Page 44 of Rebel (Wolfes of Manhattan 1)
“I agree. Too bad we’re both busy tonight. I wouldn’t mind getting him completely blasted to get him talking.”
“Another time,” I said, hailing a cab. “Where’s Riley tonight?”
“I don’t know. I just assumed he didn’t call her.”
“You’re probably right.” I got into the cab. “See you later.”My cock was already hard as I rode the elevator up to Lacey’s floor. What that woman did to me. She made me think things I had no right thinking.
We’d keep it casual, Lacey and I. No need to complicate things with feelings and such. I’d been there, done that, and I wasn’t up for it again.
Nieves and I had shared some great times, but when it got serious between us, things fell apart, and I learned she wasn’t the woman I thought she was. I had no desire to repeat it.
I knocked on the door harder than I intended.
Lacey opened the door wearing a silk robe and holding a glass of red wine.
Nothing underneath that I could see. Her nipples protruded against the red silk like two round berries.
“What took you so long?” she asked.
“Sorry, baby, but I’m here now.” I entered, closing the door behind me.
“Wine?” she asked.
“I’m surprised you’re drinking, after last night.”
“Just one glass. I didn’t drink any of the Riesling at dinner. Too sweet.”
“Riesling’s a pretty boy wine. Perfect for your date.”
“Hey, don’t disparage my—” She laughed and shook her head. “Who am I kidding? He was a complete flake. I accepted his invitation on a whim. He actually gave me a massage this afternoon. When my appointment was over, he asked me out, and I figured, what the hell?”
“Not a good fit, huh?”
“Let me put it this way. His spirit animal was apparently with him on our date.”
“His what?”
“Don’t ask. I get that he’s really spiritual and all that, but he went so overboard talking about Zen this and Zen that. Then when he said his spirit animal was always with him, I knew I had to get out of there.”
“Three’s a crowd,” I said.
“Exactly.” She handed me a glass of wine. “Make yourself comfortable.”
She sat down on her couch and patted the seat next to her. “Can we get to know each other a little?”
“Nothing you don’t already know about me.” Well, there was a lot she didn’t know about me, but nothing necessary for her to know to accomplish the task at hand, which was hot monkey fucking.
“What do you do in your spare time?”
“In the last few days? I’ve been fucking you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Come on, Rock. I’m serious.”
“I’m a biker and construction worker from Montana, Lacey. You know that already. Life as I knew it a week ago is over. Now I’m an uptight businessman who wears uncomfortable clothes and has no clue what he’s doing.”
“Hobbies? Likes? Dislikes?”
“Hmm.” I took the glass out of her hand and set it on the coffee table next to my own. “I like fucking you. I dislike talking when I could be fucking you.”
She stood and let out an indignant—and really cute—huff. “Get out.”
“Come on, baby. You don’t answer the door wearing nothing but a short red silk robe if you don’t want to fuck.”
“Get out,” she said again, this time angrier.
My cock was having none of that. “Don’t be that way, Lace.”
“If you can’t even sit and talk to me for ten minutes, what kind of relationship is this?”
I stood and glided my fingers down one of her silk-clad arms. “You are beautiful, Lacey Ward. Beautiful and brilliant and a fucking spitfire in bed. I’ve enjoyed every second we’ve shared. But, sweetheart, what makes you think we have a relationship?”
She yanked her arm away, picked up one of the wine glasses, and splashed the wine in my face.
I gasped, closing my eyes against the burgundy attack. “Why you—”
“Get out of here!” she yelled.
I shed my suit jacket and quickly untucked my shirt, wiping my face with the tail.
“Get out,” she said again, seething.
Her anger was only making me hornier. Damn it to hell. I wasn’t going anywhere.
“Aren’t you going to offer to help me clean up? You just ruined my—”
“Like you give a rat’s ass.” She shook her head. “You know, as I was sitting with Brent tonight, listening to his lame stories, I was thinking about what a good guy you are, doing all of this for your brothers and sister. How could I have been so wrong? You’re a grade A asshole.”
“I suppose that’s better than being a grade B asshole.”
“Yeah.” She let out a sarcastic chuckle. “You would never settle for being less than the best asshole out there.”
I laughed. “I do my best.”
“Great. Now I’m serious. Get the hell out of my house.”
“I don’t think so.” I stalked toward her.
“I mean it, Rock. Leave.”
I grabbed her and pulled her to me. Her body was already heated with arousal, and I swore her nipples were poking into my soiled shirt.