Page 18 of The Doctor's Redemption
She tapped the top of his hand when he started after the cake.
“I believe you have a sweet tooth.”
“I think you are sweet.”
“I think you might flatter the cook in order to get your way. It’s time for the colored sugar.” Laura Jo picked up the food coloring she’d left on the other end of the counter. “We’ll need three bowls.”
Mark went to a cabinet and brought those to her. Laura Jo put granulated sugar in each of the bowls and added yellow coloring to one, purple to another and green to the last one. She mixed until each granule had turned the color. She sprinkled one color over a third of one cake. In the middle section another and on the last third another.
“Do you know what the colors stand for?” Mark asked.
“No self-respecting citizen of Mobile wouldn’t know. Purple is for justice, green is for faith and gold for power.”
“You are correct. Can we have a slice now?” Mark asked, sounding much like a child begging at his mother’s side.
“You want to eat it while it’s hot?”
“Why not?”
“I’ve just never had it that way. I’ve always waited until it’s cooled.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Mark pulled a knife out of a drawer and sliced a hunk off the end of one cake. Picking it up, he bit into it. “This is delicious. Allie is right, you do make the best cakes. I’ve never had one better from a bakery.”
His praise made her feel warm inside. She cut a small section and placed it in her mouth. It was good.
“Hey, look what I found.” He held up a baby.
“You knew where that was.”
“I did not,” he said in an indignant tone. “Just good luck.”
Laura smiled and placed the items she had brought into bags. She needed to leave before she was tempted to stay longer. Being with Mark had been far more enjoyable than she’d found comfortable. What if he tried to kiss her again? Could she handle that?
“What’re you doing?” Mark asked.
“I’m packing up.”
“You don’t have to go.”
“Yes, I do. Do you have something I can wrap one of these cakes in? Allie will be expecting to eat some tomorrow.”
Mark opened a drawer and handed her a box of plastic wrap.
She pulled out a length of wrap and started covering the cake. “Do you mind if I take your baking pan? I’ll return it.”
“I don’t mind,” he said in an aggravated tone, as if he knew she was dodging the issue.
“Are you running out on me, Laura Jo?”
She refused to look at him. “No, I’ve been here for hours and I was more worried about wearing out my welcome.”
Mark took the wrap from her and put it on the counter. “I don’t think that’s possible. I believe you’re running scared.”
“I’m not.”
“Then why don’t you go to the dance with me on Tuesday night?”
“I’ve already said I can’t.” She reached for a bag and put the rest of the items she’d brought in it.
“I think it’s ‘I won’t.’”
“Please, Mark, just leave it alone. I’m not going to change my mind. It’s not because of you but for other reasons.”
“Care to tell me what those are.”
“I’d rather not. I need to be going.” She pulled the bags to her.
“I’m a good listener.”
“That’s not the problem. I just don’t want to talk about it. Now, I need to go.”
Mark took them from her. “I’ll get these. You can get the cake. I’ll walk you to your car.”
Laura Jo was a little disappointed that he hadn’t put up more of an argument to her leaving. Had her refusal to open up about why she didn’t want to go to the krewe dance put him off? Wasn’t that what she wanted?
“I need to wrap your cake up before I go and clean up this mess.”
“Don’t worry about doing that. I’ll take care of it. Theresa will be in tomorrow.”
“My housekeeper.”
Just another shining example of the fact they lived in two different worlds. “Well, I’m not going to leave anyone, including a housekeeper, this mess.”
“I’m not surprised. It’s in your nature to see to other people, make it better for them. Who makes things better for you?”
She hadn’t ever thought of herself in that context but he might be right. She wouldn’t let him know it, though. “I don’t need anyone taking care of me.”
“We might be perfect for each other because I’m no good at doing so,” he said in a dry tone.
What had made him say that? He was always taking care of people.
She went to the sink, picked up the cleaning cloth and started wiping off the counter.
“Leave it.” Mark said, taking the cloth and placing it in the sink. “I’ll take care of it.”
Laura Jo then picked up the cake and headed for the front door. Mark wasn’t far behind. When they reached the car, he opened the front passenger-side door and placed the bags on the floor. He then took the cake from her and did the same.
She went to the driver’s door and he joined her there. “Thanks for helping me with the cakes.”
“Not a problem.” Mark reached into his pocket and pulled something out.
Laura Jo could just make out with the help of the light from the porch that he was rotating the baby between his index and thumb.
“We had a deal.”
Laura Jo had an uneasy feeling. Where was he going with this? “We did.”
“I would like to collect now.”
Every nerve in her hummed. Something told her that she might not like his request. “Just what do you want?”
Mark’s lips lifted, giving him a wolfish appearance. He took a step closer, coming into her personal space.
Heat washed over her. She looked at him. In the dim light she couldn’t see his eyes clearly but she felt their intensity.
“I want you to kiss me.”
“I want you put your hands on my shoulders, lean up and place your lips on mine.”
He said the words in a form of a challenge, as if she would refuse. She’d show him. Placing her hands on his chest, she slowly slid them up and over his shoulders.
His hands went to her waist, tightening around her.
“Remember this is my kiss,” she admonished him.
He eased his hold but didn’t release her.
Going up on her toes, she took her time, bringing her lips to his. The tension across his shoulders told her Mark was working to restrain himself.
Taking his lower lip between her teeth, she gently tugged.
He groaned.
She let go and smoothed it over with the tip of her tongue. Slowly she moved her lips over his until she almost ended the contact.
At Mark’s sound of resistance she grinned and moved her mouth back to press it firmly against his. She didn’t have to ask for entrance, he was already offering it. Her tongue met his and danced but he soon took the lead. She’d been caught at her own game. It felt wonderful to have a man touch her. It had been so long. For Mark to be the one made it even more amazing. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gave herself over to the moment. She wanted more, so much more.
* * *
Mark gripped Laura Jo’s waist and pulled her closer. He pressed her back against the car. His hand slid under the hem of her shirt and grazed her smooth skin until his fingers rested near the prize. Wanting to touch, taste, tease, he had to remove the barrier. Using the tip of his index finger, he followed the line of her bra around to the clasp. When he hesitated Laura Jo squirmed against him. She wanted this as much as he did. Flicking the clasp open, he moved his hand to the side curve of her breast.
He released her lips and gave a small sound of complaint. Placing small kisses along her neck to reassure her, he skimmed his hand upward to cup her
breast. His sigh of pleasure mingled with hers. He tested the weight. Perfect. Using a finger, he circled her nipple then tugged.
Her hips shifted and came into more intimate contact with his ridged manhood. He’d been aware of his desire for Laura Jo for a number of days but it had never been this overwhelming.