Page 22 of The Surgeon's Cinderella
“Where did you learn to cook?” Tanner picked up his fork.
“From my mother and grandmother. They said a way to a man’s heart is through their stomach. I don’t know if that’s true but my father and grandfather seem happy enough.”
Tanner put a forkful of the lasagna into his mouth. “If what they eat is anything as good as this then no wonder they’re happy. This is delicious.”
Tanner filled his mouth again. The lasagna might be the best he had ever tasted. Whitney offered him the bread basket and he took a piece. Even that he savored. After eating in silence for a few minutes he said, “So tell me how you happened to live in one of the ‘painted ladies’ on ‘postcard row.’ It suits you, but they don’t come on the market often.”
“This one didn’t come on the market. It was my grandparents’. They’re letting me slowly buy it. They wanted something smaller and moved to a retirement community. I begged them to let me buy it.”
“I have a nondescript place that I almost never see. When I marry, the first thing my wife will have to do is find us somewhere to live.” What had made him bring up that subject? He poked at his salad full of fresh vegetables.
“Uh, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
He didn’t like the sound of that. Suddenly his food wasn’t as appetizing. “What’s going on?”
“About this weekend, I, uh, don’t think I can be your matchmaker any longer.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a check. Placing it on the table, she pushed it toward him.
“What’s this?”
“It’s your fee and the amount you gave me to buy something to wear. I bought the dress with my own money.”
“I see.” And he did. But he wanted to hear her admit it. “So you’re running out on me.”
“No.” She looked at her plate instead of him. “It’s just that I don’t think I’m the right person to be doing your matchmaking.”
“Probably not.” Especially now that he had taken her to bed. And other places. He pushed the check back toward her. “I want you to keep this. You earned it.”
Shock then hurt flickered over Whitney’s face.
He reached for her hand but she put it in her lap. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that you had matched me and you helped me out this weekend. Nothing more.”
“I don’t want it.” She acted as if he had offended her. Treated her as a woman for hire. Maybe in her mind he had. After all, he had promised he wouldn’t turn the weekend into something physical and he’d broken that promise. His actions had put her in a vulnerable position both where her business was concerned and emotionally. He couldn’t blame her for calling it quits between them. He didn’t have to like it but he did understand.
Tanner reached for the check and shoved it in his pocket. “That’s not all, is it?”
She didn’t immediately answer. “Just that I don’t expect anything from you. What happened between us was only because we were pretending to be a couple. I understand you’re still looking for a wife.”
When Whitney ran she did it in grand style.
He put his fork down and looked at her. “What if I want more to happen?”
“I don’t think that’s wise for either one of us. I’m not the affair type and that would only get in the way of you looking for the right wife.” She refused to meet his look.
Tanner hated to admit it but she was right. He was already far too attached to her. “Then we part as friends?”
She glanced up at him. “Yes, of course.” Her voice was a touch high. Was this more difficult for her than she was letting on?
“Well, then I guess I should be going. Thank you for the nap and the meal.” He scooted the chair back and stood.
She did as well. “I’ll call you with a name of a matchmaker after I have spoken to her. She’ll be in touch.”
Whitney made it sound like a business deal was being concluded. He didn’t like that at all. It was far too civilized a conversation for what they had shared. A business contract was what it had been but Tanner had started thinking of their relationship as more. He walked down the hall toward the front door. Unhappy with the arrangement, he still couldn’t disagree with Whitney.
It troubled him how much he disliked the idea of not seeing her again. What really got to him was that she was nothing like what he was looking for in a woman. He’d even had a difficult time making her understand what type of marriage he wanted. If they continued, he would only be using her. He admired her too much for that.
He stopped at the door. Whitney had followed him. He turned to look at her. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. You’re a special woman.” Tanner kissed her on the cheek and forced himself to open the door and walk out.
IT HAD BEEN a week since Whitney had let Tanner walk out of her house. What she’d wanted to do was beg him to stay. Telling herself not to listen to her practical side, even though she’d made the right decision. But there was still a gnawing pain in her chest. He could be a difficult and demanding man, but she loved it when he let loose and laughed. They’d had fun together. In more ways than one.
