Page 22 of The Doctor Who Made Her Love Again
Dipping her head to enter the cabin without hitting her head, she stepped into a narrow space with a bunk filling one side with cabinets above and below it. On the other side was a counter with a mini-sink and equally small refrigerator below. At the end of the aisle was a door that must lead to the bath.
The sound of water splashing drifted in. Payton must be in the water. Taking a deep breath, China pulled the far-too-tiny pink pieces
of her bikini out of the beach bag. Why hadn’t she gone out and bought a one-piece? She didn’t wear a bathing suit often. Her two-piece was years old. She liked to sunbathe sometimes so she’d chosen a bikini for that reason, with no intention of wearing it in front of someone like Payton.
Someone like Payton? Someone she was attracted to.
Groaning, she slipped into the suit and was grateful there was no mirror for her to review how she looked. It was best she just get into the water as soon as possible. She braced herself with another deep breath and gathered her towel. Stepping into the sunshine again, she looked out across the expanse of water. She had to admit it was wonderful to be so far away from all responsibilities. There were a few other boats around but they were just dots in the distance. She and Payton were alone.
“Hey, slowpoke. Come on in,” Payton called from below her.
She moved to the side so she could see him.
A wolf whistle rent the air. She didn’t have to look in the mirror to know that she was as pink as her suit after that sound of appreciation. China glared at him. “Stop.” She had to get in the water soon. “Is there a ladder I can use?”
“Just jump. It’s plenty deep here.”
She dropped her towel and hesitated a moment before she leapt through the air. Seconds later, she came up, sputtering salt water.
“You’re supposed to close your mouth before you hit the water,” Payton remarked from where he had his hands wrapped across a plastic float.
“I know that,” she barked, as she pushed her hair out of her face and kicked her legs at the same time.
“Come here and share my float. You’ll get tired, treading water.”
Payton’s smile was large and inviting. His damp shoulders glistened in the sunlight. The urge to run her hand over the contracted muscles almost got the better of her. The man was making her crazy. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea to get close to Payton when he was fully dressed but barely clothed and wet was clearly a bad idea.
Did she have a choice? She couldn’t tread water forever. Slowly, she paddled toward him. He didn’t move, making no effort to meet her halfway. When she was close enough to touch the float he shifted to the other end so she had plenty of space and they were in no danger of coming into contact. At least he was keeping his promise not to touch her, kiss her.
She wanted him to. Every fiber of her being screamed for him to do so. If she let go, gave in, what would happen?
Hot sex, a few days, weeks, maybe months of good times, but it would end. It always did. Her family had been fun to be a part of at one time. A family together, and then it had been over. Her family dynamics had taught her that if you messed up you were out. She wasn’t going to set herself up for that kind of hurt. She’d do something wrong and Payton wouldn’t want her anymore.
A few minutes went by with neither of them saying anything as they drifted along next to the boat. She glanced at Payton and he was looking off toward the shore as if he had no idea she was around. Here she was, half-dressed, and he acted as if she didn’t exist. She was so aware of him her body hummed.
What would it be like to touch his water-slick body? Feel those muscles. Be held against him? She needed to get a grip. She couldn’t stand the tension that was building like a rogue wave. She had to ease it or she would be swept away.
“I think I’ll swim out a little.” She didn’t wait for Payton’s response.
With nice smooth strokes remembered from childhood swimming lessons, she moved away and parallel to the boat. She’d not gone far before she saw Payton keeping up with her stroke for stroke.
She continued on and he did also. When she’d gone as far as she could without resting she stopped. He did, too.
“Are you following me?” she asked in a playful tone.
She started back toward the mattress left floating in the water. Payton joined her but remained just out of touching distance. She stopped again.
“Stop following me.” She cupped a hand and pushed water toward him. It splashed him in the face.
“So that’s the way you want it to be.” Payton returned a handful of water.
This time China dared to get closer then sent water flying his way. He returned it. Not to be outdone, she charged him, placing her hands on his shoulders in an effort to push him under.
When she made a move to retreat, Payton captured her wrist and pulled her to him.
“I thought you were going to keep your hands to yourself.”
“You touched first. All’s fair now.”
