Page 28 of Runaway (Wolfes of Manhattan 3)
“You’re right. You probably shouldn’t have, but I shouldn’t have reacted so strongly. I loved the flower. Truly.”
I returned her smile. How could I not? Her smile was something amazing, and I got the feeling not everyone got to see it.
I felt privileged.
Even in the darkness of the restaurant, I could see her blush a little.
I couldn’t help myself. “You’re so damned beautiful,” I said.
Her smile widened. “So are you.”
I couldn’t help a chuckle. “I’m not sure anyone’s ever called me beautiful before.”
“You are. I could say handsome. It’s accurate. I could say gorgeous and magnificent. Also accurate. But beauty is the basis for all of those, and you are beautiful, Matt.”
Her hand still rested on mine, and I entwined my fingers with hers. I didn’t know what to say. I was having dinner with someone else, and I was a gentleman. I’d see the date to its conclusion. But I desperately wanted to see Riley later tonight. I didn’t care what we did. If I never got her into the sack, I didn’t care. I just wanted to be with her, in her presence.
“May I see you later?” I asked.
She frowned. “What about your date?”
“It’s not a date, really. I replaced a pipe for Leena and she’s buying me dinner.”
She smiled again. Was that relief in her eyes?
“I’m glad, but there’s something you should know.”
I shook my head. “I don’t need to know anything, Riley. I’m not pushing you for answers. I just want to be with you. We can do anything you want. Get a drink at the Stein. Go home and put a DVD in the player. Play a game of cards. Sit and do nothing. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“Shh. It doesn’t matter.”
Adriano arrived with Riley’s pizza. “You eating over here now, Matt?” he asked.
“No. Just saying hi.” I laughed. “That’s a lot of pizza for one person.”
“I plan to make a big dent in it,” Riley said.
“I’ve no doubt.” I winked at her. “Let me finish my dinner and I’ll see you back at the cabin, okay?”
She nodded. “All right.”19RileyWas it fair?
I’d tried to tell Matt I was leaving tomorrow, but he kept shushing me.
I supposed it didn’t matter. If it weren’t tomorrow, it would be several days later. Matt and I had no future, anyway.
I couldn’t escape my life, as much as I wanted to. My brothers deserved better. They were back in Manhattan dealing with the fallout of our bastard father’s death. They needed me. And truth be told, I needed them too. Now that they knew the truth about me, maybe we could become closer. They no longer had any reason to envy me.
Indeed, I had reason to envy them.
In the meantime, a pizza the size of the Titanic awaited me.
Yeah, it was only twelve inches in diameter, but the crust was thick and the toppings were mountainous.
And the aroma was divine as I inhaled.
I couldn’t help a chuckle. Fredricka would have a coronary if she could see me now.
I picked up a piece and took a bite. A little hot but not enough to burn the roof of my mouth.
And absolutely delicious.
After two pieces, though, I was full. I should have listened to Adriano and gotten the individual size.
“Another glass of wine?” Adriano asked after walking back to my table.
“I’d better not. I’m driving.”
“How was the pizza?”
“Delicious, but I should have listened to you. This was way too much.”
He picked up the tray. “I’ll just box this up for you.”
“I’m actually leaving tomorrow,” I said. “So don’t bother. Why don’t you take it?”
“We’re not allowed to do that,” he said. “Health laws and all.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t.”
“Good enough.” He winked. “It’ll make a nice midnight snack. I’ll be right back with your check.”
I itched to look behind me, to see Matt’s face, maybe get a better look at his date.
It wasn’t a date, he’d said. He just helped her with a sink pipe.
He’d forgiven me for being such a bitch earlier, and I was thankful for that.
A new feeling swept through me—something I hadn’t felt in a long time.
I was looking forward to seeing Matt tonight.
Adriano brought my check. I paid in cash, of course. I had one credit card in each of my aliases, but I used them only for travel. I left a handsome tip, as well.
Then I rose and turned.
Matt and Leena were still eating their pizza, and I whisked past them quickly, forcing myself not to meet Matt’s gorgeous blue gaze.
I’d see him later.
I couldn’t wait.The knock on the cabin door made my heart race.
I hadn’t changed clothes, though I’d considered it. I was still wearing the jeans and tank I wore to the pizza place. My bones were tired from the work I’d done this morning, but the anticipation made my adrenaline surge.
I opened the door.