Page 11 of Stolen Kisses with Her Boss
“I don’t need any.”
His voice went lower. “If you keep talking dirty to me I’ll need some more and a cold shower to boot.”
Cynthia pulled the freezer door wide, trying to hide her reaction to his teasing. She couldn’t spend the rest of the night with her head in the cold so she took a deep breath and pushed the door closed. This was too much. She’d fantasized about him for too long. Sexual fencing wasn’t something she was prepared for.
“Are you flirting with me?” She tried to make it sound like an accusation, but it came out sounding a tad hopeful.
“I just thought you could use a little fun as well.” He was watching her closely.
They were having fun. The type she’d not shared with a man in a long time, if ever. Dave was a rather dry person with no quick wit. She rather liked flirting.
Cynthia watched as Sean put a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth. He had such a beautiful one. A full lower lip with a thinner upper one, not too wide, and very masculine. She would call it kissable.
Ideas like that had to stop. They were becoming too frequent and too disturbing. Just because Sean had been going to kiss her in the elevator didn’t mean he still wanted to. Squaring her shoulders, Cynthia controlled the shaking of her knees. She sat, leaving plenty of space between them.
“You know, it has been a long time since I’ve been to a birthday party.” He took a bite of cake.
“Really? Even for your family?”
* * *
Sean felt her full attention on him. She obviously thought everyone saw family in the same way. He shook his head. “No. I don’t get together with my family much.”
“Why not? They live far away?” She studied him as if he were some strange lab specimen.
“Not really. Only a couple of hours.”
“I can’t imagine not seeing my brothers every day.” She ate some more cake.
“I haven’t seen my brother or sister in a couple of years. We’re just not a close family. Do you think your brothers will always live right here or close by? They could move away.”
“I know that. But we would always visit.” She paused as if she wasn’t sure she should say more before asking, “Did something happen in your family that causes you not to go see them?”
“Yeah. I got away.” He hoped he made it clear by his tone he wanted to change the subject.
“Oh.” Cynthia returned her attention to her plate.
It wasn’t Cynthia’s business what went on with his family. He didn’t like talking about them. How he felt. It didn’t matter anyway. He was his own man now. Not involved with people who thought or acted as his parents did.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been nosey. Very rude of me. My brothers accuse me of that all the time.”
Sean forced a smile. “Let’s just say my childhood doesn’t hold my fondest memories.”
They ate quietly for a few minutes.
“What does hold your fondest memories?”
“More questions.” He gave her a pointed look. She acted as if she wanted to apologize again but he continued. “Playing paintball will now be one. I rather enjoyed the part where I shot the boy overtaking us while you were under me.”
Cynthia gave him a searching look while seeming to dare him at the same time. “Are you flirting with me again?”
“What if I was?” Somehow her answer was going to mean more than it should. He really liked her. Respected the confidence with which she faced him head-on.
She looked away. “I’m not sure I want to answer that question.”
Maybe she was feeling the same about him as he was her. He grinned. “I think you already have.” Sean placed his spoon on the empty plate. Now he needed to give her room to think about that. “I really should be going.”
“I’m sorry you got caught up in my family craziness.”
“No big deal.” He shrugged a shoulder. “I was glad I was around to help.” When he got to his feet Cynthia did too. She followed him to her front door. Opening it, he turned back to her. “You know, I don’t think I can leave until I’ve finished what I started. I wouldn’t be able to sleep.”
Her perplexed expression brought a smile to his face.
Placing a finger under her chin, he lifted it. “This.” He placed his mouth on hers. Her lips tasted amazing, just as he’d thought they might. They were plump, soft and sweet from the icing. When she didn’t resist he stepped closer, taking the kiss deeper.
Her hands rested on his waist.
“Hey, Cyn.” Rick’s voice carried from the direction of the kitchen.
She pulled back and studied Sean with charmingly dazed eyes, making him want to kiss her on the way to the nearest bedroom.
He said softly, “The next time I kiss you I’m going to make sure we can’t be interrupted.” As Rick came around the corner Sean said in a normal tone, “Good night, Cynthia.”
