Page 103 of Savage Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 1)
“Do you want the honest answer or the one that will make you feel better?”
“Never mind.” Elena rolls her eyes at me.
“Fear keeps people in line. I’ve told you this before.” I step closer to the bed and zip up the suitcase, “Are you hungry? We have an hour-long plane ride, and then a boat will take us to the island. So, it will be a while before dinner.”
“Island?” She perks up.
“Is that the only word you heard out of that sentence?”
“Kind of.” She smiles widely. “We’re going to an island? What kind? Where is it?”
“It’s a private island in the Caribbean. We’ll fly down to Saint Martin, and from there, a boat will take us to the Island. Have you ever been to the Caribbean?”
“What do you think?” She frowns. “The furthest I’ve been away from home is Orlando. My parents actually took me to Disney for my eighth birthday.”
“You’ll love it, and I’ll be happy to take you to see the world if that’s what you’d like.” She gives me an uncertain look like she is doesn’t believe what I’m saying. “Where would you like to go?”
“I know it’s cliché, but I’ve always wanted to go to Paris.”
“Then we’ll go to Paris. Maybe in the fall.” Her smile widened at my words, and I’m already planning out the details in my head. “Come on, let’s get a light lunch before we head out.”
Elena gets up from the bed. I let her take the brace off after I called the doctor and confirmed she didn’t need it anymore. She loops her arm in mine like she did earlier this morning, but it already feels different now. More natural, more familiar, like her arm is supposed to be in mine… always.I watch her raven hair dance in the wind as the boat glides over the water gracefully. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of her all day. Not because I’m worried about her running, but because I’ve never seen her so happy. Never seen this twinkle of excitement in her eyes or this permanent smile on her lips. Her whole face lights up every time we see something new, and I can’t get enough of it.
If I could, I would spend the next hundred years traveling with her, simply to ensure this is how she’ll feel every day. I want her happiness, to always see her smiling. It’s grown on me, becoming the most important thing next to destroying her father in my life.
“Are you cold?” I ask when I see goosebumps pebble across her bare arms.
“A little, but I’m fine. I want to stay out here. I feel so free with the wind in my hair like I can do and go anywhere.”
“We can stay.” I wrap my arm around her and pull her into my side. Marie and Celeste are below deck, and I’d rather spend time with my wife alone anyway.
Security is already set up on the island. I’ll have fewer men there than I have around the mansion, but since the island itself is secure, and no one even knows where we are, we don’t need as many men.
“Is that it?” Elena squeals beside me as the island comes into view. It’s less than an hour boat ride from the mainland, but it’s far enough away to be secluded. It’s not even on a map.
“Yes, that’s it. Our home for a month.”
“I’m excited...” She looks out at the island in wonder, and I spend the rest of the ride watching her.
Ten minutes later, we arrive at the small dock at our private beach. I help Elena off the boat and walk her onto the shore.
Two of my men greet us and board the boat to get our luggage while I walk to the house with my eager wife by my side.
As soon as we step inside the house, the aroma of fresh roasted chicken greets us. I hired two extra maids, which got here yesterday, to make sure everything was perfect and ready by the time we arrived.
“Are you ready to eat?”
“Yes. No. I mean, I’m starving, but I also want to walk around and look at everything.”
“Let’s take a quick tour before sitting down for dinner then.”
We walk around the house, looking into each room. Elena acts like a kid on Christmas morning, and every new room is a new present she is unwrapping.
“It’s beautiful.”
“It really is,” I say, looking straight at her. “Now, let’s eat.”
We walk back to the dining room, which is already set for us. A large flower arrangement in the center of the table, with various foods spread out around it.
Our first official dinner as husband and wife.
“Bring us some champagne,” I order. A few minutes later, two flutes and a bottle are brought to us. I open it with a pop and pour us each a glass. “Enjoy it while you can.”