Page 14 of The Sheikh's Wife
Bryn stretched out her legs, her body aching, trembling, every muscle tight and unsatisfied. There was a special hell for men like Kahlil and Bryn wished her husband there with every beat of her heart.
Later, much later, a sinfully delicious warmth stole over her and she stirred, although only a little, unwilling to lose the pleasure. She felt wonderful, her skin felt wonderful, her body sensitive and alive. Sleep or dream? she asked herself, giving over to the heat and pleasure, not wanting to open her eyes in case it was just a dream.
Hands slid across her middle, over her breasts, a knee parting her own.
This was no dream. Immediately she remembered where she was, who she was with, and eyes flying open she gazed into Kahlil’s gold eyes. The candles had burned low, most having extinguished themselves, and Kahlil’s face was heavily shadowed.
He cupped her breast, his rough palm grazing her nipple and her lips parted, first a protest, and then a sigh.
Helplessly she arched her back, as her body stirred to life. She lifted her lashes to stare at his mouth, longing to be kissed by him again, wanting his lips against hers.
Kahlil shifted, kicking aside the satin sheet, his strong, naked thigh planting between her knees, parting her legs and moving between her thighs.
Her nightgown hiked up, tangling around her hips. She wanted nothing more than to circle his neck with her arms and draw his head down to hers. She craved his mouth, his tongue, his touch.
But instead of covering her mouth, his lips found the sensitive places on her neck, secret nerve endings that responded only to him. His tongue circled from earlobe to collarbone and she breathed faster, shallowly, head spinning with the dizzy pleasure.
Bryn worked her arms free and immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders. They were broad, and she held him as if she were drowning. Being this close to him, being celibate so long, unleashed powerful emotions that had nothing to do with mere physical desire.
She needed him—needed to be a part of him, loved by him the way only he could love her.
“You’re on fire,” he whispered, his voice husky.
“I need you.”
He didn’t need any other encouragement. Impatiently Kahlil stripped her of her panties and slid his palm up the inside of her thigh, setting off a riot of sensation. Every place he touched burned, her skin glowing hot, then cold and hot again.
She trembled, waiting for his touch, knowing he’d touch her intimately and when he did, it would be intense, and intensely erotic.
At last his fingers cupped her mound, pressing against her heat before parting her to discover her softness and moisture. Bryn bucked, her body tense, her nerves straining. She was too excited, too aroused, finding the gentleness of his touch as painful as it was exciting.
“Please, please—” she begged, inarticulate, her brain clouded and unable to think. All she knew was that she’d waited forever to be with him, she had dreamed of him, dreamed of this night after night, year after year, and to finally be with him and not part of him… “Kahlil.”
“Patience,” he answered, easing his hand in her, over her, awakening her again, pushing her to a brittle brink.
Bryn clasped his ribs, lifting her mouth to his chest, holding him hard and close, as if she could melt into him, become one with him, escape the limitations of skin and bone.
She felt him harden, his arousal more ardent, his body tensing. She felt a smile inside of her, enjoying her own brief glimpse of power, and parting her lips, she kissed his chest, tongue teasing across the ridge of muscle, down the breastbone and across to one contracted nipple.
Subtle spice filled her nose, his warm skin fragrant, his body deliciously put together. Sucking his nipple, she heard him groan. Her small smile became a thrill of pleasure. She was exultant that she could make him ache, make him feel, make him reach for her.
His pleasure fed hers, shooting hot darts of sensation from her breast to her belly, her lower abdomen tight and heavy. She needed him inside her now.
Bryn wrapped her hands around his back and dragged him closer. She felt his erection brush against her sensitive folds. “Now, Kahlil, please.”
He moved, parting her knees wider, sliding her feet up to create more tension. The gold chain swinging between them clinked, rattling, a stark reminder of the bitter ties binding them.
Kahlil frowned, his features dark, his expression forbidding. She felt his tension, felt the anticipation, but realized with a glance at his narrowed eyes and thin-lipped mouth that he would take her but not love her.
And still she wanted him.
Clasping her bottom, he lifted her hips higher, hesitating just a second before driving deep inside her. This was no gentle lovemaking but a statement of ownership. He was branding her his with each hard, penetrating thrust. He filled her completely, her body tender, tight stretching to accept him. She felt like a virgin, inexperienced and overwhelmed by his strength and driving passion.
