Page 40 of Violent Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 2)
“You mean you’ll protect me from anyone but yourself…” I whisper.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Fallon. I want to own you. Own your entire fucking body, make it so the only thing you can think about is me. The only thing you crave is me. Don’t get it twisted, though…” he steps into my space and pinches my chin between two fingers. His thumb brushes over my bottom lip, and he looks down at me hungrily, as if he could devour me right this second without thought.
“I will hurt you if I have to. I don’t want to, but that doesn’t mean I won’t. In life, you have to do things you might not want to do. Listen to me, and you will be fine. Fight me, and you’ll be in a world of hurt. The choice is yours.”
He releases my chin, and my skin burns where he touched me.
The choice is mine? I’ve never heard a bigger lie than that. I don’t have a choice in this, and I never have. The day they picked me up off that sidewalk, I was destined to be here. Destined to get the job done.
I can only hope Markus discovers my secret after I’m long gone.12MarkusYou mean you’ll protect me from anyone but yourself…
All afternoon that sentence has played on repeat in my mind, a constant reminder of how selfish I am with her. I could easily release her and let her go back to her mediocre college life.
That would be the right thing to do, the good thing, but I never said I was good, and I certainly didn’t pay a million dollars just to let her go. If that were the case, I could’ve set the money on fire.
I’m going to get my fill of her, use her, and keep her until I see fit. Even then, the thought of letting her go doesn’t sit well with me. I try to distract myself from the thought of her leaving. It’s not happening, not for a while at least, if ever.
After burning the collar and the tracking device, we spend the afternoon outside. I cut wood while Fallon sits and watches me. She attempts to act like she isn’t staring at my shirtless chest, watching the rivulets of sweat drip down my body, but I catch her more than once with a lustful haze swirling in her blue eyes.
Afternoon gives way to evening, and we return inside for dinner. I let Fallon make a casserole, and she takes her time doing it. When she puts it in the oven, I stand, shoving my chair across the tiled floor.
Fallon turns and looks at me, her pink lips parted. Surprise at my sudden movement flickers in her eyes, but she doesn’t say anything.
“Come upstairs with me.”
It’s not a question. I’m not asking her to do it. I’m telling her she is doing it. She gets the point and walks over to me.
I gesture for her to walk ahead of me and watch her ass as it bounces as we make our way up the stairs. My cock, of course, hardens in my jeans, but I ignore it. I need to focus on the task at hand, seeing if she will follow my directions or disobey me.
At the top of the landing, she heads for the bedroom without further direction. I smirk, enjoying how easily she bends to my will, knowing exactly where to go.
Once inside the bedroom, she stops and whirls around on me, her arms now crossed over her chest. Her brows are pinched together, and she seems confused.
“I made dinner. I thought you might want to eat that before…”
“Sex?” I answer.
She nods, and I smirk. “We aren’t having sex. I want you to sit on the edge of the bed and remain there the entire time. I’m going to take a quick shower.”
Shock blossoms in her eyes, and she moves to do just as I instructed, looking up at me through her long lashes once seated. She’s damn beautiful, and maybe in another universe, she could be something else to me, but here, in the now, she is my very expensive fuck toy.
I unbutton my jeans and shove them down my legs. The afternoon sun felt great beating on my skin, and my muscles feel less tense after splitting wood. I can feel Fallon’s eyes on me as I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower.
I don’t have to warn her what will happen if she’s not there when I get out. Reminding myself that this is a test and that if she fails, it’s her own fault, I step into the shower.
I wash my hair and body quickly, but also make sure I go slow enough so that if she is planning to do something, she has a little bit of time.