Page 27 of The Doctor Who Made Her Love Again
“Okay, if I agree to do that, what are you going to do for me?”
* * *
China felt her cheeks growing warm in reaction to Payton’s wolfish grin. She swallowed the lump of anticipation in her throat. “That would be nice but I really had something else in mind.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Like what?”
“Like going to a botanical garden.”
His look became unsure, as if spending the day looking at plants wasn’t his idea of fun. To his credit he said, “Sure. How about Tuesday? We’re both off.”
“How do you know that?”
“I checked the schedule.”
“Are you stalking me?” She gave him a dubious look.
Payton moved in close, becoming predatory. “And if I were?”
China liked it that he’d been interested enough to check on when she worked. With hooded eyes she said, “I guess I don’t mind.”
“Since I can’t talk you into going parasailing with me today, how about we spend the day on the beach? Maybe try some skinny-dipping?”
“That sounds like fun but I make no promises about the skinny-dipping.”
“Given time, I bet I can convince you it would be fun.” He grabbed her and tugged her to him, suppressing her giggle when his lips found hers.
PAYTON HAD TO admit the day had been more interesting than he’d anticipated. China had almost hummed with her excitement over visiting the Beaumont Botanical Gardens. Her reaction mimicked his to the thoughts of going sailing or, better yet, having China beneath him. He could appreciate that delight.
He’d picked her up early Tuesday morning. They’d stopped by Dolly’s for donuts and coffee on their way out of town. “So, do you have directions?”
“I do. It’s only about four hours away.”
“Four hours!”
“Did I forget to tell you that?” she said in a sugar-sweet voice.
He chuckled. “I think I’ve been had. I’m glad we don’t have to be at work until two tomorrow. We’re going to make a day of it and a night.” At least he’d have China to himself for a good long time.
“I didn’t bring anything to stay overnight.”
He wiggled his brows. “You won’t need it.”
“Now I think I’m the one being had.”
“Oh, I plan to.”
China turned pink before she leaned back and gazed out his sunroof. “Looks like we’re going to have a nice day. The last time I went to a botanical garden it rained. It was still wonderful but I didn’t enjoy riding home damp.”
“You walked around in the rain to see a garden?” Disbelief filled his voice.
“Sure, why not? It’s a different world when it rains.”
She did truly love this stuff. He was learning a different facet of China. Would he ever learn them all?
Payton enjoyed the drive. His family had always flown when taking vacations. Making long road trips had never really been his thing but he’d taken pleasure in the freedom he’d had when driving down from Chicago. He given credit to his smooth-driving car for making that trip fun but spending time with China on this one was far better. It was also fascinating to see the miles and miles of swamp as they motored through Louisiana. He’d seen pictures of the land but nothing compared to the view from bridge after long bridge over untamed acreage.
He and China chatted about nothing in particular, argued over what was the best fast-food restaurant, both agreeing that a chicken sandwich was far better than a hamburger. They even sang along at the top of their lungs with the radio, like two college students escaping on spring break.
The more time he spent with China the more he discovered he enjoyed being around her. That was in bed as well as out. All in all it was a pleasant morning and far more entertaining than he would have imagined.
But could it continue? Should he let it? Would she leave him if he got sick? No, but China had such a caring heart that she could become like his mom about his illness. He didn’t want that. It would kill their relationship just as surely as if she walked out on him. Right now he was going to make the most of their time together.
Just before lunch he drove into the paved parking lot of the botanical gardens.
They were on their way to the entrance when China asked, “Are you hungry? If you are, we can get something at the vending machines.”
He took her hand. “I’m open to whatever you want to do. This is your day.”
She smiled up at him with such happiness in her eyes that it hit him like a fist to the chest. He’d like to always be the one to put that look on her face. Heaven help him, was there ever a better feeling? He returned her smile.
“Okay, then. I want to look. Those donuts I had are still with me.” China took his hand. It was the first time she’d ever initiated a contact in public. He liked knowing she felt he was hers to touch.
“Maybe you should have thought a little longer about having that third donut.”
She stopped and glared at him. “What’re you trying to say? I’m getting fat?”
Payton put a hand over his heart. “No way.” He slowly looked at her from the top of her head to her feet. She looked breathtaking in her light blue dress that showed her legs off. “No, I’d say you’re just about perfect.”
She giggled. A sound he treasured.
“Thanks. I do love it when you pour on the charm.”
They started walking again. He lowered his chin, giving her a disbelieving look. “I put on charm?”
“Sure you do. You play Jean like a fine violin.”
Payton brow wrinkled. “What does that mean?”
“That you sweet-talk her into getting your way.” She glanced at him. There was a twinkle in her eyes.
“I do not.”
China stopped and put her hands on her hips. “You didn’t think she wouldn’t mention that you’d talked her into changing your schedule?”
He had the good grace to look contrite. “Well...” He drew the word out. “I might have done that. But in my defense, I wanted to spend the day with you.”
China squeezed his hand and grinned.
Oh, yeah, he had it bad.
“Thanks. I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
They’d reached the information stand.
“There’s no charge?” In his Chicago world he was charged for everything.
“Nope. Plants lovers, you know.” China pulled a map of the gardens out of a rack.
Payton looked over her shoulder. “So, have you decided what we’re going to do?”
“I have. We’re going to take this path through the formal gardens, then down to the water gardens, and around this way.” She used her finger to show him the path.
“Maybe I should have said stop by the vending machine after all. That looks like I might need to fortify myself for the trip.”
“Come on. If you pass out I promise to leave you and come back for you later,” she said in a kidding tone.
He chuckled. “You’re a hard woman, Ms. Davis.”