The heat of his desire pressed firm and erect against her stomach. He hadn’t been as immune to her as she’d believed. A hot longing filled her. Payton’s hand skimmed more than stroked her as it followed the curvature of her hip over her waist to stop just under her arm. A tiny part of her brain registered that he must be standing on a sand bar. His other hand cupped her behind and held her securely against his length. The thumb of his other hand pushed against the material covering her breast, finding its way underneath. She moaned. Payton’s fingers moved out from under her suit to the back and pulled at the strings holding it secure, leaving her top to float around her neck.
“Wrap your legs around my waist.”
In a haze of need China did as he requested, bringing herself into a position where his length teased her center.
His voice was husky and low as he demanded, “Hold on to my shoulders and lean back. I want to see you, touch you, taste you.”
She came out of the passion-filled daze long enough to say, “I don’t think—”
“Sweetheart, it’s only you and me for miles. Look at me.”
Her gaze came up to lock with his. His eyes were dark with need, and looked like the stormclouds they’d watched roll in days earlier.
China’s heart skipped a beat. It was a heady feeling to know she’d put that look in his eyes. She did as he asked. Titillated, excitement flowed through her veins. Hypersensitive to every movement of Payton’s hands across her belly, over her ribs until they cupped her breast, she shivered.
His dark head slowly descended. She held her breath as his tongue flicked her straining nipple. China moaned. Her core tightened as heat coiled in her. She shifted against him. Payton made a throaty sound of passion. She’d never before felt such blistering, intense need. Allowing her no time to adsorb what was happening, he brought his lips down to her breast again and sucked. Her hips flexed, pushing her core against him.
Payton groaned as if in pain but his focus didn’t leave her breast. His wet tongue circled her nipple and China moved forward again. His mouth released her and he mumbled between fleeting kisses across her chest, “Sweetheart, you’re killing me,” before his mouth captured her other nipple.
China’s fingers bored into his shoulders, clinging for dear life in the middle of the emotional storm Payton was creating within her.
She wanted, wanted... She wanted Payton. Forget all her “should nots.” She had to have him.
His hand slid along her back and between her shoulders to cup the back of her head. He brought her mouth forward to meet his lips.
The kiss was one of reassurance. Deep, slow and searing.
The heat in her exploded into a raging fire.
His other hand lowered, his finger found the edge of her bikini bottom and pushed beneath. China’s heart tapped out of control. Instinctively, she loosened her grip on his shoulders, giving his prying hand better access.
He didn’t hesitate to take her offering. His fingers circled her thigh until they reached the jointure of her legs. Pushing aside the narrow scrap of material, he teased her center.
The throbbing built until she squirmed. She had to have his touch. Begged for it. He had to stop the ragging need that clawed for release. China flexed her hips in invitation.
Payton softly chuckled as his mouth brushed over her jaw. “Not yet, sweetheart.” His dipped his finger into her center but just enough to find the wet warmth that was her and not the Gulf.
When she whimpered in complaint, he reentered as far as he could. With a sigh of rapture, China squeezed her legs around Payton’s waist, arched her back and let the sensation of pure, perfect, pleasure overtake her.
PAYTON HAD NEVER seen anything more stunning. He’d traveled all over Europe. Studied the most famous of paintings, visited the Alps in the winter, but noting came close to preparing him for what China looked like with her breasts raised to the sun and coming apart in his arms. He gave thanks that he’d lived to see it. China in her glory was the essence of what being alive meant.
He’d stepped over the line. There was no turning back now. He wanted more. All.
China had touched him and that had been all it had taken to send him over the edge. He’d tried to keep things friendly. Had given her space on the float. Had swum far enough away they wouldn’t accidentally brush against each other. Then she’d come after him. He wanted that fire, that passion.
Payton pulled her to him and held her close. He waited until her breathing evened and her legs were no longer circling his waist and dangled in the water. Holding her around the waist, he let her stand. He took her hand. “Can you swim to the boat?”
She didn’t answer.
“China, please look at me, sweetheart.” She finally lifted her gaze to meet his. “Thank you.”
“Why? You didn’t...”
“No I didn’t. But you were the most wondrous thing I’ve ever seen. Now, if you think you can swim, I’d like to go back to the boat and spend some more time in private exploring you.”
“I can swim.”
“Turn around and let me tie your top.”
She presented him her back. After he’d fixed her top in place he stepped close enough to let her know that his desire hadn’t diminished. He placed a kiss on the ridge of her shoulder.