Page 25 of The Tycoon's Forced Bride
Ava drew a breath, dragging in air, light-headed all over again. “Thank you.”
Their eyes met and held. She loved the beautiful blue-green of his eyes, so vivid, so intense. So him.
“You’ve always been beautiful, Ava, but the accident revealed your true spirit. You are courageous. A fighter. And a wonderful role model for our son.”
She felt a flicker of feeling in her heart, a tingling much like she’d felt during her rehab as she forced the muscles to life again. “Jack seems happy, doesn’t he?”
“He’s ecstatic. He adores you. Adores every minute with you.”
“Just as I adore being with him.”
“Have you noticed how much he likes to help you remember things? His pictures…his notes…?”
“I have. His nanny is so good, too. She never makes me feel like a third wheel.”
“She is good,” he agreed. “But from the beginning she knew the goal was to reunite you and Jack. And she’s talked to Jack about you and helped create memories for him, of you.”
“And then you’ve put all these scraps and notes and photos in a book for me.” Her heart was on fire but in a good way. It was full of love, full of gratitude. “You’ve given me a life. You’ve made all this possible—”
“Don’t cry.” He caressed her cheek. “This is a happy day.”
“I know. I’m just so thankful. Just so grateful, as I realize we might be able to make this work.”
“Then come with me. I have one more thing to show you. I was going to save it for after the wedding but I want you to see it now.” He led her from her bedroom, down the hall, to his room. They’d waited to share the master bedroom until after tonight’s ceremony. The master bedroom was full of flowers and candles but that was not what Colm wanted her to see. He led Ava to a pair of chairs by the French doors and on one of the chairs was a big ivory leather scrapbook topped with a silver bow.
“For you,” he said.
She sat down in the chair and took the bow off the oversized leather album. A small gold plaque was centered in the middle of the soft ivory leather.
The Story of Us
She looked up at Colm. “Did you make this for me?”
His lips curved, his smile crooked. “Open it.”
She did, and as she flipped through the pages, her eyes filled with tears. He’d taken photos from the week and a half here in St. Barts and added things she’d said, her feelings and memories, as well as Jack’s pictures and drawings. The big book covered just a week and a half of her life and yet it was full of beautiful sunrises and sunsets and smiles and love.
It was filled with love.
She could feel it. See it. Read it. Touch it. Maybe he didn’t say the words, I love you, but they were in every page of this book. In every one of his actions.
He crouched next to her and wiped her tears, one by one. “Why are you crying? This was supposed to make you happy.”
“It does.”
“You’re practically sobbing, baby.”
“I know. And I’m ruining my makeup.”
“Then why the tears?”
She looked up at him, her heart so full she couldn’t contain it all. “I just realized that you really do care for me. You do.”
He carefully caught more tears, swiping gently beneath her eyes. “Of course I do.”
“I wasn’t sure. I didn’t think—”
“Ava, I love you.”
“Because I’m Jack’s mom?”
“Because you are extraordinary. You are Ava Galvan. The love of my life.”
She drew a shuddering breath. “Promise?”
“Will you put that in the book?”
“Darling, it already is.” And he turned the pages to one of the last pages that had been filled and there was a photo of him and her, the selfie taken on the beach the night they’d dined in the cabana. His arms were around her and they were laughing up at the camera together. Beneath the photo he’d written:
I love you, Ava, more than the stars in the sky and the water in the sea.
She touched the words, over and over. He di
d love her. He did. Even though she was broken and damaged and not the great ballerina…
He loved her anyway.
He loved her for her.
She looked up at him, eyes welling with tears all over again. “I love you.”
“I know. And I thank you, Ava, for teaching me what love is.”
Colm had said they were having a wedding overlooking the beach and she’d imagined something pretty and simple, but she should have known nothing Colm planned would be ordinary.
Reaching the garden Ava entered a magical world of gold lanterns and ropes of garland. Two enormous party tents glowed with soft yellow light but these were still empty as all the guests were gathered before a cupola formed from bare branches, decorated with thousands of cream and yellow orchids and roses.
They were waiting for her. As Ava paused and drew a quick breath, she heard the music change, the tempo becoming lighter, faster. She spotted Colm beneath the canopy of orchids and roses and all the knots in her middle dissolved. Yes. Everything was going to be fine.
Everything would be new, and challenging, but most of all, exciting.
The ceremony wasn’t particularly long, but the vows were sincere and heartfelt. Ava felt Jack’s rapt gaze as she and Colm exchanged rings and turning her head, she caught sight of Jack dressed in a black tuxedo, still clutching the ring pillow. His dark eyes were wide, his expression serious. He knew this was a monumental occasion.
He was, she thought, the heart and soul of the future.
Reaching out, she drew him forward, and held his hand in hers as the priest blessed them. This wasn’t just a wedding, this was a homecoming, and Jack belonged in the warm protective circle with them.
When the elegant candlelit ceremony ended, the real party began. Dinner was interrupted repeatedly by toasts and warm wishes from Colm’s friends and Colm himself was eager to celebrate. He started the dancing early by leading a laughing Ava to the empty dance floor. “I can’t do this…I can’t dance anymore.”
“No can’ts. Don’t believe in them. Won’t accept them.”