Page 27 of Pregnant By The Alpha (Forbidden Fantasies 11)
I wipe errant tears off my face as what he said sinks in.
He smiles but it’s a little bit unsure.
“Yeah, it needs to be always, Brynn. You were gone for a month and I couldn’t function. I was like a deranged man, unable to focus, unable to think and unable to even eat or sleep. I need to be with you. I love you more than anything and I already love this baby too. It’s me who’s lucky to be with you.”
I stare at him, my heart exploding with happiness.
“Really?” I say, fresh tears falling down my cheeks, still unable to believe my good fortune.
Tom gently wipes them away.
“Yes, honey. I don’t care how many times I have to say it. I think you’re magnificent. You’re a queen, and everything I could possibly want in a woman.”
Suddenly, a small knock sounds at the door and a tiny woman wearing rubber ducky scrubs comes trundling into the room, pushing an ultrasound machine with her.
“Hi folks,” she says, cheerily. “Sorry about your wait, but you would not believe how many pregnant women we have at the hospital today.”
She hums to herself as she starts setting up the machine and Tom holds my hand as I feel myself start to shake. I’m so scared at the idea that our baby could be hurt. But then I remind myself that Tom is here and he wants a life with me and our child. He loves me. It’s going to be alright. It has to be.
The nurse turns to us and nods to the kitten, who’s still sleeping on my chest.
“I’m a huge cat person but I’ve heard stories about this little guy. Do you think you can move him so I can start?”
Tom reaches over and begins to pick up the kitten before I can warn him. The kitten meows but at least he lets Tom’s large hands scoop him off of me. He places the kitten in his lap and little Tom immediately settles in to keep an eye on me from his new perch.
“He must like you,” I say smiling as the nurse moves in closer with the ultrasound machine.
“I’ve always been good with animals,” my lover says. “What’s his name?”
I blush a little.
“Tom.” Big Tom grins while squeezing my hand once more.
“Alright, here we go,” the nurse sings, lifting up my hospital gown and placing the wand on my stomach.
I look over at my man to see if he’s nervous, but he looks okay. He’s gently holding my hand with his own while petting the cat’s head with the other. His eyes are trained on the nurse as she gently skims the sensor over my bulging belly.
The nurse is silent for a couple minutes, merely staring at a screen Tom and I can’t see. Then after what feels like a century, she grins and turns the monitor around.
“Everything looks great with your baby. There’s the heartbeat, as steady as a drum. The spine looks intact and I don’t see any dark spots inside, which is good. That means there’s no liquid where there shouldn’t be.”
I can feel myself smiling.
“Oh, thank God,” I whisper.
I look over at Tom and there are tears in his eyes.
“That’s our baby,” he says, sounding dazed.
His blue eyes find mine.
“I can’t believe it.”
The ultrasound tech laughs.
“Believe it, Dad. Congrats you two! I’ll let the doctor know that the baby is happy and healthy and he’ll take a look just to be sure as well. Would you like me to send in your family?”
I nod as she starts unplugging everything and packing up. I’m still gazing at my love.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
He nods slowly, his blue gaze never leaving mine.
“Yes, more than anything. Are you sure you want me? After everything that’s happened? I understand if you don’t, Brynn,” he says in a choked voice. “We started with lies, but I promise you, it’s going to be one hundred percent truth from here on out. I swear it.”
I smile, tears filling my eyes
“Of course I love you, Tom. I couldn’t help myself if I tried.”
He looks awestruck and presses my hand to his lips just as my parents and Simona barge into the room. Their faces are anxious.
“How’s the baby?” my friend asks.
“He or she is fine,” I say in a gentle voice. “There’s nothing wrong with them.” My mother cries and laughs while hugging my father, as Simona dances a jig of joy.
“I knew it!” she crows. “Baby Hale is fine! Or should I say Baby Masters?”
I almost start weeping again as everyone begins to laugh.
“You’ll live here, in Florida, obviously,” my father says to my boyfriend.
“Dad,” I start, but Tom interrupts.
“Of course, Mr. Hale. I’d be happy to re-locate.”
“We have family dinners every Sunday,” my mom gushes. “We want to see you and the baby every weekend.”