Page 17 of White Wedding for a Southern Belle
“You did.” She looked into the distance. “Women like to be wanted for themselves, not as a way to hide from ex-wives.”
“Okay, I deserve that, but in my defense the next ones were all about wanting to kiss you.” He watched as pink found Ashley’s cheeks.
She smiled and said quietly, “Thank you.”
He’d put her on the spot enough. “Hungry?”
“I’m fine. You don’t have to fuss over me. Is there any chance you’ll take me home this evening?”
“You know you can’t hold me hostage forever.” Thankfully her tone was teasing rather than irritated. She didn’t feel threatened if she was making a joke.
The last ray of daylight touched her face and the glow made her beautiful. He murmured, “You and I both know you could leave if you really wanted to.”
Ashley shifted slightly in her chair but didn’t look at him. “I need to be home in time to get ready for the block party. We both have to attend.”
“Not a problem. I’ll have you to your place first thing in the morning.”
They settled into silence as the stars slowly began to come out. Kiefer couldn’t remember the last time he’d been completely comfortable not saying a word when spending time with someone. There was something special about that.
* * *
Arms held Ashley. She pushed at them. “Stop, stop.”
A large hand shook her shoulder. “Ashley, shush. You’re safe. You’re just dreaming.”
The bed shifted and she was pulled against something firm and warm. All her fear faded away. Snuggling against the wall, she found sleep again, feeling secure and protected.
Suddenly awake again, she kicked at the covers, her foot making contact with a hard leg. At a loud “Ow!” her eyes flashed open. Kiefer rubbed his thigh.
“What’re you doing here?” It was still dark. Ashley could barely make out his form stretched along her bed. Kiefer’s arm was under her neck and her cheek rested on his shoulder. His other arm was across her waist.
He gently patted her hip. “You were having a bad dream. Now, hush and go back to sleep.”
For a fleeting second Ashley started to order him to get out of her bed, but the temptation to snuggle back against his heat and continue to sleep was too great. She succumbed to that desire and closed her eyes once more.
The next time Ashley woke she blinked against the sunlight streaming through the windows. She lay on her side with her bad arm supported by the bare midsection of a muscular male body. She looked down to see athletic shorts at his waist.
He muttered, “Yes. You’re draped across me.”
How did Kiefer know what she was going to say? She moved enough that she could look at him. “What’re you doing in my bed?”
“Still asking the same old question? Don’t you remember me answering that last night? You had a bad dream. I came in to see if you were okay.”
“And stayed.” Her body tensed and her tone questioned his motives.
He shrugged, showing no shame. “Something like that.”
Ashley jerked to a sitting position and groaned as pain exploded through her arm. She grabbed it and held it close. “What time is it?”
Kiefer twisted to look toward the clock on the bedside table. “Six forty-five.”
“We’ve got to go. I’ve a lot to do.” Ashley was already moving toward her side of the bed.
A gentle hand circled the wrist of her uninjured arm. “Hold up a minute. I need to have a look at that bandage.”
“It can wait. I need to get a bath.” She looked down at her clothing. “I need to change my clothes. I have to make my dish to take. I also have to be there to organize the tables and see that the media gets the story correct.”
Kiefer put up a hand. “Whoa, whoa. You were shot the day before yesterday and you still need to take it easy. I’ll help you with what you need to do but your health comes first. I’ll cover the arm and you can get a shower. Then I’ll put a new bandage on it. I had Margaret send over some clothes for you, but I’m sure they aren’t what you want to wear to the block party, so after stopping by Home Cookin’ Restaurant for a gallon of potato salad, we’ll go to your place so you can change.”
Ashley gave him a blunt look. “Are you about finished organizing me?”
He dipped his chin and pushed himself up to lean back against the headboard, giving her an enticing view of male chest, enough that she almost lost her train of thought.
“Yes,” Kiefer said.
“I’d rather just leave now for my house.”
“I’m the one doing the driving, so I’m the one with the plan.”
She could argue further but it would only take up valuable time. Based on Kiefer’s body language and his tone of voice, things were going to happen the way he’d decided. “Okay, you win. Let’s get this arm ready for the shower.”
She watched Kiefer rise lithely from the bed. “I’ll get a new bag and meet you in my bathroom.”
That sounded sort of kinky. Why was she thinking that? Maybe because she’d awakened in his arms. She had to quit having such thoughts about Kiefer. She needed someone that would be with her for the long haul, a man she could trust to be there for her always. He didn’t want a long-term relationship and she couldn’t agree to anything less. He’d also made it clear he wasn’t impressed by Southriver.
She must have made a face because he asked, “Problem?”
The man was far too perceptive. “No,” she croaked.
His look implied he didn’t believe her. “Okay, see you in a sec in the bath.”
Ashley watched the half-clothed man go out the door as if he had no idea what he was doing to her. Ashley swallowed hard. There it was again. The suggestion, even in her mind, made her tingle all over. He probably wasn’t aware of his physical effect on her. For all she knew, he had women over all the time.
She left the bed with a groan. Her arm was so stiff. Moving it gently, she worked some of the ache out. On bare feet she made her way to Kiefer’s room. His bedcovers looked as if he had been asleep and had thrown them back in a hurry. She must have cried out and alarmed him.
“You’ll need to take that shirt off.” He entered the bathroom.
She turned her back to him.
“Come on. I’m a doctor. I’ve seen plenty of naked bodies.”
Ashley removed her arm from the sleeve with a fair amount of pain. Pulling one side of the shirt over the other to cover her breasts, she p
resented her arm to him. “You’re not my doctor and you haven’t seen mine.”
Kiefer met her gaze. “But I’d like to.”
Heat washed over her and her knees went weak. That shouldn’t be happening. Kiefer wasn’t who she wanted. Certainly not who she needed. “Dr. Bradford, are you trying to take advantage of the situation?”
“Maybe, but it’s the truth. Right now you’re hurt but I’m giving fair warning that after you mend I’m going to take advantage of every situation that comes my way. For now, let’s get this arm ready for a shower.”
She looked at the top of his head and along his shoulders as he leaned over, positioning the bag and wrapping the tape. Blood still whipped through her veins at his words. He was mighty confident that she would be accepting his advances. Would she be able to fend them off? Did she want to?
“I’ll leave you to your shower. Your clothes are on my bed. Call if you need anything. Meanwhile, I have a few phone calls to make.”
She met his gaze. “Thanks. You really have gone the extra mile.”
He shrugged. “Not a problem.”
Maybe it wasn’t a problem for him. Helping people seemed a part of who he was. She had to ponder that.
* * *
An hour later they were both dressed and ready to go. She’d had to ask him for help with her shirt and he’d been very professional, even averting his eyes a couple of times. They’d each had a quick bowl of cereal and Kiefer was now helping her settle into the passenger seat of his truck.
“I forgot one thing,” he said as he stretched across her to belt her in.
Ashley looked at him in question.
“A good morning kiss.”
His lips found hers. They were sure and tender. She couldn’t resist pressing hers to his. Seconds later he pulled back, leaving her craving more of his touch. That had to stop. Anything extra might be detrimental to her heart. The life she planned.
Ashley’s breaths were shorter than they should have been just from a simple kiss. What would it be like if he gave her a real one? Like their first one?
He circled the truck and climbed in.
Working to keep her tone light, she asked, “Is a morning kiss part of the ritual when a woman stays at your house?”