Page 21 of Prima
Clara was basically naked…
I needed to get the hell out of there or at least have the decency to turn around. I did neither. Instead, I raked my eyes slowly up and down her frame, taking in every single inch of the most gorgeous sight I’d ever seen.
That body! Her bare ass wasn’t only heart-shaped, it was beautifully sculpted, my fingers instantly curling as if desperate to grab hold and never let go. And when she turned to face me, with breasts slick from the shower, I discovered that the wing I’d seen earlier belonged to an exquisitely rendered dove in flight. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from where the bird’s head lay right above where Clara’s heart would beat with her every breath.
It was as if I’d never seen a pair of tits before, but I hadn’t. At least none as gorgeous as hers. She was a freaking Greek goddess.
When a water droplet reluctantly released its hold on a tightly furled nipple to slip down the plane of her stomach, my eyes followed it all the way to where her hand clutched a washcloth in front of her. I immediately wanted to rip it away from her in order to gaze upon what I knew had to be absolute perfection. I was a grown-ass ma and yet that single square of white cloth covering her sex had the power to turn me into a drooling idiot.
I suddenly realized I was gawking at her like an untried teenager, openmouthed and everything. If she didn’t think I had the hots for her before, she sure as hell did now. I couldn’t stop staring at that fucking washcloth, hoping she would drop it to the floor. It took everything within me to lift my gaze to meet hers. It was only when I met those stunning eyes I snapped out of my frozen state.
“I have something for you,” I forced myself to say. “I’ll wait for you outside.”
Ten words were all I trusted myself to utter before I turned and walked back through the door, not stopping until it clicked shut behind me.
With a strangled groan, I realized the word wasn’t only obscene, it had my dick threatening to split my pants at the thought of the activity it wished to engage in. “Fuck,” I repeated, my hand dropping instantly to shift my cock, which was pulsing beneath my jeans as if angry at not being unleashed to do what we both knew I wanted.
I leaned against the ice-cold wall behind me and suddenly realized she hadn’t even tried to hide herself. She’d simply stood there, not a single muscle moving, staring at me — almost daring me to look my fill.
Could that mean… Had she wanted me to stay?
Another groan escaped at the mere thought of being with her, which had my hand returning to my cock and squeezing it tightly through the denim before I erupted like some sort of perverted peeping Tom.
Why did she have to be so fucking sexy? I’d worked with hundreds of women of all ages. All with bodies toned as their very occupation required they be physically fit. All had been attractive as well, but not a single one held a candle to the beauty who stood in the room behind the wall I was leaning against.
From the moment I’d taken over the business with my brother, I’d made it a point never to date a dancer in our company. Fucking one could lead to so many problems it wasn’t even funny, but that knowledge wasn’t really helping me right now. I’d never had a sizzling sexual chemistry quite as intense as this one — especially not with someone I’d never even touched intimately. That combined with the bond I really felt like we were forming, as well as an emotional connection I couldn’t explain, was driving me to new levels of recklessness.
Get your head together. This cannot happen. It’s really as simple as that.
“Hey,” her soft voice sounded from behind me, making me jump like an unhinged loon. “You wanted to talk to me about something?” she asked, far politer than I deserved.
“Oh, yeah… I…” Shit, I was getting flustered. What the hell was the matter with me? She was already required to be a lot stronger than everyone else because of her past, and having to deal with a lust-crazed boss wasn’t something she deserved. “I got these for you,” I said as I held out the pink shoes.
She took them, and we both watched them spinning on the end of the satin ties she held them by as if it were some incredible feat of physics instead of simple gravity. I dragged my eyes up to her face and saw her lips curl into a small smile.
“Um, thank you,” she said quietly. “I know mine were getting a bit dingy…”