Page 23 of Recluse (Wolfes of Manhattan 2)
Then a body hovered above me. A cock sank into me.
And a wave of completeness shrouded me.
Total completeness.
One with this man—this special and amazing man.
His hardness slid in and out of me, his cock burning a tunnel in my tight pussy. So good. So fucking good.
I curled my legs up and around him, resting my calves on his ass as he pumped, his hips pistoning furiously.
Thrust. Thrust. Thrust.
Every tissue in my body was on alert, highly sensitized. Until… Until… Until—
“God!” I screamed as my second orgasm rolled from my clit into my core and then outward to the tips of my fingers.
“Yes! Oh, God, yes!”
“That’s it, silver. God, I can feel your pussy sucking against my cock. Feels so good. So good. So goo—”
He pushed his cock into me balls deep, and my climax continued, pulsing around him.
We came in tandem. Together and joined.
And it was magnificent. Miraculous.
Perfect in every way.
When his cock finally stopped pulsing, he turned and fell onto his back next to me. My legs still hung off the side of the bed.
My body was shiny with perspiration, and my heart thudded rapidly against my chest.
Roy lay immobile, one arm across his forehead, the other resting on my belly.
We stayed there, silent, for a few timeless moments. Until a phone rang.
Roy jerked. “That’s me.”
He got up and pawed around, looking for his phone, I assumed.
When he finally found it, he said, “Yeah? This is Roy Wolfe.”14Roy“It’s me. Rock.”
“What is it?”
“I need you at the office first thing in the morning. I’ve set you and Reid up to plan our father’s memorial service.”
What? This was the first I’d heard of a memorial service. “He’s already been cremated, Rock.”
“Yeah. I know. But I’ve been talking to the attorneys, and they feel we need to have a lavish memorial service for our esteemed father. Make it look good, you know?”
“Look good for whom?”
“For everyone, but mostly for the law. Every one of us is implicated, so we need to at least act like we care.”
“If we cared, we’d have done this before now.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. We weren’t expecting Dad’s death. It was a homicide, so no one will think twice that we didn’t have the service the next day.”
“They might. This was Derek Wolfe. He could buy anything, including the most expensive memorial service on the planet the day after death.”
“Well, that didn’t happen. Our story is that we wanted to wait until Riley returned.”
“Riley was here when he died.”
“Try to keep up with me, Roy. Yes, I know she was here. But now she’s not, and that’s our plan. We waited a few days for Riley to return, and when she didn’t, we went ahead with plans for the service. Got it?”
“Don’t treat me like an idiot, Rock. Yeah, I get it. I just don’t think anyone in the free world will buy it.”
“They’ll have to. It’s all we’ve got.”
“Why do I have to take part?”
“Because you’re a dutiful son.”
“Nope. Not doing it. You be the dutiful son.”
“Dude, I’m the only one who has an ironclad alibi. I wasn’t in the state when this all went down.”
“So? You’re the new CEO of the company. You should take the reins here.”
“Then who’s going to Montana to meet with our witness?”
“I am.”
“Why the hell would you want— Oh. I see.”
“What?” I asked, trying to sound innocent.
“You have the hots for Lacey’s assistant. I thought I saw a look pass between you two today. That’s it.”
I said nothing.
“No offense, but you don’t know these guys.”
“Hoss and Manny, you mean?”
“Yeah. And their witness. You won’t know what to ask or anything.”
“And you will? Or Charlie?”
“Lace is giving me a list of questions.”
“Which you can easily give to me.”
Let him try to discount the logic. He wouldn’t be able to.
“Fine. You go.”
I smiled into the phone. “When do we leave?”
“Tomorrow morning. Eight a.m. sharp. Be at our private terminal at JFK.”
“Got it. We’ll be there.” I ended the call.
Back to business.
I had a naked woman in my bed.
To my dismay, however, Charlie had fallen asleep.
I smiled and kissed her silky cheek, and then I walked to the studio to have a look—
I stopped just short of the door.
I’d promised her I wouldn’t look at the painting.
Normally, I’d think this was an innocent little violation of a promise that didn’t mean a whole lot. I mean, seriously. Who cared if I looked at her painting? She’d never know.
I knew who cared.
I did.
I fucking cared.
I didn’t want to violate Charlie’s trust, even over something so minute.
I walked out to the kitchen, ate two spoons full of cold ziti, and drank a glass of water.
Then I joined Charlie in my bed.The phone alarm went off at five a.m.
Charlie jerked upward. “What? Where am I?”
“Shh. You’re with me, silver. You fell asleep last night, and I didn’t want to wake you.”