Page 19 of Christmas with the Best Man
“Honey, let me in before someone calls the police,” he said as quietly as he could into the phone. “Nothing’s wrong, other than I’m tired.”
A moment later the click of locks let him know Helena was finally at the door.
She looked blurry-eyed, confused and totally adorable dressed in a long T-shirt with a picture of a big black and white cow on the front. The thought of going home to his cold bed when he could be in one with a warm, willing woman had had him telling the cab driver her address without thinking. He didn’t want to miss any remaining time he had with her. The week was getting shorter by the minute. He hoped she felt the same way.
“Why’re you here?” Helena asked with a muddled look on her face as she stepped back to let him in.
“Aren’t you glad to see me?” Everything in him wanted her to be. He closed the door and locked it.
“I just didn’t think I would.”
Ignoring her puzzled response, he took her into his arms and kissed her. “I missed you.”
She pushed him away and stepped back. “It’s late, Elijah. I’m tired. I know you must be too.”
What was going on? This wasn’t the warm welcome he’d imagined. He could soften her up but he needed to clean up first. “Do you mind if I use your shower?”
She waved a hand toward the hall. “Help yourself. You would anyway.”
He grinned. “Probably. I need a hot one and then I need you.”
“I thought maybe you’d already been entertained for the evening.” Her beautiful face showed no humor and her voice was flat.
“Uh?” He studied her. What was she talking about? “I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“I saw you talking to the new nurse. I’ll understand if you want to cut the week short.”
Elijah couldn’t have been more shocked if he had been hit on the head by a rock. Was Helena that insecure? He wasn’t going anywhere until he had to. Just thinking about Helena had his body doing things that were inappropriate outside a bedroom. It suddenly became clear. He threw back his head and laughed. “I get it now. You’re jealous!”
Helena’s chin rose. Her back went ramrod straight and her hair flipped around her shoulders as she marched down the hall. “I am not! Lock the door behind you on your way out.”
Elijah watched as the material of her nightshirt shifted across her behind. She had such a lovely behind. Normally he didn’t like a woman being jealous where he was concerned. It implied there was more between them than he wanted. But he enjoyed the idea of Helena feeling some kind of ownership about him.
By the time he made it to her room, she’d already climbed into bed with her back to the door.
“May I take a shower before I go?” he asked quietly, working to keep the humor out of his voice.
“Guess so,” came her muffled answer.
Elijah put his hands on the mattress and leaned over to nuzzle her neck. “She’s the niece of one of my friends from school. We were laughing over something stupid he and I did.”
“You don’t have to answer to me,” Helena said in a testy tone, not looking at him.
“No, I don’t, but I can promise you this. I’d never cheat on you. I’m loyal to the woman I’m with as long as I’m with her.” He kissed her temple. “You’re stuck with me until the end of the week. I’m going to get that shower now then I’ll be back to show you just how much I want you.”
He felt her look on him as he strolled to the bathroom.
With his shower taken, Elijah slipped beneath the covers and up next to the warmth of Helena. She rolled toward him. Her breathing was soft and even. She was asleep. As much as he wanted her, he was aware they’d had several full days as well as nights. They both needed rest. Elijah gathered her to him, relishing the pleasure of holding her. Just spending the night with Helena was a bad step in the wrong direction but one he couldn’t resist taking.
He kissed her forehead and she sighed as he drifted off to sleep.
* * *
Half–asleep, Helena huddled closer to the heat of the body next to her. Elijah. Her hand ran over his muscled chest. He’d stayed even after she’d gone to sleep. Had said there’d be only her until their week was done. Even if it was for a little while, she wanted to be wanted. To be enough.
“Mmm. You’d better watch it or you’ll have more than you bargained for,” Elijah said in a low, raspy voice.
Her hand slid further south as she teased, “Maybe I want more.”
Before she knew it she was flipped onto her back and Elijah loomed over her. His eyes were dark with intent. “Then you shall have it.” His mouth found hers as his hand pushed under her shirt to palm one of her breasts.
Some time later, Helena giggled as Elijah brushed the bottom of one of her feet with the tip of a finger. His head was at the end of the bed and hers still on a pillow at the top.
He grinned, his look holding hers. “You’re so responsive in so many ways.”
“That sounds like a compliment.”
Elijah kissed the top of her foot. “It was.”
The buzz of the alarm surrounded them. She pulled her foot from Elijah’s hand and swung her legs over the side of the bed, silencing the noise. “Time to go to work.”
“I guess we can’t call in sick.” Elijah stood up in all his glory, and he was glorious.
She looked back over her shoulder. “I’d think since you’re the boss this week that might look bad on your record. It wouldn’t help mine to encourage you.”
“Well, there’s nothing like having a practical woman in your life.”
He was teasing her but what she heard wasn’t humorous. She wasn’t really in his life. They were just playing at it. Helena looked at her bare feet, then back at Elijah. It had taken such a short time for her to get used to having him around. She liked it too much. Was starting to want something beyond great sex. She wanted more both in and out of bed. But that wasn’t the deal she’d agreed to.
Helena snatched up her nightshirt off the floor from where Elijah had flung it. Pulling it to her chest, she hurried to the shower. “I’ll be only a few minutes. Make yourself at home in the kitchen. I bought a couple of muffins on my way home last night.”
She was in the process of drying off when Elijah entered the bathroom with two mugs in one hand and a plate with muffins on it in the other. He placed them on the counter. “I brought you some breakfast.”
Helena quickly wrapped the towel under her arms and tucked the end in securely. “You’d better watch it, I could get used to this kind of service.” The words were out before she caught them. “Uh, make that while it lasts.” She tried for a smile but she was pretty sure it came off more as a
grimace. “Thanks for breakfast. I’m going to eat it while I dress and let you have the bath.” She took a mug and snatched a muffin before slipping past him into the bedroom.
Space was what she needed. Just some space. Helena looked at the bed with the covers pooled on the floor and the sheet hanging more off than on. How was she supposed to maintain distance when all she could think about was how soon she could be in Elijah’s arms again?
THE TWO O’CLOCK afternoon lag had just begun when Helena had an opportunity to sit for a minute. Patients had been coming in at a steady pace all day. She liked being busy, it made the day go by faster, and for once in her life she was looking forward to something more than a hot shower and bed. Just the thought of being with Elijah again had her glancing at the clock too often.
Helena picked through the Christmas goodies on the table. There were always plenty of sweets to have at this time of the year. She bought a diet soda out of the machine before taking one of the chairs in the break room. Yawning, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes for a minute. She was beginning to burn the candle at both ends. Working long hours and spending her free time with Elijah was something she wasn’t used to. She smiled. It was a lifestyle she could adjust to if given half a chance.
Elijah hadn’t been around much that morning. It had been slow enough that he’d had time to work in the office. She had caught a glimpse of him seeing patients a few times but each time she’d had to stop herself from staring until he’d disappeared into an exam room. Once a nurse had needed to ask her a question twice.
Only heaven could help her. She was infatuated with Elijah Davenport.
“Hey, are you hiding from someone?”
It was that voice she knew without opening her eyes. Loved to hear it whisper in her ear. Keeping her eyes closed, she said, “I hear there’s a slave driver as a boss around here and if you want a break you’d better hide.”
Elijah’s soft chuckle sent a stream of warmth through her. “You know slave drivers can be bought off at a price.”