Page 16 of The Doctor Who Made Her Love Again
“What happened?”
“It’s too long and too ugly story to go into now.” With relief she saw the nursery sign. “Anyway, we’re here. We won’t be long. If they don’t have what I’m looking for then I’ll look for it online.”
The nursery had one of the types of plants China was searching for. As she was talking to a salesperson Payton wandered over to some brightly painted Italian motif pots. “What about getting a few of these to put some of the plants in?” He picked up a medium-sized one.
China had to admit he had great taste. The pots would be perfect, incorporating all the colors in his home.
“They’re rather expensive for the number we need.”
He raised a brow. “I think I can handle it.”
China didn’t doubt that he could.
“How many should we get?”
China kind of liked the sound of we. There was some hint of permanence in the word. As if Payton would be around for a while. Payton was making all the noises of someone who could be counted on. He certainly acted like it where his house was concerned. Could she do the same? She wanted to and that was the first step.
She added up the number of Crotons and Hawaiian tis she’d decided he needed. “Eight should be enough. We can come back if we need more.”
He pulled a neglected cart over and started placing pots on it. “What do you think about this one?” Payton lifted up a yellow pot, unlike the rest.
“I like it. Do you have a yellow room?”
“I do now,” he said with a grin.
When he’d gone through and picked out all he wanted Payton grinned at her and said, like a cute little boy who had just gotten his way, “You know, I like shopping with you. I might do it more often.”
She laughed. “But remember I don’t do grocery stores.”
“Maybe what we need to do is make a deal that I do the grocery shopping and you do everything else. With me tagging along, of course.”
“That just might be a plan.” Especially as it sounded like a relationship. Were they slipping into one despite her efforts not to?
“Great. Let’s get this paid for and get back. I’m beginning to get into this plant stuff.”
Fifteen minutes later they were headed down the road. When they passed the sign to the ferry Payton said, “Is that the ferry that comes in at the end of West Beach Road?”
“Do you get seasick?”
“Then why don’t we take the ferry back?” Payton asked.
She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t tell him the reason. “Okay.”
Forty-five minutes later they were waiting in line when the ferry rolled and frothed the water as it docked.
“I can’t remember the last time I rode a ferry. Maybe as a child but I’m not even sure I did it then,” Payton said.
China couldn’t help but smile. He sounded like he was really looking forward to the ride. “I’ve not ridden it in a long, long time.”
Slowly she drove cross the ramp onto the ferry, pulled to the spot the crew member indicated and turned off the engine. Another crew member came to the window for the fare. Before China could get her purse, Payton handed the man money.
When the man had gone she said, “I could have gotten that.”
“Don’t be unreasonable. You drove your car and you’re helping me out so the least I can do is pay the fare.” Payton opened the door. “Come on, let’s get out and watch.”
China reluctantly followed him up the stairs to the observation deck. “I haven’t been up here in years.”
“Why not?”
Now she was sorry she’d brought it up. “I don’t know.”
He looked at her. “Give. There’s more to it than that. I can tell by the tone of your voice.”
“Hey, you don’t know anything about the tone of my voice.” She took a step away from him.
“I know it gets high when you’re aggravated with me, soft and gentle when you are caring for a child and hard as nails when you believe you’re right. But all that’s beside the point. So answer my question.”
He wouldn’t let it go so she had to say something. “This was Chad’s favorite thing to do.”
“My brother.” She looked at the horizon, where the sky was darkening then back to the white-capped water. “Yes.”
“Why did he leave?”
“He’d gotten in trouble with the law. Father gave him an ultimatum: follow his rules or get out. The next morning he was gone.”
She looked at Payton and found him studying her with eyes that were shadowy with compassion. “Have you heard from him since?”
“No. And I miss him every day.” She shivered from memories and from the wind picking up.
Payton stepped closer and put an arm lightly across her shoulders. “Why don’t we just pretend this is a first for both of us?”
China felt warmed. He was referring to the ferry ride but, still, the statement sounded more intimate then it should have. She glanced at Payton. He was looking off into the distance.
“Do you ever see dolphins here?” he asked.
“I have seen them. A storm is coming in so they might not be around.”
They stood side by side, looking out over the water, barely touching. Somehow the pain of the ugly memories she’d experienced when she’d driven onto the ferry were being replaced by the pleasure of spending time doing something as simple as looking for dolphins.
“Hey, isn’t that one?” Payton let go of her and leaned over the rail.
China grabbed his arm. “Don’t get too excited. You might go over. Show me where.”
Payton stretched his arm outward and she followed the direction he pointed. Seconds later she saw the fin and a glimpse of a silver back coming out of the water.
“There they are again,” Payton said with wonder in his voice.
“Yes. Aren’t they beautiful?”
“Yes. Beautiful.”
His breath whispered across her cheek. She glanced at him to find him watching her. The sun was covered by clouds, but her cheeks were warm, as if it were high in the sky on the brightest of days.
The grinding roar of the engines going into reverse broke the moment. They were coming in to dock.
“We’d better get in the car or we’ll have people honking at us,” Payton said, taking her hand and helping her down the metal stairs. They ran to the car, laughing, and climbed in. China started the car just in time to take her place in line.
As they bumped over the docking plate Payton said, “We need to do this again soon.”
China couldn’t disagree.
IN THE LAST HOUR, Payton had unloaded plants and pots, hauled them up the stairs and helped China place flowers in hanging baskets and containers. He’d had about enough of greenery but China seemed more than happy to continue.
She was a dynamo where plants were concerned. She’d dove headlong into plotting and placing the greenery as soon as they’d arrived at his house. Now she was busy arranging flowers in the living room. The baskets for the porches would have to wait until he bought hooks to hang them from.
Payton washed his hands in the kitchen sink, which had been a no-no when he’d been growing up. Taking two glasses from the cabinet then adding ice and pouring tea into them, he carried them to the living room. Sweet iced tea was one of a n
umber of things he was quickly learning to love about living in the south.
“China, leave those and come watch the storm with me.”
“What?” She looked at him in surprise.
“I like a good storm. Come watch it with me.”
“It sounds like a good way to get electrocuted. The storms down here are nothing like the ones you’re used to.”
“We have plenty of terrible weather in Chicago. Remember it’s flat there also. Come on. That can wait. If I have learned anything in the last year it’s that stuff can wait.”
China looked up from where she knelton the floor and gave him a long searching look. She rose slowly. “Let me wash my hands and I’ll meet you outside.”
Payton nodded and strolled toward one of the doors to the front porch. Minutes later China stepped out and hesitated. Her gaze moved from him to the dark sky off to the west. She was beautiful with her hair blowing around her face and her chin raised against the wind. This was a formable woman who could stand against a storm in life. He’d never seen that in Janice but he had seen it in his mom when she’d so fearlessly cared for him when he’d been at his worst. China had that same backbone.
She moved to take the chair nearby. Payton patted the extra spot next to him on the love seat. “You can see better from here.” After a moment she took the spot he’d indicated but acted as if she was making sure she didn’t touch him. He propped his feet up on the low table in front of them and ran an arm across the back of the settee. China sat forward stiffly.
“Relax, I’m not going to bite, and the storm isn’t going to be that bad.”
The wind grew and whirled around them, whistling around the corners of the house.
“I think I’d better go.” China moved to stand.
Payton lightly placed his hand on her shoulder. “You can’t. I need a ride to your house to pick up my car, and I’m not ready to go.”
He had her there. China’s nature wouldn’t let her leave him without transportation. She had to always be taking care of someone. This time he rather liked being the focus of her attention and he was going to make the most of it.
“Lean back and watch. Haven’t you ever watched a storm coming?”