Page 106 of Violent Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 2)
He falls to his knees, then collapses to the front and falls lifeless to the floor.
The space falls into a dead silence, and for a moment, I just stand there, unsure of what to do. She killed someone. My innocent Fallon killed someone. She put her life before someone else’s, and I couldn’t be prouder of her.
Taking a step forward, I look into her face, expecting to see shock or remorse. Instead, I see relief.
“He was going to kill you,” she tells me, and my jaw almost drops to the floor.
Did she just kill someone for me? I won’t lie, now isn’t really the time, but my cock grows rather hard at the realization.
I don’t have time to dwell on that thought because Fallon is already on the move. Heading toward the end of the corridor.
“Wait,” I call after her, but she sprints further down the hall. “Let me go in first!”
Fearless, like a fucking warrior, she runs to the last door in the hall and slides the large deadbolt open. I’m right next to her as she pushes the door open. I raise my gun, pointing it into the room.
“It’s her,” Fallon gasps and runs into the room. I curse, trying to grab her, but she slips away. Growling, I quickly scan the room and find it empty besides a small woman sitting on a mattress in the far right corner.
“Fallon?” Her sister’s voice fills the space.
“It’s me.” Fallon sinks to her knees in front of her sister. The two immediately fall into each other’s arms.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” Her sister’s voice cracks, relief flooding out of her.
“Everything is okay now,” Fallon speaks softly to her, pulling away to assess her a little. From where I stand, I can see nothing that would lead me to believe she was beaten.
She seems thin, almost frail-like, but not beaten or abused. She looks nothing like I expected.
“We need to go,” I growl, not wanting to cut their reunion short but also worried that we’re sitting ducks by staying here any longer.
Fallon nods and helps her sister to her feet. When she faces me again, there is a twinkle in her eye that wasn’t there before. I’m unable to deny the joy that seeing her happy brings me. I want to see her smile all the time, but how? This was always supposed to be temporary.
Now, I’m not so sure…
Amelie looks right at me, her hazel eyes are guarded, and her slight body trembles. She doesn’t really seem afraid of me, just unsure.
“That’s Markus. He helped me rescue you.” Fallon pauses and peers up at me, her big blue eyes bleeding into mine. “He isn’t going to hurt you. He’s one of the good guys.”
I almost snort while hurrying the girls into the hallway. One of the good guys? I wish. If only Amelie knew the shit, I put her sister through to get here.
“It’s time to get out of here,” I say over my shoulder and lift my gun.
Fallon nods her head, and together, we head out of the building.37FallonThe reunion with my sister is filled with both joy and sadness. I hug her fiercely, wrapping my arms tightly around her, never wanting to let her go. Like I expected, she is quiet, her usual bubbly smile gone.
I’m afraid to ask what happened to her while she was being held captive. Did they rape her? Beat her? On the outside, she looks okay. A little thinner than before, and there are bags under her eyes, but it doesn’t look as if she was abused or anything.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I ask once we’re finally alone and on the plane.
Amelie shakes her head. Her heart-shaped face is paler than normal, and her mahogany brown hair falls in soft waves down her back. Its color is dull and lacking its normal robust products. Overall, she looks the same, which is a relief. I expected her to look like Julie, beaten and broken, but she doesn’t. She looks normal. At least on the outside.
“Do you need a doctor? I can have Markus find one and have them there as soon as we land.” Again, she shakes her head, and when she speaks, she looks out the window instead of at me. I feel like she isn’t telling me something. In fact, I feel like she isn’t telling me a lot.
“No doctor is needed. I’m fine. I just want to go home.”
“Okay… do you want to call Leon—”
“No! Do not call him,” she blurts out, borderline yelling.
I’m flabbergasted by her small outburst, and I take the seat beside her. Leon has been her boyfriend for two years. She’s been head over heels for him, spending every free minute with him. Heck, she dropped out of college for him. “Just to let him know you’re okay, I mean. You don’t have to talk to anyone about what happened while you were there.”