Page 25 of Pregnant By The Alpha (Forbidden Fantasies 11)
There’s a ringing in my ears as I drop the phone on the floor of the car.
“St. Judith’s Hospital,” I manage to mutter through numb lips.
“What’s that?” the driver asks turning around.
“St. Judith’s Hospital,” I yell. “Hurry!”
If he’s confused, he doesn’t mention a thing as he quickly puts his turn signal on. The car makes its way slowly through traffic and we take the nearest exit.
I sit in anxious silence, tapping my foot on the ground, stopping myself from yelling at the poor man to drive faster. The report about Brynn spins in my head. Grievous injuries, car accident…pregnant. I bolt upright in the leather seat. She’s pregnant. Brynn is pregnant, with my child. I run a hand through my hair, and then I half-laugh half-sob as I think about my future. If she’s alright, I’ll do everything in my power to convince her to come back. She said she loved me while she was on the island. It’s not too late is it? I have to win her heart again.
“She has to be alright,” I mutter to myself as my car pulls into the hospital parking lot.
The driver stops the car right before the ER. I jump out, but immediately, reporters come running up from where they were lying in wait. I do my best to push through them but there are too many. Fortunately, my chauffeur comes to my rescue.
“Alright, you vultures,” he roars. “Get back!”
Even though he’s middle-aged, he manages to push an opening for me in the crowd. I smile at him.
“Remind me to offer you a new job when I get out of here. I’ll triple your pay.”
He grins at me as I rush through the sliding door. Then, I run up to the check-in desk.
“Brynn Hale’s room,” I say to the nurse, who is dressed in rainbow scrubs.
“Are you family?”
I pause. I don’t really know what to say.
“Let me guess,” says a gravelly voice behind me. “You must be Tom.”
I turn and find myself looking into the eyes of a well-built older man with a mustache and Brynn’s golden-brown eyes.
“Yes sir,” I say nervously. “That’s me.”
“I’m Brynn’s father, Ron.”
“Sir, I…”
He holds up a hand.
“Don’t. We’ll talk later. Right now, Brynn wants you.”
He turns without another word and heads towards the elevators. I follow humbly behind him. We wait for an older couple to exit before entering the elevator, and I chance a glance at Ron’s profile.
“How is she?” I venture.
He frowns.
“For a collision like that, she’s alright.”
I feel like I can’t catch my breath and my voice cracks as it comes out.
“Mr. Hale, please I never wanted this for her. I love…”
He exhales heavily, refusing to meet my eyes.
“Look son, Brynn hasn’t told us anything but the briefest details. I used my powers of deduction to figure out what you are to my daughter. I don’t understand your decision and frankly, I don’t care. All I care about is my daughter and my grandchild.”
“I care about her too,” I say. “I was giving her space and also I didn’t know how to find her. Sir, your daughter…” I have to stop and take a deep breath as emotions course through me. “Your daughter is miraculous. I fell in love with her in a day and a half. I was stupid not to be honest with her from the get-go, and I swear to you, if she’ll have me, I’ll love and protect her and our child until the end of time. If she doesn’t want me, I’ll take care of our child and makes sure she has everything she could ever need.”
His brown eyes stared unblinkingly into mine.
“Tell that to Brynn, not to me.” Then, the elevator doors open, and he leads the way out into the hallway. “She’s in room 304. We’re waiting on the ultrasound tech to check the baby.”
I feel like I have to puke as Ronald Hale opens the door. Oh god. Brynn is lying in a bed hooked up to machines and her eyes are closed. Her face is deathly pale, she has a large cut on her forehead, and it looks like there’s a bruise on her face, most likely from the airbag. Around her are two women, and a small black kitten is sitting on her chest. Brynn’s father walks into the room and takes the hand of the older woman who resembles Brynn, if you were to add about twenty years. She’s shorter and darker, but other than that, they look remarkably similar.
“He’s here, love,” Robert says gently to his wife.
She turns her tear stained face and catches my eye.
“Ah, dios mio!” she cries rising to her feet and rushing towards me. “She has been asking and asking for you and now you are here.”
The woman continues in a combination of broken Spanish and English. Grabbing my hand, she pulls me to the bed. The other woman, who is near Brynn’s age, also looks up at me. She vacates the chair next to the bed, and I sit down and take Brynn’s hands, my heart in my throat. The kitten who’s asleep on her chest raises his head and meows delicately at me.