life is different here. The only time I would need one is in an emergency, and I just use a radio for that.”
Ah ha! “Great! This situation is definitely an emergency.”
He leans back against the counter, one brow arched.
“Really? Do you feel like it’s an emergency?”
I bite my lip and his eyes drop to it, flaring hot for a second.
“Honestly?” I ask.
Tom nods, and I sigh.
“No. I mean, I should be terrified but I’m okay now. You could be a homicidal maniac but you made me an omelet, and somehow that makes me trust you.” His smile distracts me for a second. “But I do eventually need to go home. I was only supposed to be on vacation for two weeks, and I don’t want everyone I know to worry.”
“That’s totally fair. Just remind me later and you can use the radio so they don’t call out the search parties. It’s okay.” Pushing himself away from the counter, he adds, “I’ll show you the island, if you’re feeling recovered enough. It’s a wonderful place, and I think you’ll like it.”
I think for a moment. Am I really ready? After all, I’m a castaway, stuck in this place with a strange man. But somehow, I’m not worried. It’s as if the island’s beauty has cast a spell, leaving my form relaxed and happy.
“Sounds great,” I grin.
Feeling refreshed, I follow his deliciously naked back out of the house. It opens directly onto a pool and a larger house on a hill behind it. Clearly, we’re currently in the caretaker’s home, while the master of the island lives in the humongous mansion. But then I see a large infinity pool, shimmering with blue lights.
“Holy moly,” I gasp, staring at the rippling water. “Who owns this place?” Tom looks very vague.
“Some actor, I think. Do you watch movies?”
I shake my head. “Not really. I’m a wildlife photographer, so I’m always traveling. I mean, I could watch movies on the long plane flights, but usually I just conk out.”
My companion laughs and shakes his head while leading me down a spiral wooden staircase to the beach.
“It sounds like you’re perfect for St. Brigid then,” he says lightly. “No movies, no streaming, and no downloads. That’s what island life is about.”
I giggle and we start our slow walk along the shoreline. As he points out different sights, the tight ball of anxiety in my chest begins to loosen. It’s easy to chat with Tom, and I genuinely enjoy his company.
“I’m not a big movie person, if you haven’t guessed,” I say conversationally. He smirks.
“Don’t worry, I don’t even own a TV.”
I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.
“You don’t have one here, but you’ve had one in the past right?”
He shrugs.
“Yeah, but that was back when I was a kid. I don’t really watch TV.”
I nod. “You’re perfect for this life then.”
He grins.
“Yeah, I like it out here. I’ve been coming out for years, and St. Brigid has become my private getaway. It’s nice,” he says simply.
I look over at him and now that he’s standing in the sunshine, I notice that he has glints of silver at his temples.
“How long have you been here?” I ask again, curious now.
He grins, reading my mind. “Longer than you think. And by the way, forty-five,” he says, startling me.
He smiles. “Before you ask. I’m forty-five.”
I blush and stammer, “Oh I wasn’t…” He shrugs.
“Don’t worry about it. You don’t know me so it’s a natural question and I could see you staring at my grays. They’re that obvious, huh?”
I blush embarrassed.
“No no! You’re very youthful looking,” I say quickly. He merely grins again, flashing even white teeth.
“I don’t look old and decrepit?”
“God no, you look amazing,” I say, without thinking. Then my mouth shuts with a snap and I blush again, even harder. What the hell is wrong with me? I’m usually cool to the point of standoffishness around men but Tom is making my brain stop working. I need to get a hold of myself. But Tom merely looks amused, his blue eyes glinting.
“I’m glad you think so. I work hard to keep it that way,” he says. I rush with my words.
“Oh yeah, that makes sense. Lots of yard work and the like right? St. Brigid doesn’t look overgrown.” Then my mouth snaps shut again because I’m being an idiot. Should islands look overgrown? Or is that the way they naturally are? God, I’m being so stupid in front of this man!