Page 73 of Prima
I couldn’t afford to keep him out of it either.
I had made this bed and as awful, as corrupt, as horrid as it was, it was only me who would be climbing between the sheets yet again. I might not be able to keep Nikolai away from me, but I’d be damned if I’d allow his evil to touch my grandmother or taint Alek with its darkness.
Dropping the phone, I brushed the wetness off my cheeks and pulled back out into the street.AlekI was smiling as I pulled into my parking spot behind the theater. It was later than I’d expected, but I hadn’t minded the time spent with Olga when I went to go check on her. She’d looked at me with a smile that welcomed me and seemed to ease something inside her. My questions of if she was all right had her brushing my concern aside as she prepared tea in the biggest damn pot I’d ever seen.
I’d both accepted her hospitality and enjoyed the conversation. Olga was a font of information of the ballet. She shared stories of my mother’s performances I’d never heard. The fact my mother had been a Russian icon was old news, but she’d never been one to toot her own horn. Hearing how much she’d done to inspire young women to dance was also nothing new, but learning how she’d actually persuaded the men in power that allowing her to bring children to the grandest stage in all of Russia and dance with them was a tidbit I hadn’t known. I could easily picture my mother smiling as she helped a young girl assume the proper pose before even going up onto her toes and taking that first step.
Climbing out of the car, the thought of another special ballerina had me glancing around the parking lot. I looked a second time, moving my head a bit slower as if to make sure I hadn’t skipped over Clara’s car. My eyes dropped to the watch on my wrist. She was never late.
Shrugging as if to shake off anything bad from settling in place, I went inside to seek out Yuri. Perhaps she’d called to tell him she’d decided to take a day or two to make sure her grandmother was truly okay. Of course, I’d just left their house and hadn’t seen Clara.
“I haven’t heard from her,” Yuri said as he opened the bottle of water I’d snagged on my way to the rehearsal stage. “I thought she was with you.”
“No.” I looked at the stage and saw an empty spot that should have held a ballerina dressed in leotards, her feet clad in the shoes I’d given her, her blonde ponytail swaying as she followed the intricate steps of Yuri’s choreography. I was halfway to my office when I turned back. “Hey, what was it you wanted to talk to me about last night?”
“Some guy called asking questions about Clara,” Yuri said.
“Reporters call all the time—”
“Really?” Yuri said, the roll of his eyes as sarcastic as his tone. “Believe me, I’m well aware. He didn’t act like he wanted to know anything other than her personal life. Nothing about the ballet. Actually hinted around that she wasn’t above fucking the boss to get ahead.” He paused and gave me a long look, but I didn’t bite. Finally, he shrugged. “Struck me as… I don’t know… off, I guess.”
Yuri was experienced at fending off inquisitive reporters but also knew how to walk the thin line as our company certainly didn’t need some aggrieved reporter writing bad press. “What’d you tell him?”
“Suggested he call the press office and arrange for an interview.”
I nodded. “Let me know if he calls again,” I instructed.
“Will do,” he said and, after a final swallow, lobbed the bottle into the trash can before clapping his hands and turning back to the stage. “Breaks over, take it from Act Two.”
I continued toward my office. My gut started to churn, and I knew something was wrong.27ClaraAs I made the final turn onto the street that would take me to my house, I threw yet another plan out the window. Even if I managed to come up with some huge amount of money to try to buy him off, Nikolai would laugh in my face. Oh, he’d take the money from me anyway, but he’d most likely use the bills to light his cigars just to teach me he couldn’t be bought — at least not with my money. He had all the funds he needed and if not… well, all he had to do was snap his fingers and someone would find him the cash he required no matter how illegal the gains might be.
My gasp had me realizing I’d been holding my breath until I’d driven close enough to see there were no cars in my driveway. No sensible black Audi nor a flamboyant silver Lamborghini blocked my space. Thanking the stars Alek was not here, and trusting that Nikolai would remain at The Drake, unless, of course, I didn’t show up, I took the time to compose myself before grabbing my purse and my phone. According to the little screen, I had less than fifteen minutes to change and get to the hotel.