Page 19 of The Surgeon's Cinderella
Tanner shifted around to sit beside her. He looked at the floor as he said, “She was a good mother. Did the usual things mothers do.”
“No, tell me about her.” Whitney leaned forward. “What does she like? Do? Her favorite things?”
His father, his father, his father. Tanner thought for a minute. “She likes sitcoms, pink lemonade, dressing up and going to the beach. But most of all she loved my father beyond reason. To the point it broke her heart.”
Whitney’s gaze was intent. “How’s that?”
Tanner knew better than to start this conversation. He also knew Whitney wouldn’t let it go. “She would do anything for him. Forgive him for anything, and he treated her like dirt. He had a traveling job that she hated. She desperately wanted him to stay at home. He refused. More than once I heard them fighting, her crying, and the next morning she was hugging and kissing him. She was always begging him to stay.”
“That must have been hard on you.”
“She just adored him. He could do no wrong. I’ve never understood why she stayed in the marriage. Let him treat her that way.”
“She must have loved him deeply,” Whitney said softly.
Tanner made a scoffing sound. “If that’s love, I want none of it. Obsession was more like it. It wasn’t healthy for her, or my brother and I. And my father didn’t care one way or another.” He could hear the anger building in his voice. “Look, that’s enough on that subject. Let’s go put in that appearance at the pool then we can find something else that we can do, just the two of us.” He gave her a wolfish grin, took her hand and pulled her off the bed.
Despite him having seen all of her, she still went into the bathroom to change. When she returned she wore an orangey, flowy thing over her swimsuit. Her hair was pulled back at the nape of her neck. Going to the dresser nearby, she picked up the hat he’d bought her the day before in town.
He’d already put on his swim trunks and his polo shirt. “You ready?”
She nodded but there wasn’t much enthusiasm in it.
Tanner reached out his hand and she placed hers in it. He pulled her to him and gave her a kiss. She had a smile on her face as they walked through the château. One that he knew he’d caused.
There was no one at the pool when they walked out of the hotel into the afternoon sunshine. Tanner not only heard Whitney’s sigh of relief but saw her physically relax. He didn’t mind them having the place to themselves, glad to have more time alone with her. His obsession with Whitney was starting to concern him. Was this how his mother had felt about his father?
No, no, no. He wouldn’t care about anyone to that magnitude!
“I’m going in. Join me,” Tanner said as he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a lounger.
“I think I’ll sit in the sun for a few minutes. It feels good out here.” Whitney took the lounger next to the one he’d tossed his shirt on. She lifted her feet and rested them on the cushion.
Whitney had pretty legs. Ones that had been wrapped around him only an hour ago. His body reacted to that thought. She’d already made it clear how she felt about public displays. He was going to make one of his own if she didn’t get in the pool soon.
After swimming a few laps in the pool, he came to the edge where Whitney sat. Splashing water with accurate aim, he was rewarded with a yelp.
Whitney jerked forward and glared at him. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Tanner grinned. “I’m lonely. Come in.”
“After that I’d like to drown you!”
He pushed away from the side, backstroking to the middle of the pool. “Why don’t you come in and try?”
Seconds later she stood, dropped her hat to the lounger, pulled the band from her hair, jerked the cover-up over her head and let it flutter to the chair. He liked this side of her. It reminded him of the Whitney he knew in bed.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Whitney wore a plain, navy one-piece suit that showed her curves to their best advantage. Her middle was charmingly rounded, which attested to the fact that she had once been heavy. It made her a real person instead of a stick figure.
There wasn’t much time for him to admire her before she startled him by diving into the pool. Seconds later she was swimming toward him. He didn’t move, thinking she was just swimming out to him. Instead, when she reached him she put a hand on his head and pushed him under the water.
Seconds later he came up, spluttering. “Hey, what was that for?”
“For splashing me.” She had moved beyond his arm length.
He swam after her slowly, much as an animal sought its prey. “What if I dunk you?”
“I don’t think you can so it doesn’t matter.” She moved farther away.
