Page 9 of The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart
“Dr. Ross, do you mind? I’m actually winning this time.” Desperation and frustration filled his voice.
He was glad to see her too. Obviously not. She stepped to one side. Ty’s actions weren’t professional but from what she knew of him she would’ve wondered what was wrong with him if they had been.
nbsp; “Thanks,” Ty called to her. To Shawn he said, “You’d better move on or I’ll overtake you.” Ty moved his body one way and then the other as if he were the figure in the game.
Glancing at Shawn, she saw that he was making the same body movements. There was also a huge grin on his face. Michelle’s heart lifted to see him enjoying himself. During the days before his surgery and those in CICU he’d been extremely depressed. He’d been so despondent that she’d worried it might affect his recovery. Ty had made the difference. For that she was grateful.
With a whoop of joy that Michelle thought might bring the nurses running the two men raised their hands over their heads.
“Once again you’re the game master. Here I was helping Dr. Ross replace your heart valve and you repay me by beating the socks off me.” Ty raised one hand higher and Shawn slapped it with his open palm.
Ty stood. The space in the room seemed to shrink. He was dressed in a pair of well-worn jeans and a T-shirt, with something ridiculous about “Ride a cycle and find a friend” written across his chest. He came to stand beside her.
“I’d better go and let Dr. Ross check you out. Maybe home will be on her agenda.”
She smiled in agreement when Ty glanced over at her for confirmation. “It’s very possible for tomorrow. Then you can get another game blaster.”
Ty’s laugh was deep and robust and was joined by Shawn’s weaker one.
Warmth moved up her neck. Had she said something wrong?
“It’s a game master.” Ty said the last word carefully.
“Oh, I meant that.”
Ty grinned and looked back at Shawn. “She’s great with hearts but needs to get out more in the game department. You go home and rest up for our next match.”
“I’ll take you on any time, Ty.”
Michelle liked to see that sign of feistiness. Shawn wanted to get well.
Ty smiled at Shawn. “I might not show it but I’m a poor loser. Next time you’re mine, game master.” Ty looked at her as if making a point then put out his fist. Shawn bumped it with his.
As he scooted passed her, Ty winked then went out the door. The special warmth that a man generated in a woman flared in her but just as quickly it turned into irritation. She wasn’t some nurse, chasing him. She was the surgeon he worked with. How unprofessional! Suddenly all the positive thoughts she’d had about him went up in flames.
Of all the gall!
* * *
Fifteen minutes later she came out of Shawn’s room pleased with her patient’s progress. He would make a full recovery. Of course, he would always be a heart patient but Shawn had a chance to do and have anything a man his age wanted out of life. As she walked toward the nurses’ station, she saw Ty talking to one of the staff. The woman looked at him as if he were a candy store and she loved sweets. Did every female find him fascinating?
She’d watched Ty work numerous times in surgery. He was respected professionally by both the males and females. His directives were followed without question but he could still interact on a personal level with the staff. They all seemed to like him. Was it just her that he rubbed the wrong way?
“Hey, Doc,” he called as she started to pass. “Can I ask you something?”
Michelle tightened her lips for a second at the casual way he spoke to her. She was getting used to it but it still caught her off guard. No one else dared to speak to her the way he did. Her parents hadn’t even called her by a nickname when she’d been growing up.
She approached him, glad the desk stood between them. He looked up at her from where he sat in a chair.
“Tell me something, do you have any idea what a game master is?”
A sick, unsure feeling filled her. “Well, no.”
“That’s what I figured.” He looked back down at the chart.
She waited but he didn’t look up. His hair had fallen across his cheek so she couldn’t tell if he might be looking at her. “Well?”
“Well, what?” His head rose and he considered her.
Ty picked then of all times to act serious. “Are you going to tell me what it is?” she snapped.
He grinned. “Oh, that. It’s when you win at a video game. Shawn had to spend so much time taking it easy in the last few months that he’s had plenty of time to get good at playing video games. He’s a tough one to beat.”
“I see.” She didn’t know if she should say the next words for fear he’d use them against her but she pressed on anyway. “You were really great with him the morning he went into surgery.”
“I’m the last person he sees before he goes under. He might not have said it but he was afraid he wouldn’t make it. He needed mine to be a friendly face.”
She’d never thought about his job like that. “Still, I appreciate you taking so much time with him.”