Without question she had done what needed to be done. But that didn’t mean she didn’t miss him. The day after their meal together, she’d called a woman in town who was also a matchmaker. As a professional courtesy Whitney had asked her to take Tanner on. When the other woman found out who Tanner was she had been more than willing to have him as a client. Now indirectly Whitney would be setting him up on dates. She didn’t want him dating anyone. What she wished for was for Tanner to want only her. Open his heart to her.
She was relieved and disappointed in equal measure when Tanner didn’t answer his phone. She left the new matchmaker’s number and told him that the woman would be in touch soon. Her heart felt a stab of pain when she thought of Tanner meeting matches. Touching another woman. Kissing her. Maybe even taking her to bed. After disconnecting the line, she sat looking out the window at nothing. It would have been nice to hear his voice. This was much more difficult than she’d thought it would be.
As the days passed it wasn’t easy but she managed to live through them. Had she made the correct decision? Could there be another way?
She was a grown woman who knew what she’d been getting into when she’d agreed to spend the weekend with him. He hadn’t coerced her into bed. She’d gone willingly. Even now, when she missed him with every fiber of her being, she didn’t regret it.
Almost daily she called the hospital to check on Mr. Wilcox. All reports were positive. He was now out of the ICU and in a room. Whitney couldn’t put off going to visit him any longer. She wouldn’t hide just because she was afraid that she might run into Tanner. She’d learned long ago that if she wanted to be emotionally healthy she had to face her fears. She’d done that a number of times when she had been heavy. This situation was no different. The sad thing was that she was desperate to see Tanner, yet she was also dodging him.
At the hospital she made it to Mr. Wilcox’s floor without any sign of Tanner. She asked directions at the nursing station to Mr. Wilcox’s room. As she walked away one of the nurses said to another, “That’s the woman Dr. Locke was with.”
The other responded, “Not his usual type at all.”
“You’re right about that.”
Whitney didn’t like being talked about. Most of her life had been spent worrying about what others had been saying about her. Old habits died hard.
After her knock, she was surprised to hear a strong voice invite her in. She certainly didn’t expect Mr. Wilcox to be sitting up in bed, watching TV and eating a meal. This didn’t look like the same man she’d seen before the heart transplant. “Hey, Mr. Wilcox.”
“Hello, young lady. It’s so nice of you to come by
Whitney stepped farther into the room. “Well, you look wonderful.”
“I’m feeling grand except for a few aches and pains, but Doc Locke says those will go away soon.”
Even the mention of Tanner’s name made Whitney’s heart beat faster. “I’m glad to see it. I’ve been calling every day to check up on you. If I had known you would be doing so well I would have been here sooner.”
“New ticker is doing the job. This day is my best day so far. So come in and tell me all the news.”
Whitney had a moment of panic. Had Tanner told him about them? No, he wouldn’t have done that. Mr. Wilcox must be using it as a figure of speech. She came to stand beside the bed. “What news would you like to know?”
“I’d like to know what you have done to put such a sour look on my doctor’s face.”
There it was. Could Tanner really have been so upset over them not seeing each other? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Mr. Wilcox studied her a moment. “I think you do but that isn’t a nosy old man’s business. If you won’t talk about that then tell me about yourself. I know you went to Berkeley but tell me what else you do.”
Mr. Wilcox had a way of getting her to talk that few people had managed. But Tanner had as well. She even told Mr. Wilcox she was a matchmaker.
“You think you could find someone for me?”
“I’ll be glad to see what I can do.”
There was a quick knock and the door opened. Tanner came to an abrupt stop. Whitney’s heart slammed against her chest wall. She’d stayed too long. She was unable to do anything more than sit in her chair and stare at him. Tanner was just as handsome and commanding as she remembered. Every fiber of her being ached to touch him. She’d missed him so.
The sound of her name was so sweet coming off his lips. “Hi, Tanner.” She pulled her gaze away from him and looked at Mr. Wilcox. “It’s time for me to go.”