Page 21 of Stolen Kisses with Her Boss
He didn’t move, savoring the feel of having her near. She was a mass of contradictions. Soft and tender yet strong and demanding. Being around her made life interesting. Had made him start rethinking his. The value she placed on relationships with family almost made him physically nervous.
But right now she was causing a number of other physical issues for him. He wanted her and wanted her badly.
She looked adorable with her hair mussed, her cheeks pink from resting on his pillow, and wearing his T-shirt. The shirt material was pulled tight across her breasts and the outline of her nipple showed. His body twitched. What would she do if he ran a finger across her nipple? Would her eyes open wide in surprise? Or flutter open with wonder? Would she roll away? Did he dare find out which? Could he stop himself?
The tips of Cynthia’s fingers brushed his side. His body thrummed with need. His gaze jerked up to find hers. She was watching him. His eyes questioned. Her hand skimmed across his belly and back again, making his skin ripple.
Sean understood when a woman was sending out signals that she wanted him but this forwardness seemed out of character for Cynthia. He had her pegged as the cautious type. Everything about her screamed she was a woman who took being with a man as more than a simple enjoyment of bodies. For her it would involve emotion. Caring. Tomorrow. Could she possibly feel that way about him?
Despite his desires, he had to know before his baser instincts took over. What if she wasn’t ready? He’d all but insisted she stay in his bed. Worse, he’d brought her here when she wasn’t thinking clearly. Would she see it as him taking advantage of her? He’d never been this indecisive about wanting or having a woman. But if Cynthia said no would he have the strength to roll away from her?
Trying not to base his decisions on the demands of his body, he growled, “Cynthia, if you want to leave this bed untouched then you’d better go now.”
There was a pause, then her hand moved again, this time a little further down. “And if I don’t want to?”
He glared at her. “Don’t tease a man on the edge.”
She kissed his chest and murmured, “Ever thought I might be on edge too?”
That was all the invitation he required. He quickly rolled her on her back. Her head sank into his pillow and the mattress dipped as he came down on her. He supported himself above her and studied her face for a few seconds before his mouth claimed hers.
She opened for him and he found her wet heat waiting to greet him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she joined him in the twists and turns of a dance of passion. This uninhibited Cynthia he hadn’t expected, but she fueled his desire like no other. His lips left hers to tease one corner of her mouth as his hands slipped under her shirt. Her hands kneaded his back as if she were begging for all he could give her. There would be red marks on his skin but he would wear them proudly.
He cupped one of her breasts. Cynthia took his lower lip into her mouth and sucked it. The actions sent a hot flash of desire through him. He was aroused to the point of pain. His heart thumped against his chest wall. If he didn’t have her soon he would explode.
When he rolled her nipple between two fingers she flexed her hips, brushing his length. Sean kissed her again as he lifted off her enough to locate the button of her pants. After flipping it open, he deftly moved to the zipper and tugged. Becoming almost frantic in his need to be inside her, he pulled his mouth away. Taking a deep breath, he searched her face.
“This is going too fast. Not fair to you.” His breathing was jagged. He had to find control.
“I’m not complaining.” She shimmied from side to side until she’d gotten her pants down then cupped his face. “Kiss me. I like it when you kiss me.”
He didn’t give her time to ask again. He supported himself on one arm, his mouth finding hers. His other hand he placed on her smooth, flat stomach.
“So silky sweet,” he murmured.
Cynthia sucked in her stomach, then released it so that it met his palm once more. Her hands gripped his upper arms and squeezed. His hand moved lower until it encountered the lace of her underwear. She hissed. Seconds later, she opened her legs. He cupped her center. She was hot and damp. Ready for him.
His hunger was driven to the breaking point. Sliding his finger under her panties, he explored expertly. Cynthia sucked in a sharp breath; her hips rose and settled, accepting him. Her legs relaxed, allowing him complete access. Small panting sounds filled the air between them as he teased and touched her.
