Page 20 of The Doctor Who Made Her Love Again
She took so long to answer he feared she was going to say no. “All right. What time should I be ready?”
“Nine o’clock too early?”
“No.” She headed down the steps.
“Bring sunscreen and something to swim in. ’Night, China.”
* * *
The next morning China again wondered what she had gotten herself into. She couldn’t seem to say no to Payton, regardless of how hard she tried. Maybe she just needed to go along and stop fighting him and her feelings. She couldn’t remember when she’d last taken time to just enjoy a day, spent it doing nothing constructive.
Before she could talk herself out of going, Payton pulled his car into the drive. The sudden realization that she was going on a date with Payton hit her. This wasn’t her helping out a new person in town but them spending personal time together. She didn’t date often and she sure didn’t date guys like Payton. Her father had her told her more than once to watch out for the smooth-talking, fast-car type of man because they would get her into trouble. She was in over her head—way over.
China swallowed the knot in her throat as she watched Payton walk toward her. Tall, with a tan, he appeared virile and full of life. Dressed in a white collared shirt with his shirttail out, navy shorts and deck shoes, he could be a member of the classic yachting crowd. His broad smile was white against his skin. Payton was breathtaking and so out of her league. What could he possibly see in her?
“Ready?” he asked, reaching down for her beach bag.
She grabbed it, stopping him. “Something has come up. I’m not going to be able to go.”
He pinned her with a look, his mouth thinning. “Just this second? Like what?” He snapped his fingers.
“I don’t have to tell you.”
“Yes, you do. I think that if you break a date with someone they deserve to know the reason. Especially if it’s at the last minute.”
“I just can’t go.”
He sat down beside her. “Why, China?”
“Because you and I have nothing in common.”
Payton took one of her hands. His thumb ran slowly across the back of her hand as if he was trying to soothe a wild animal. “Oh, I think we had plenty in common last night.”
“But that is all we have, sexual attraction.”
“So you admit it. You’re attracted to me?”
“I think you know I am. I don’t go around kissing every man I see.” She looked down at her toes, which she’d polished bright pink just minutes before he’d driven up.
“I’m glad to hear that. I had hoped I was special.”
“Now you’re making fun of me.”
“No, I’m not. I’m just trying to find out why all of a sudden you don’t want to go sailing with me.”
“I just don’t see where this is going.”
“All this is right now is one friend talking to another and taking that friend sailing to say thank you.” Payton caught her gaze. “This is not a NATO pact affecting millions of people. This is two people having fun together and getting to know each other better. Nothing more, nothing less. Go with the flow for once. You might find out you enjoy yourself.”
Put that way, her argument sounded rather silly.
“Come on, China. Let’s have some fun. I think you take life far too seriously. Enjoy it some. If you don’t like sailing I promise to bring you straight in.” He put up three fingers. “Scout’s honor.”
She took a deep breath. “Okay, I can use a day away.”
“As far as I’m concerned, you can sunbathe to your heart’s content all day long.”
“That does sound nice.”
Payton stood and helped her to her feet. He didn’t let go of her hand as they walked to his car, as if he was afraid she would bolt. Settled in for the ride as they made their way down the East Beach Road to the Golden Shores Marina, China had to admit it was fun having the wind blowing through her hair, the sun on her face and a handsome man at her side. This was what every woman dreamed of. Maybe that was the problem, it seemed too good to be true.
“Were you really a Boy Scout?”
Payton looked at her and grinned. “Eagle Scout, in fact.”
“That figures. An overachiever.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, I think that’s one of the reasons you’re such a good doctor.”
“My goodness, I’m going to blush. Two compliments in less than an hour. Are you running a fever?” He reached over to briefly touch her forehead.
China slapped his hand away. “Funny doctor. Don’t give up your day job to be a comedian.” She laughed.
Payton joined her. It was nice to be around someone with a sense of humor. He was right, she was far too serious. Maybe it was time for that to change.
* * *
Payton had broken out in a sweat when China had said she wasn’t going sailing. For some reason it was important that she come along, see his boat. Friendship was the order of the day. They would spend the day together just getting to know each other better. He loved being on his boat and wanted to share that feeling with China. If she let loose he’d bet she would be a lot of fun. He’d seen hints of if before. A day out on the water might be just the ticket to seeing her less serious side. Problem was that mastering his basic instinct would be the order of the day.
He pulled the car into a parking spot near his slip. Climbing out, Payton grabbed a large brown sack out of the trunk and met China, who had just closed her door. He grinned. “Ready?”
“You really love this sailing stuff, don’t you?”
“I do. Nothing like it. I can’t believe you’ve lived here all your life and never been.”
“After my brother left, my parents discouraged us from doing anything dangerous. I think they were afraid of losing us.”
“I wouldn’t consider sailing dangerous. Still, I won’t let anything happen to you. Nothing but fun stuff today.” He took her hand. “Come on, let me show you my baby.”
“Yeah.” He gave her hand a tug. “My baby.”
They walked down the gray wooden dock.
“This is almost picture perfect. The gleaming white boats against the blue water,” China said.
“See, you’re already glad you came.”
“I guess I am.”
“Don’t get too excited.” He stopped near the end of the dock where his boat bobbed gently in the water.
“Free at Last,” China read out the gold script letters paint on the transom. “I know little about sailing but I thought a boat was supposed to be named after a woman.”
“Some are. Since I don’t know a woman to name mine after, I just put how I feel when I’m on her.” r />
China pursed her lips and nodded her head as if she’d learn something significant. “Interesting.”
“I’m not sure that’s a positive response but maybe you’ll understand after you take a ride.” Stepping onto the edge of the boat, he held his hand up to help China board.
She placed her hand in his and carefully stepped onto the boat then down onto the deck.
“You can have a seat on that bench. I’ve got to untie us. I’ll be right back.”
Payton jumped to the dock and glanced back at China. She sat stiffly on the green cushioned seat with a look of unease marring her features. “Hey.” She met his look. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I really do think you’ll have fun.”
“I’m all right.”
“Then smile.”
She gave him a bright but unconvincing smile. Hurrying to the bow, he released the rope securing the boat to the dock and returned to the stern to do the same. Climbing aboard again, Payton started the small motor and put it into gear. Slowly he maneuvered out of the slip. He glanced back to find China watching with interest as they put distance between them and land. Her body had lost that tense appearance. She was coming around.
* * *
China raised her face to the sun, closed her eyes and basked in its warmth. The sound of water lapping against the side of the boat had her drifting off. When was the last time she’d napped?
The sharp snap and flutter of a sail catching the wind brought her eyes wide open. She couldn’t see Payton, but sounds of movement in front of the cabin said he was there. The wind whipped her hair into her mouth and she gathered it in one hand and pulled it to the side. She stood, swaying as the boat shifted in the water. Bracing her feet apart and holding on to the edge of the roof of the cabin, she looked over it. Payton was leaning over a winch, winding up rope at a rapid speed.
She had a fine view and time to enjoy it. Payton’s muscles flexed with his effort. His legs were strong and sturdy. He was a man in his element, confident and in control. As he straightened and turned to adjust something she was presented an unobstructed view of his firm butt.
Payton turned. His gaze met hers as if he knew she’d been ogling him. A self-assured smile slowly spread across his face as he came toward her. Her lips lifted as if of their own accord. The man had that kind of effect on her.