Page 53 of Runaway (Wolfes of Manhattan 3)
She bit her lower lip. “That’s the problem, Matt. We don’t have a start.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You don’t want me.”
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know—”
“Stop.” She placed two fingers over my lips. “Just stop. You know what the internet tells you. That’s all you know.”
“I know you’re a mess right now because your father died. I know you’re mourning.”
“See?” She shook her head, her lips trembling. “That’s just it. You don’t know me at all. I’m not mourning. I’m glad the asshole is dead!”35RileyI pounded on the elevator button once more. I drew in a breath, except my lungs didn’t expand. No air went in, and my heart pounded like someone was punching to the beat of a bass drum.
“Damn!” I cried. “Come on!”
“Easy.” Matt took my hand from the button once again. He didn’t kiss it this time. Instead, he covered it with his own and then entwined our fingers together. “Let me help you. Please.”
I shook my head. “No one can help me.”
“I can.”
Maybe he could. Indeed, he already had. Those few days in Montana had been bliss. Bliss I’d never felt in my young life.
A man who wanted me, who treated me well. Who was tender with me. Who gave me a rose. Who wanted to give me a beautiful pendant.
And I’d rebuffed him.
Was it possible? Though I hadn’t been around to witness it, both my brothers had fallen in love quickly, and they seemed happy.
Bullshit. No “seemed” about it. They were happy. Blissfully happy, despite the turmoil in our lives. Despite being persons of interest in our father’s murder.
Could I be happy with Matt?
God, yes, I could.
I did love him. No two ways about it. I was hopelessly in love with Matteo Rossi.
Which was why I couldn’t drag him into this clusterfuck.
But I was done lying, so the truth tumbled out of me.
“I do love you, Matt. I do.”
That gorgeous smile split his sculpted face.
This time he placed two fingers on my lips. “No buts. Whatever it is, we can handle it.”
“You shouldn’t have to handle anything. Loving me shouldn’t be like serving a sentence, but I’m afraid that’s how it would be.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he said. “I already love you, and I can’t change that. What’s more, I don’t want to change it, Riley. I want to be with you. I want to make a life with you.”
“We barely know each other.”
“So we get to know each other. Who says we have to run out and get married tomorrow? We take our time. Learn about each other. Make love with each other. Enjoy each other.”
I sighed, resisting the urge to melt into his arms. “You don’t know how much I wish I could do all of that.”
“You can.”
Rock walked toward us quickly. “People are asking about you, Ry.” He turned to Matt. “Good. You found her.”
I raised my eyebrows. “You two know each other?”
“We gave him a ride in the limo,” Rock said. “We waited as long as we could for you. Where have you been?”
“I…took the subway.”
“The subway?” Rock laughed. “Good for you.”
Matt stared at both of us quizzically, one eyebrow cocked.
“You want to come into the ballroom?” Rock asked Matt. “We’ve got enough expensive food and booze to feed a fucking army.”
“Already been,” Matt said.
“Come back in, then,” he said. “Ry and I have rounds to make.”
I went rigid. “I don’t want to.”
“I know, Sis. I know. But we have to.”
“Why does she have to?” Matt asked. “It’s obviously bothering her.”
“She shouldn’t have to,” Rock said. “None of us should have to, but we don’t have a choice.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Matt said.
I drew in a deep breath and forced my body to regain my model-like posture. “He’s right, Matt. There are things you don’t know. Things you can’t know.”
“I don’t accept that.”
Rock met Matt’s gaze then. “You have to accept it. You don’t have a choice. You obviously traveled a long way to see my sister, so I’m not going to make you leave. You’re welcome to come back to the wake.”
I sighed again. “Okay. I’m ready. I’m coming.”
“Riley…” Matt began.
“My brother’s right. I have to go in and face my demons.”
“Wait… Demons?”
“Leave it,” Rock said, his voice adamant. “Don’t make this more difficult for her than it already is.”
I placed my hand in the crook of Rock’s arm and let him lead me back to the ballroom. I didn’t look back.
I didn’t look back because I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing Matt standing alone by the elevator.
Matt, who loved me, but who didn’t know me.
Matt, who I loved, when I thought I’d never love anyone in such an intimate way.
“Easy, Sis,” Rock said as he opened the door to the ballroom. “Just take it easy.”
I put on my runway face. It wasn’t a smile. It was a surly look that fashion designers loved. I entered the ballroom as Riley Wolfe, supermodel daughter of Derek Wolfe.