Page 33 of Recluse (Wolfes of Manhattan 2)
And another.
Until my cock couldn’t take it any longer.
I stood and unzipped my jeans, sliding them over my hips. “I’m going to fuck you, silver. I’m going to sink my cock into you and make your scream even louder.”
Her breasts were rosy and swollen, her nipples tight and hard.
I hadn’t paid any attention to them since I’d freed them from her clothes, so before I shoved my cock into her, I gave them each a hard pinch.
She nearly jerked off the table.
“Good?” I said.
She bit her lip. “Do that again, and I’m going to scream so loud!”
“Good.” I pinched those hard nipples once more.
She didn’t disappoint. Her shrill shriek bounced off the walls of the conference room.
And I sank my cock deep into her wet pussy.
“Ahhhh,” I groaned.
How perfectly she sheathed me. Paradise. Being inside Charlie Waters was true paradise.
“Play with my nipples while you fuck me, Roy. Please.”
I clamped my hands onto her breasts as I pulled out and thrust back in. With my thumbs, I teased her, her vocal responses spurring me on and making me even harder, if that were possible.
I pumped.
I pumped.
Then I stayed deep inside her, moving my hips in a circular motion that touched every angle inside her cunt. She squirmed, her eyes closed, sexy moans easing out of her throat.
When I could no longer wait, I pulled out and plunged back in balls deep, releasing inside her warmth.
Every contraction of my cock emanated through me, from my very core to the tips of my fingers and toes. My fingers sizzled as I continued torturing her nipples.
“I’m coming, Roy. I’m coming again!”
A low groan left my throat. God, for her to come. For me to make her come.
That was almost better than my own release.
Something about bringing her to orgasm titillated me like nothing else.
I stayed embedded in her body for several timeless moments, letting my climax taper off slowly and completely.
When I finally came to, I was panting, breaths leaving my body in rapid puffs.
“Fuck,” was all I could manage.
Charlie lay silently on the table, her body covered in a beautiful sheen of rosiness. Her nipples were still hard.
God, she was beautiful.
So fucking beautiful.
Finally I withdrew, and I smiled.
I’d promised this table would be shiny with her juices, and it was. Sheer, shiny beauty.
She dazzled. Everything about her fucking dazzled.
I tucked my cock back into my boxer briefs and put my jeans back over my hips.
Then I simply gazed at her beauty. Her nakedness. Her rosiness. And still wearing those businesslike pumps.
These weren’t fuck me pumps.
They were simple black leather with a medium-high heel.
How great would she look in fuck me stiletto pumps?
Nope. Couldn’t imagine that at the moment, or I’d get hard again.
She let out a slow sigh and a sweet vocal “mmm.”
Then she jerked upward.23Charlie“Oh my God!” I jerked upward, nearly sliding off the table. It was coated in…well…me.
How had I let this happen? I hadn’t exactly been quiet. And Roy.
Roy had egged me on.
Where was his introversion today?
He eyed me like I was a side of prime beef. “You look succulent,” he said.
“How could you let me do this?” I scanned the floor for my clothes. “People outside must have heard.”
“So?” I shook my head. “You’re crazy, Roy. This is nuts.”
“The Wolfes paid good money for this room.”
“For God’s sake, we have a suite upstairs. The Wolfes didn’t pay for us to have sex in this room.”
“The Wolfes paid for this room for the day. What we choose to do in it is our business.”
I regarded him. For a split second, I’d thought he was different.
But no. He was Derek Wolfe spawn, through and through, just like Rock and Reid.
Reid was a known womanizer, and Rock? Well, I’d heard with my own ears what Rock was like when he and Lacey had fucked in her office that first day.
Roy, though? He had an artist’s soul.
I stifled a chuckle.
Artists liked to fuck too, of course. Why wouldn’t they?
I scrambled to find my clothes and get dressed.
My blouse was a huge issue. All of the buttons had been ripped off and scattered throughout the room. Now what was I supposed to do?
“Just put it on backwards and then put your blazer over it,” Roy said, as if reading my mind. “No one will be the wiser.”
I had to admit it was a good idea. Thankfully I had the sundress upstairs that I could change into.
I dressed as quickly as I could. “I need to go back to the room and change. I’m not going around wearing a backward blouse that isn’t fastened at all in the back.
“Easier for me to get off that way.”
“Right. You didn’t have any trouble getting it off the first time.”
“Silver, I’ll never have any trouble getting you naked. I promise.”
A sliver of anger surged through me. “Do you take any of this seriously? Do you?”