Page 21 of The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart
“Hi Thanks.” Michelle followed Jane through the crowd to the table.
Six other OR nurses Michelle recognized were already there.
“Hey, everyone. Dr. Ross made it,” Jane announced.
Each said hi and gave Michelle unsure smiles. They were obviously uncomfortable about sharing their table with the ice queen. She’d have to work on changing that. “Hello. Please call me Michelle.”
That request brought on jaw-dropping looks from almost everyone. Jane took one of the vacant chairs and Michelle squeezed into another. The serving girl wearing short shorts and a tight T-shirt came by and asked for their drink order.
Michelle looked around but didn’t see Ty. Lauren, one of the nurses sitting on the other side of her, leaned over and said, “I’ve been wanting to ask you where you buy your clothes.”
A ripple of pleasure went through Michelle at the unexpected question. The others around the table leaned in closer to hear her answer. She smiled at them all. “I shop at a number of places. But I really like this particular boutique over in Winston-Salem.”
“You’ll have to give us directions. You always look so put together.”
“Thank you.” She gave them a bright smile.
“Maybe we could plan a girls’ day out and you could show us where it is,” Jane suggested.
Girls’ day? That sounded kind of nice. “Sure,” Michelle said.
“Then let’s plan it for some time soon,” the nurse across the table said.
Michelle smiled. “Okay.”
The band started filing onto the tiny stage area in the back of the room and to the right of them. Michelle was acquainted with all the band members but the one who had her complete attention was Ty.
He wore his usual jeans and T-shirt that she’d come to recognize as his favorite clothing, even though she’d only seen him briefly and even then in scrubs in the last few weeks. His attire tonight suited him. Even in dress, they were opposites.
Ty stood to the side of the leader of the band and focused on tuning his guitar. Minutes later the band broke into their first song. It was an upbeat rock-and-roll number that everyone was familiar with. The crowd went wild.
They moved from that song right into the next. The band was quite good. Ty had a real flair for the dramatic on the guitar, which wasn’t unexpected. His playing was an extension of his personality. The crowd showed their appreciation a number of times and most of the women couldn’t keep their eyes off him.
The band was well into the third number when Ty scanned the crowd. Michelle saw the instant he became aware of her. His gaze had gone past her and quickly returned. His look didn’t waver from where she sat. She smiled. Good. He’d been shocked to see her. For once, he was the one off balance.
For a moment his fingers hesitated on the strings of the guitar. Seconds later his attention was forced to return to the number he played. During the rest of the set, his eyes continued to drift her direction.
After one of the times Ty had stared at her, she glanced at Jane to find her watching her. Jane leaned over and said into Michelle’s ear, “Ty sure is interested in someone at our table.”
She shrugged. “I guess so.”
* * *
Michelle made her way to the restroom during the band’s break. Exiting the restroom, she stopped short when she saw Ty standing with his back against the wall, hands in his pockets and one foot over the other. He gave her a level look.
“Slumming tonight, Michelle?”
Her heart constricted. She might have deserved the shot but that didn’t mean she liked hearing it. “You invited me. Remember?”
“That was weeks ago.”
She shrugged a shoulder. “So I was a little late showing up.” He wasn’t going to make this easy. “The band is good. You’re good.”
He lips tightened and he nodded, not taking his eyes off her, as if he was having to plan his response.
She waited, not sure what would happen next or even what she wanted.
“Why are you here, Michelle?”
Apparently he wanted her to spell it out.
A woman came down the hall heading in their direction.
Michelle glanced at her, unsure about baring her heart in front of a stranger.
“Come with me.” Ty grabbed her hand and pull her further down the hall.
“Where’re we going?”
He paused and pinned her with a look. “For once, just let me lead.”
They stopped in front of a door. He knocked. There was no answer so he opened it, pulled her in. It was an office. A lone small lamp burn on the desk. Ty closed the door behind them.
“I’ll ask it again. Why’re you here, Michelle?”
“Don’t you know?”
“Maybe. But I want you to tell me.”
She took a deep breath. Ty’s gaze slipped down to her chest and quickly returned to her eyes. At least he still found her desirable. That was a positive sign.
“I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean to. Please forgive me.”
Ty stood looking at her long enough that she feared he would reject her.
“I shouldn’t let you off so easily.” Suddenly he closed the few steps that were between them. He pressed her against the back of the door with his body while his hands burrowed though her loose hair. His lips swooped down to capture hers.
With a moan she circled his waist with her arms and pulled him closer. Ty didn’t have to request entrance into her mouth, she offered it. Michelle grabbed the whirling and unfurling sensations flowing through her and hung on for the ride, having no idea how much she’d missed Ty until that moment.
“Mmm,” she moaned.
“Missed me, did you?” Ty said as he left kisses on her nose and eyes.
“Maybe a little.”
He chuckled and pressed his hips into her. “I missed you just a little too, Michelle, ma belle.”
Ty lips took hers again, but this time the kiss was more restrained, making her beg for more.
There was a knock at the door. “Hey, Ty, you in there? We’re on in five.”
“I’ll be right there,” Ty called, then leaned his forehead against hers.
The sound of their panting filled the small area.
“I’ve got to step away from you right now or I won’t be presentable in public.”
It was empowering to know she had such an effect on Ty. It was an intoxicating feeling.
He stepped back, letting his hands caress her cheeks as he did. He moved to stand beside the desk well out of her touching distance. Her hands itched to have him close again.
His eyes started at the top of her head and moved slowly down her to stop at her shoes. “You sure look incredibly sexy tonight. I particularly love those hot red shoes. I hope all that effort was for my benefit.”
“Could be I came to see one of the other band members play.”
He growled. “Even if you did, you’ll be leaving with me.”
Was he jealous? “Nice to know that your ego hasn’t deflated any over the last few weeks.”
“You might be surprised how easy it is to damage my ego.”
Michelle’s heart skipped a beat. Was she really that important to him?
“I’ll leave with whoever I wish.”
In two quick steps Ty had her in his arms again. “I don’t think so,” he said before his lips met hers. When he pulled away his mouth hovered just above hers. “I’ll tell you what, you promise I’m the only person you’ll leave with and I’ll buy you a burger after the last set. Maybe tell you which table Buster dedicated to your father.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“You heard me. We’ll talk about it over that burger.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Now I’ve got to go.”
Michelle moved so Ty could open the door. He allowed her to leave ahead of him. As they walked down the hall, Jane approached them. She looked from Michelle to Ty and back again. A large grin formed on her face. “Hello, Ty, Michelle.”