“Cocky, aren’t you?”
She grinned. “You could call it that or maybe I’m just confident.”
“I think I’ll find out which.” Tanner dove after her and to his surprise he came up empty-handed. As he surfaced he looked around. She was behind him in the deeper end of the pool.
Whitney just smiled. He’d be able to catch her against the wall. Diving again, he reached out and his hand skimmed one of her legs but couldn’t hang on. Once again he came out of the water to glare at her. This time she was swimming toward the other end of the pool.
“I’d say confident was the word.” She splashed toward him.
Now she was taunting him. He didn’t know anyone who dared to do that. It seemed as if everything with Whitney was a new experience. This time he would have her. She was in the shallow end, easier to trap. As he came closer she moved to one side. He shifted to face her. She moved again. Tanner followed.
She giggled. It might have been the most pleasant sound he’d ever heard. They were playing like kids, something that he’d never seen his parents do. He laughed. “This time you’re mine.”
Whitney had a surprised look on her face for a second and he took advantage of that weakness to pounce. When he did she flipped onto her back and shoved a foot into his chest, pushing him away. Before he knew what had happened she was gone. Seconds later, her hand was on his head and he went under.
Tanner came up to her laughter and her taking a seat on the steps in the shallow end. “You’ve had enough?”
He swam to join her, sitting beside her. “You’re good in the water.”
“I’ve always liked it so when I decided to lose weight I started swimming for exercise. Even took a lifesaving course for the fun of it.”
“I’ve been had.”
“You started it.” She pushed a handful of water toward him.
“I guess I did.” This was nice. Just teasing each other. With his high-pressure job he didn’t just have fun very often. “So what can I do to make it up to you?”
“Well, I’m already getting to drive your car, so how about you be my sex slave for a night?” A stricken look came over her face. “I’m sorry. I can’t believe I said that.”
Tanner shifted to one hip so he faced her. One hand went under the water to her calf then slid up her leg to her waist. Looking into her wide eyes, he said, “It would be my honor.” His lips found hers.
The sound of someone clearing his throat broke them apart. It was Malcolm, standing at the other end of the pool. “I hate
to interrupt, Tanner, but you and I haven’t had much time to talk. I was wondering if we could do that now. Sorry, Whitney.”
Tanner looked at her, unsure whether or not he wanted to leave her.
“Go on,” she said quietly as her hand gently pushed against his chest. “This is what you came for. Wow him. I’ll be fine. If I’m not here I’ll be in the room when you get done.”
It was nice to have someone being supportive of him, not just wanting something from him. He stood and climbed out of the pool. “I’ll see you later then.”
“Okay.” She smiled. “I’m not going anywhere.” She looked at Malcolm. “You know Tanner really is a great doctor.”
Tanner looked down at her and winked. “Thank you.” For some reason he walked away thinking he could conquer the world.
* * *
Whitney went back to the room after a brisk swim that ended when Charlotte showed up. She shouldn’t let her affect her life but Whitney was in a good mood and the woman would poison it. She’d just as soon read as spend time in Charlotte’s presence. Sitting in the corner of the sofa with a book in her hand, Whitney was surprised when Tanner returned and came straight to her, giving her a kiss. Demonstrative actions from a man were something she wasn’t used to. She rather liked them coming from Tanner.
When he pulled back and sat beside her she said, “That must have been a good meeting.”
“Yes, it was. Malcolm said the board was pleased with my work. He and Marie really like you.”
“I’m glad I could help.” She just hated that they were not being truthful about their relationship. Even more, she wished it was true. She knew better than to let that happen yet she’d done it.
“How about we celebrate?”
“How’re we going to do that? We’re supposed to be at dinner in a couple of hours.”
Tanner gave her a wicked grin. “I have a few ideas.” He leaned toward her again. “To start how about we get it on here on the sofa?” He kissed her and his hand ran up her leg and under the sundress she was wearing. “Then we move to the floor.”
He nibbled behind her ear. “You can be on top if you want.”