“Not a prob. He’s a great kid who’s had a lot of hard knocks.”
Michelle wished she was that reassuring to her patients. She worked at not letting any emotion show. If it did, she was afraid it would overflow. She’d learned early on when her father had died the necessity of being strong. As a child it had been for her mother. In med school she’d had to be professional to survive. Now it was important that she always remain in control because her team followed her lead. Over the years it had become her demeanor, who she was. Who she had to be. She didn’t know how to act any differently.
Could she be more unlike Ty if she tried?
“You’re good at your job.”
“Why, thank you, ma’am. I think am good at what I do too.”
Why did he always manage to turn everything around so that it maddened her? “And you don’t lack for an ego either,” she said in a snippy tone.
“That wasn’t ego talking.”
“You’re right. I can’t fault your skill in the OR or with a patient. You have my sincerest apology for the way I acted on the day you arrived.”
He presented her with a rakish grin. “Well, that was nice and unexpected. Would you mind insulting me again so I can hear you say ‘I’m sorry’ one more time?”
Ooh, the man made her want to slap that smile off his face while at the same time wanting to laugh. Instead, she turned and headed down the hall.
The sound of Ty’s soft merriment followed her. He knew full well he’d gotten to her.
* * *
The day was beautiful. It was Ty’s non-surgery one or what he typically called his “hate paperwork” day. He finished up with the two patients on the OR schedule for the next day and headed out to make the most of what was left of the hours before dark. Using a short cut he found by going through the women’s center to where he parked his bike, he was looking forward to being outside.
Sunshine streamed through the two-story-high glass windows of the building. Waiting areas with low, modern seating in front of doctors’ offices occurred every fifty feet or so. Green plants were placed artfully around the areas.
He’d almost reached the exit on the other end of the building when he saw Michelle. She was sitting next to a woman who had to be her mother, the resemblance was so strong.
He pulled up short and said, “Hi, Michelle.”
She looked up from a magazine she’d been leafing through. Her eyes widened and she shifted in her chair. She wasn’t pleased to see him. As he approached she glanced at the woman next to her. “Hello, Ty.”
The older woman beside her watched their interchange with interest, looking between the two of them. He glanced at the woman.
“Uh, Ty, this is my mother, Betty Ross.” Michelle acted as if she wasn’t eager to introduce him.
He stepped forward and stretched out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Ross. I’m Ty Smith.”
Michelle’s mother didn’t stand but placed her fragile, pale hand in his. It was cool to the touch but there was warmth in her eyes. “Hello. Do you work with my daughter?”
“I do. She’s an outstanding doctor.”
He didn?
??t miss the slight color that settled on Michelle’s cheeks. Wasn’t she used to being praised for her work? Or was it her looks that most people commented on?
“Why, thank you. I’m proud of her. She works so hard. Too hard, I think. So are you a doctor as well?”
As unsociable as Michelle acted, her mother went to the other extreme.
“Mom.” Michelle’s tone said she wished she could gracefully exit from the entire conversation. “I’m sure that Ty must have been on his way somewhere.”
Ty ignored her blatant effort to get rid of him. He was enjoying talking to her mother and learning a little more about Michelle. She was so close-mouthed about anything related to her personal life that he’d been surprised to see her mother was still alive. “I’m an anesthesiologist. I work in the OR with your Michelle.”
He didn’t miss the tightening of Michelle’s lips. Making her sound like a little girl didn’t please her.
“Mrs. Ross,” called a nurse from the door of an office.
Michelle’s head jerked toward the voice before her gaze returned to meet his. There was a look of pain in her eyes but it disappeared when she blinked. That pain he didn’t believe had anything to do with him. What was going on?
“Dr. Smith, it was nice to meet you. I hope we see each other again,” Michelle’s mother said softly.
“It would be a pleasure.”
“Come on, Mom, the nurse is waiting.”
Mrs. Ross rose slightly then sat down in the chair again as if she didn’t have the strength to stand on her own.
“May I help you?” Ty asked, stepping forward and offering his arm.
“Thank you. I hate being so weak.”
“Hold onto my arm and I’ll support you as you stand up.”
“I can do that.” Michelle moved to the other side of her mother.
“I don’t mind. In fact, I’d be honored.” Ty didn’t relinquish his place.