Sean pulled his mouth from hers. He wanted to watch her. Wanted her to know it was him giving her pleasure. Her eyelids were leaden, her mouth slightly open, and her hands running over his chest. He’d never seen anything more erotic in his life. It was intoxicating to see Cynthia so enthralled in the delights he was providing. The tip of his thumb flicked her pleasure spot and her hips lurched upward. He drew his finger out and slipped in again. Cynthia squirmed, then moaned soft and long as she lowered to the bed. Seconds later she opened eyes that held a dreamy look. Her tender smile welcomed him.
He quickly stood, pushed his pants to the floor and kicked them away. Shoving the blanket and sheet to the end of the bed, he pulled her legs around so they hung over the edge of the mattress. Working quickly, he removed her pants from her ankles, letting them fall. When he reached for her panties he found her hands already there. She had them over her hips and he pulled them the rest of the way down her shapely legs. Those he planned to have around his hips soon.
Going to the bath, he took a box out from under the counter and removed a package. Returning to the bed, he watched Cynthia’s face as she looked at his naked body. He stepped closer, opening the foil package as he went. When she licked her lips he almost went to his knees. Covering his throbbing length, he made the final step to the bed. She opened her legs so that he could stand between them and admire her sprawled across his bed. Waiting on him. Had there ever been anything more stunning?
Hands on each side of her head, he leaned over her. His lips found hers, tasting and sipping her sweetness. Lowering himself, he nudged against her. Cynthia’s hands slid to his hips and tugged him to her. Did she want him as much as he wanted her? In his urgency, his kiss deepened as he entered her.
Sean sucked in a breath and counted to three as he released it. Had he ever been this hot for a woman? This close to bursting?
She wrapped her legs around his hips and squeezed until he filled her completely. Had anything ever been as good as this?
Seconds later he pulled back.
Cynthia made a sound of frustration and he returned to her. She sighed. He repeated the movement a little faster. Picked up the pace. She joined him until they found a rhythm unique to them. As their tempo built Cynthia tensed, lifted higher and gripped his shoulders, her fingers biting in. He made one final thrust, filling her again to the hilt.
A shudder rocked her body. She threw back her head, arched, keening her pleasure before slowly easing to the bed. He searched for their rhythm again. The drum roll built until he found his release and collapsed on top of her. She pulled him into her arms. He’d been welcomed home.
* * *
Cynthia knew what it was to have physical relations with a man but had never experienced anything like the magic she’d just shared with Sean. Her heart was full. She regarded her lover’s face with wonder, so close and so dear. How had Sean managed to break through her wall to bring her to this point?
She smiled. All it had taken was his silver-tongued voice speaking into her ears.
He slowly rolled to lay beside her. Suddenly self-conscious about lying in the light with a naked man, she pulled the sheet across her hips. She was out of her element. Had acted far more a wanton than ever before.
“Don’t cover yourself. Didn’t I tell you how perfect you are? Amazing?”
She wasn’t used to men praising her body. Her ex certainly hadn’t fawned over her. To have Sean say those words warmed her, made her feel cherished. When was the last time she’d felt special? This was what it was like to have a man admire her. She planned to bask in it.
“Cyn. That suits you.” His hand ran up her bare thigh. “You sure make me think about sinning.”
Cynthia liked hearing her nickname from his lips. Her family members were the only ones who called her that. Sean had moved into her inner circle so easily and quickly. Now she didn’t want him to ever leave.
“That’s the nicest compliment I’ve ever had.” She moved to face him, caressing him with her eyes. Sean had a beautiful body. All vast plains with hollows and slopes. He seemed so at ease with himself. Had she been built like him, she might be self-confident as well. Unable to resist, she reached across his chest and ran her fingertips over his ribs and circled a blue spot on his side.
She reversed her hand. “I’m sorry you got all bruised up in the paintball fight.”
“I’m not. It was fun.”
Cynthia continued to learn the valleys and plains of his chest, then the dips and highs of his ribs.
“I would be careful about that. I might make you pay for tickling me.” His breath brushed her ear. She shivered. He chuckled.
“I bet you would.” Insecurity washed through her. Had she been too forward? Too loud? Was he disappointed?
“Hey.” He tugged gently at a lock of her hair. “Is something wrong?”