Page 26 of Stolen Kisses with Her Boss
His lips moved close to hers. “I think our bodies are long overdue for a conversation.”
Cynthia’s hips flexed against him. “Talk all you want.”
An hour later they were sitting at his kitchen table, eating. Sean wore only a pair of worn jeans. Cynthia could hardly concentrate on her meal for watching the ripple of muscles across his chest. She’d pulled on one of his T-shirts that she’d rejected as too thin the other night.
“You’re staring at me,” he said between bites of coleslaw.
“I would think you would be used to it.” Cynthia’s gaze didn’t waver.
“Why’s that?”
“Because you’re so good-looking.” She couldn’t believe he didn’t know it.
“Who says that?” Doubt filled his voice.
“Me. You’re almost breathtaking.”
He looked up and grinned at her. “Breathtaking, eh?”
“Now I’ve messed up. That’s going straight to your head. I’ll hear about that forever.”
He leaned in close. His eyes remained fixed on hers. “Would you like to hear about it forever?”
Cynthia’s heart skipped a beat then righted itself. What was he really asking? Was he talking about forever between them? How should she answer that? “I could stand that.”
“Just stand?” His look didn’t waver.
“I would like that,” she said with all the conviction she felt.
“Me too.” Sean leaned over and kissed her. “We are good together.”
Had he just said he loved her in an around about way? It didn’t matter. He cared about her. No one talked about forever with someone they didn’t truly care about.
They ate for a few more minutes before Sean said, “I hate to do this to you but I’ve got to work on the grant application some tonight. Do you mind?”
“Not at all. Is there something I can do?” She took a drink of iced tea.
He pushed back in his chair. “I was hoping you’d ask. I have one small project.”
“Do I need my laptop for it? I didn’t bring it.” She wouldn’t be much help after all.
“You will, but you can use mine.”
She stood. “I’m going to put my pants on. I feel a little underdressed to be working.”
“It’s probably just as well, because if you sashay around here with that cute behind showing I’m not going to be able to concentrate.”
She looked down at him. “So you’re saying that I disturb you?”
“Yeah, a lot.” His voice turned stern. “Now, go and get back here and help me.” He grinned and gave her a light pop on the behind.
“Ouf,” she said, and giggled.
* * *
Sean had never enjoyed being around a woman as much as he did Cynthia. Their relationship was playful. Fun. He liked having fun. More than one of his woman friends had called him uptight.
His parents had accused him of being an old man in a young man’s body. Those had been times when he’d been disgusted with them over being excited about a new product or plan. After a while he’d stopped even complaining. For him most of the enthusiasm had been taken out of life except where his work was concerned. With Cynthia, he laughed. Her quick wit made him think. Life had become pleasurable, something he looked forward to. She gave him something he hadn’t realized was missing in his life. Laughter. As Cynthia would call it, fun.
They had talked around the subject of forever earlier. She seemed as if she wanted the same things as him but he’d held back on telling her what he felt. But did he really know? Their relationship was so fresh yet he knew it was something special. For a little while longer he would settle for just enjoying having her in his life.
They worked for a few hours and he was pleased with what they had accomplished.
“I should be done tomorrow. I’ll review it and it’ll be ready to go before next Monday.” He was optimistic that he would receive the grant.
“I’m glad.” She stood and put her arms around his neck, giving him a hug from behind. “I’m proud of you.”
His heart swelled. When was the last time someone had said that to him? Cynthia knew how to make a person feel special.
Sean brought her around him to sit on his lap. “Thanks for your help.”
Her arm lay along his shoulders and her fingers caressed the shell of his ear. “All part of a transcriptionist’s service.”
“I think you’ve gone above the call of duty.” He kissed her temple.
“Maybe, but I’m still glad I could help. As much as I hate it I’ve got to go. It’s getting late.” She slipped off his legs.
“Go? Can’t you stay the night? I hate for you to have to drive home so late.” He took her hand and pulled her back toward him.
“Sean, you know I can’t. I have to think about the example I’m setting for the boys.”
For once Sean would like her to think of them before her brothers. Would Cynthia ever put her wants ahead of others’? Let her brothers grow up in her mind? He made a point of using an even tone and not sounding antagonistic. “So the idea is we’ll just catch each other here and there?”
She slumped and gave him a sad look. “I guess we’ll just have to play it day by day. I can’t come over on the nights Rick has games. You’re always welcome to go with me to those.”
Sean stood and put his hands on her shoulders. “I have to be honest. I want more but I’ll take what I can get. For now.” He kissed her.
“I’m sorry it has to be this way for now. I need to get my clothes and shoes.” Cynthia headed for the bedroom.
Sean’s frustration was growing with her constant need to treat her brothers as if they were children. They were adults just as she was and it was time for her to treat them as such. Sean cleaned up what they had been working on and met her in the living room. “I’ll walk you out.” He took her hand.
At the car, he brought her close and kissed her with all the passion he felt. She returned it. With every fiber in his being screaming no, he let her go.
SEAN MANAGED TO make one of Rick’s basketball games that week. He had to admit he had a good time but he still wished he could spend more time alone with Cynthia, instead of competing with everything else in her life.
Still, the last few days had been wonderful. The nicest he could remember. He’d even enjoyed the family aspect of it. There was a feeling of belonging that he’d not known in a long time. Even acceptance. Her family was one he could be proud of. He puffed with pride when Rick was named most valuable player at the end of the game.
Cynthia did spend Sunday in his bed. After making long, lazy love they were wrapped in each other’s arms when she asked, “So the grant application is ready to go?”
“First thing in the morning. Now all I have to do is wait.”
“That’ll probably be the worst part.” She frowned, then brightened. “We should celebrate.”
The idea startled him. He never thought to do that. “Like how?”
“You know. Have some fun.”
There was that word again. “Don’t we need to save that until we know if I get it?” Sean asked as he ran a finger along her arm.
“No, we should do something special.” She sat up and looked at him while pulling the sheet up to cover her gorgeous breasts.
“What we were doing just now was fun.” He snatched the sheet away.
“Stop.” She grabbed at the material. “I want you to concentrate on what I’m saying.”
He did have a hard time thinking straight when she was naked.
She looked at him earnestly. “Making love is enjoyable but you need to let loose some, Dr. Donavon. Go somewhere, do something. Have fun.”
Could this be a chance to get her to himself for a little
while? No interruptions. No having her running home. Fun wasn’t something he was well versed in but he knew how he’d like to celebrate. By having Cynthia all to himself. “Maybe that’s not such a bad idea.”
She perked up. Excitement filled her voice. “What would we do?”
“Something like you and me going away for a few days. I have a buddy who has been trying to get me to use his cabin on a lake north of here. We can celebrate there. He said something about it being available next weekend. How does that sound?”
Cynthia withered, seemed unsure. After a few seconds, she rallied to say in a cheery voice, “Okay, that sounds nice. I’d like that. Rick’s season is over this Tuesday night so I’m free.” She grinned. “And I like going to a lake even in the early spring.”
“Then I’ll set it up.”
* * *
Monday afternoon there was an email in Cynthia’s box:
I got our trip to the lake all set up for this weekend. Let’s plan to leave about three.