* * *
The next morning Cynthia was still reliving, basking in, the pleasure of Sean’s lips touching hers. Yet, she still wondered what it meant. Could he be interested in a real relationship or was he just playing with her? Not that she hadn’t enjoyed it. To the contrary, she had very much. They really didn’t have anything in common except that she did his transcription. Yet they seemed to have a good time together. Even laughed a couple of times. But he wasn’t into family. He’d said so.
She only had time for her family right now. More than that, she wanted a husband and children. Forever. But, was that what he was looking for?
Despite all the questions and the push-pull between them, she’d savored his kiss. Found it too brief. Wanted another. Had she daydreamed about him for so long, built him up in her mind to the point it would be impossible for him to meet her expectations? Yet, she found the real Sean Donavon even more fascinating than the fantasy. It had taken nothing but a simple kiss to make her envision being wrapped in his arms, pressed against his chest and thoroughly loved. Her imagination was already warping into overdrive. She laughed. In reality he probably kissed everyone who offered him ice cream.
By midmorning she had checked her emails four times more than usual but still found no notes from Sean. What had she expected? He had a busy practice and was working on the grant. She was being silly. He didn’t have time to waste typing emails to her all the time. Still she looked for one.
Disgusted with herself and determined to get him off her mind, she finished transcribing work for another doctor and called Ann Marie’s house to check on her. Her mother was civil but only gave her a short statement that Ann Marie was doing fine and had gone to school on crutches. She also said that Dr. Donavon had called and it wasn’t necessary that she do so as well.
Cynthia was still glad she had made the effort. Despite how irresponsible Ann Marie’s mother thought she might be, Cynthia still took her responsibility as the adult in the family seriously. She’d found the high road and done the right thing by checking on the girl. It had been nice to have Sean’s support the night before. Sometimes holding down the parent position in her family was a heavy burden. At the hospital had been one of those times. Taking on major adult duties under difficult circumstances hadn’t been easy.
Right now what she should do was concentrate on the transcription she needed to finish. By the middle of the afternoon a message popped into the system that Sean had submitted some dictation. She was down to typing nothing but those an hour later. She’d always left his work for last but now that she’d been kissed by him the thought of his voice in her ear was almost too sensual, too personal.
Left no choice, she opened his material, replaced her headphone
s and clicked on the first report. With her fingers on the keyboard and prepared for Sean’s voice, she still hadn’t expected the jolt she received when he said, “Hello, Cynthia.”
Her heart did a little tap dance. She almost melted in the chair. Leaning back in her chair, she closed her eyes, basking in the timbre of his voice.
“I hope you’re having a good day.”
I am now.
“When you finish the dictation on this tape would you mind printing them and letting the office know? I need them right away. By the way, I enjoyed yesterday evening. Maybe we could do it again sometime soon.”
How was she supposed to concentrate after that? This had to stop. Her obsession with the man. But still a girl could dream. Could bask in it until it ended. And it would end, she was sure.
Straightening in the chair, Cynthia pressed her lips together. It was time for her to get serious. As if that would happen while Sean was speaking in her ear. Still, this was work that must be completed. He needed it. She needed the paycheck.
For the next hour, she barely managed to stay focused on what Sean was saying and not on how her body was reacting to his voice. It was almost a relief to finish the last report. The business day was almost over when she typed the last word. She called Sean’s office and was told by the office manager that it was too late for a messenger service to come.
“Then I’ll just bring them in,” she told the woman.
“I’m sure that Dr. Donavon will appreciate that.”
Cynthia took a few moments to wash her face, brush her hair and change clothes before she headed out of the door. The trip back to her house from downtown wouldn’t be enjoyable during rush hour but Sean had said he needed the reports. She refused to let herself contemplate the little thrill she felt over just having a chance to see Sean again.
Would he be glad to see her?
Pulling into his office parking lot a few minutes before closing time, Cynthia headed into the building. The receptionist was still behind the window but obviously preparing to leave. “I have some transcription that Sean, uh...Dr. Donavon requested for today.”