Page 74 of Rebel (Wolfes of Manhattan 1)
“Rock!” I whispered urgently. “Where’s your brother?”
“The other bedroom,” he said, his chin glistening.
“Stop it. He’ll hear us!”
“Do I look like I care?” He winked and then returned to what he was doing.
I closed my eyes and sighed. Might as well enjoy it, though I vowed to remain quiet.
The climax rolled through me swiftly, and I grabbed bunches of the cotton sheets, arching my back and attempting to moan quietly.
In another moment, Rock was on top of me and inside me, pumping, pumping, pumping…until another climax rose within me.
“That’s it, baby. I can feel you coming. God, Lacey. God!”
He thrust into me more deeply than ever, and I no longer held back.
“Rock. Oh, Rock!”
We stayed joined together until our orgasms slowed, and then he rolled off of me. I laughed softly. “So much for me being quiet.”
“This is my house, Lace. You can be as loud as you want to be, especially when a guest is uninvited.”
“He’s your brother.”
“He’s still uninvited.”
“Is he okay?”
He shook his head. “Damned if I know. He’s hiding something, something he wants to tell me. He flew across the country to get to me.”
“I’m not sure he came here to talk to you about anything.”
“You mean you don’t think he’s hiding something?”
“No. I agree with you there. He’s definitely hiding something. But I don’t think he came here to talk, Rock. He came here to run away from something.”
“He wasn’t running away. He knew I’d be here.”
“True. But he also knew you’d be back in a couple days. There wasn’t any reason for him to fly here just to talk to you.”
“That’s true.” Rock sat up in bed. “Something’s eating him for sure. I should check on him. Then I’ll make some coffee.”
“Sounds good.” I leaned forward and kissed the back of his tanned shoulder. “I’ll be out in a few.”
After Rock left, I went to the bathroom and ran a brush through my disheveled hair. I was about to wash up, when my cellphone buzzed.
A Manhattan number I didn’t recognize. “Hello, this is Lacey.”
“Lacey, it’s Charlie. I’m so sorry to bother you over the weekend, but it’s urgent.”
“Yeah? What is it, Charlie?”
“A detective came to talk to me at home last night. Late last night, actually. It freaked me out.”
“Shit. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. I asked to see his badge and then called the police dispatcher to make sure he was legit. He was.”
“Was it that detective who came to the office?”
“No, it was a different guy. A little younger.”
“What did he want?”
“He had a lot of questions…” She hedged. “About you.”
My stomach dropped. After yesterday morning, this was the last thing I needed to hear. “What did they ask you, Charlie?”
“Mostly about your connections to Derek Wolfe.”
I cleared my throat. “And…what did you tell them?”
“Only what I knew. He was a new client of yours that you inherited from Robert Mayes. They poked and prodded, but I didn’t know the answers to any of their questions. Lacey…are you in some kind of trouble?”
I paused a few seconds. Then, “I didn’t do anything wrong, Charlie.”
“I know you didn’t, but someone sure thinks you did.”
“Listen, don’t talk to anyone else until I get back, okay? Especially not late in the evening like that. I smell a rat.”
“I do too.”
“Good. We’re on the same page.”
“I shouldn’t have let him in, but he checked out.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Charlie. Just lie low until I get back tomorrow, okay?”
“I’ll try.”
I sighed. That meant she’d lie low, but if someone came to her door asking more questions, she’d cooperate.
I couldn’t ask any more of her than that. My nerves jumped as I quickly washed up and pulled on jeans and a light blue tank top. I padded barefoot out to the kitchen where the welcoming scent of coffee greeted me.
Rock and his brother sat at the table. If the Wolfe men weren’t the most gorgeous beings in the universe, I didn’t know who were. Roy’s long hair was pulled back into a ponytail. It was straighter and calmer than Rock’s, which was now cut short. They both wore jeans and were bare-chested.
If I weren’t totally in love with Rock, I’d actually be contemplating a threesome right about now. Not that either of them would ever do it. The Wolfe brothers didn’t share. I knew that instinctively.
I swallowed. How could I be thinking of a threesome when I was being investigated for murder?
“Hey, babe,” Rock said. “Coffee?”
I motioned for him to stay seated. “I’ll get it. Good morning, Roy.”
“Morning.” Roy sipped his coffee.
“Roy and I have been talking,” Rock said. “We think it’s best that we go back to New York right away.”
“Don’t expect me to disagree,” I said. “I just got a pretty distressing phone call.”
Rock lifted his brow. “Oh? What’s going on?”
“Apparently a detective questioned my assistant last night. At her home. At nine p.m.”