She couldn’t catch her breath, couldn’t hold his shoulders, kiss his lips. He was taking her his way, filling her, dominating her, and she shuddered beneath him as his hips rocked against her, each deep thrust felt more raw, more intense, more powerful than the last. She felt alive, too alive, her skin, her bones, her muscles tightening, tensing, every nerve ending concentrating. Suddenly it was too strong, too real, the flood of emotion rising swiftly within her made her oblivious to all but this razor-sharp sensation.
Kahlil arched into her, straining, pushing her to the surface. That last thrust threw her from control into the wild beyond. She would have screamed if his mouth hadn’t covered hers, sucking the brilliant pleasure from her lips into his mouth.
She felt utterly lost, shudder after shudder coursing through her, tears filling her eyes. She’d wanted him, she needed him…she would always need him. She could never deny him anything. Not even her heart.
Kahlil sighed, a sound of pure exasperation and Bryn felt his reluctance as he drew her close to him, forming a safe, protective circle around her with his arms.
Yet he didn’t say a word. And he gave no other caress.
Tears stung the back of her eyes and she bit her lower lip, fighting to hang on to her last vestige of pride. They’d made love many, many times before, but it had never felt so empty afterward, never so naked and needy and…desperate.
Bryn longed to grab the sheet and cover them, or find a corner and hide, but the handcuff chafed her wrist, a heavy reminder that she was tied to him.
“LAST night was a mistake.” Kahlil wouldn’t even look at her, his back turned to her, his shadow stretching long across the sunlit courtyard. “It can’t happen again, and it won’t. From now on you will sleep in the women’s quarters, even if I must chain you to the floor.”
Making love last night had only increased the tension between them. Anger crackled from him in invisible electric waves. “You don’t have to chain me to the floor. You have Ben. I’m not going anywhere.”
“As if I trust anything you say.”
Bryn ignored his contemptuous snort, keeping her own emotions carefully checked. It had been painful last night to be in Kahlil’s bed. Realizing too late that she hadn’t sufficiently hardened her heart had done nothing to assuage the aching emptiness in her heart. If this was love, she could live without it.
“You don’t trust me, but you’ll make love to me.”
“I’m sorry. I lost control. I’ll do my best to make sure it never happens again.”
If he was trying to hurt her, he was succeeding. Chaining her to him wasn’t punishment enough. He’d degrade her now. Humiliate her after sharing the most intimate act of all. Pain splintered within her, fresh realization at the depth of his hatred for her. “Well, I won’t apologize. What happened between us was lovely.”
“It was sex.”
Her cheeks burned, heat surging to her face. She wouldn’t back down. Refused to let him turn their lovemaking into something ugly and sordid. She’d
been a willing partner last night. And so had he. “Then it was good sex, great sex.”
He cast her a dubious glance over his shoulders, lips twisting grimly. “You speak for me, or just yourself?”
A second surge of blood followed the first. Stand firm, she seethed. Don’t roll over and die. “Why not? You said we’re still married, so why shouldn’t we find comfort in each other’s arms?”
“I find no comfort in sleeping with you. Just release.”
She’d vowed not to cry, and she’d meant to keep her vow, but his harshness hurt, cutting deep. She ached at the change in him, the change in them. She couldn’t do this, she couldn’t stay frozen emotionally. Not when he was making her feel so much and reminding her of how things had been.
Years ago when they made love, he’d murmur endearments in his native tongue, Sweet flower of the garden; most beautiful night star; treasure of the desert. No longer. His hatred was palpable.
If she didn’t have Ben, she might have run from his anger, but she couldn’t run. She needed to win Kahlil’s trust, and custody of Ben. Ben needed his daddy, and she needed Kahlil, too.
Heartache gave way to action. Bryn stiffened, her shoulders squaring. She’d do what she had to do. She’d make her marriage work, by hell or high water.
By hell or high water, she repeated silently, fiercely.
No regrets. No turning back. “Tell me what you want from me. I shall do whatever you wish. I shall be exactly as you want me to be.”
“Such a change of heart.”
“It’s the conviction of my heart.”
“You do this for me?”
“And my son.”
“Ah, your son.” His smile was flinty, his gold eyes icy. “I wondered when you’d return to that theme. This isn’t about me, is it? It’s about you, and you getting your way.”
“I just want to see Ben. Even if it’s just for a few minutes.”
“You’re in no position to make demands.”
“I realize that. I’m prepared to bargain.”
“Bargain or beg?”
“Either,” she answered wearily. “I’ll do anything to see him.”